
Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs by Molly Harper

glitterbomb47's review against another edition

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The main character is rather erratically written in the first half, but then the author seems to work out the kinks. There were a LOT of similarities to the Sookie Stackhouse series, but this book had better quips. So if you like Sookie, you'll probably enjoy this book.

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review

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Quick, fun read. Plot and characters quite predictable, but still an enjoyable story. Fun, light story. Vampires that are out and drinking bagged blood, but having some problems with their live family.

feelinfroggy's review against another edition

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I am not sure how I stumbled across this series but I am so glad I did!

lynseyisreading's review against another edition

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Like music to my ears.

This is a review of the audiobook version, which is narrated by the amazing Amanda Ronconi. The combination of Ronconi's lively, comedic reading and Harper's witty one-liners, make it an enjoyable, grin-inducing read, one I wished would never end.

I'd enjoyed Harper's other series on audiobook, too—her Naked Werewolf series—so I knew I was in for a treat. I've had very little time for "real" reading lately, so audiobooks have been my only option, but they can be hit and miss for me. A bad or poorly selected narrator can ruin and otherwise enjoyable book, and I freely admit to being a bit of a fussy madam when it comes to narrators. I therefore feel it important to state just how good these are on audio.

So, about the story. Jane Jameson is a woman after my own heart. A slightly insecure and nerdy librarian with a razor sharp wit and lacking any kind of brain to mouth filter, she is very underappreciated and overlooked as a human. But, as the title would suggest, she doesn't stay human for long. A funnier human to vampire transformation scenario I have never read. I won't spoil it, but it was hilarious. And that was the great thing about this book; it's funny. The things that are usually desperately sad and angsty in other series are handled with slapstick comedy in this and it was so refreshing to see a newly turned vampire enjoying all of the perks rather than mewling about the negatives.

The plot was based around a gentle mystery, but with these books, the real enjoyment will be found in the characters rather than in any complex plotting. And a great cast of characters it is. There's an intriguing and perplexing love interest, a lovable rogue new friend, and a hilarious bunch of Jane's family members. The dialogue—especially Jane's—is just so funny. Harper is one of those writers who you could quote endlessly. There are so many snarky comebacks and witty rebuttals, I'm sure I smiled like a lunatic throughout the whole book.

Because of the mystery being slightly lacklustre and the love interest being more perplexing and confusing than I was anticipating, I've settled on 3.5 stars, but having listened to the rest of the series already, I can tell you books 2, 3 and 4 improve on both of these points.

A highly recommended audiobook experience!
3 Stars ★★★1/2

shari0134's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this, but found it to be pretty routine.

keraashley's review against another edition

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Was fine, nothing really happened. Her and her vamp bf had a very chill relationship, kind of bored through most of it tbh.

diaryofthebookdragon's review against another edition

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*** 3 stars ***

Maybe this book would have gotten a higher rating if I havent' read [b:And One Last Thing ...|7100200|And One Last Thing ...|Molly Harper||7358015] by [a:Molly Harper|2503028|Molly Harper|] first. That book really made my LMAO, so I expected the same from this one. Unfortunately it did not happen, humor was mediocre and some puns were good, but when repeated a couple of times trough the book they got boring (and it was even worse with the pun that was not even funny the first time).
As for the plot although author I guess tried to be original it's still somehow has that same-old-same-old feel.

I hope it gets better in the next book [b:Nice Girls Don't Date Dead Men|5999242|Nice Girls Don't Date Dead Men (Jane Jameson, #2)|Molly Harper||6173971]. Common Molly, I know you have it in you! ;)

sunnydee's review against another edition

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Erst einmal muss ich erwähnen, dass mein Mängelexemplar leider eines von der Sorte war, wo das Wort Mängel wirklich berechtigt ist. Es fehlten 40 Seiten. Dafür waren andere Seiten doppelt drin. Das war vor allem sehr ärgerlich, weil dort etwas entscheidendes passierte.
Inhaltlich ist es weder originell noch innovativ. Eigentlich ist es ein total mittelmäßiges Vampirbuch, dass auch noch sehr viele Parallelen zu Twilight und Sookie Stackhouse aufwies. Es hat mich oft gelangweilt, weil es sich hinzog oder nebensächliche Sachen bis ins Detail beschrieben wurden. Da half dann auch der wirklich geniale Humor nicht.
Der Humor war das besondere an dem Buch und er lag mir sehr. Ich hätte mich stelleweise wegschmeißen können vor lachen. Es gibt hier wirklich großartige Situationskomik und herrlich sarkastischen Humor. Allerdings versuchte die Autorin diesen in fast jede Zeile einzubauen, was dann schnell auch mal nervte.
Die Liebesgeschichte läuft eher nebenher und konnte mich leider nicht so überzeugen. Natürlich gab es auch wieder einen Nebenbuhler. Aber auch das konnte mich nicht so recht packen. Es war nicht schlecht aber eben auch nichts besonderes und das Ende war in Sachen Liebe auch relativ offen.
Alles in allem kann man das Buch sicher lesen, wenn man den Humor mag, aber es muss auch nicht unbedingt sein. Ich werde die Reihe nicht weiterverfolgen, würde aber aufgrund des genialen Humors noch ein anderes Buch der Autorin ausprobieren.

Meine Wertung:
3,4 von 5 Sternen

thegeekyblogger's review against another edition

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New Thoughts after Re-Listen
Listened for Fun (Audible)
Overall Rating: 4.00
Story Rating: 4.00
Character Rating: 4.00

Audio Rating: 4.50 (Not part of the overall rating)

Updated Thoughts: This was even better the second time around. Plus I am so much more into the audio than I was the first time I listened to it. :)

Bought on Audible
Overall Rating: 3.75 (2011)/4.25 (2014)
Story Rating: 3.5 (2011)/ 4.00 (2014)
Character Rating: 4.0 (2011)/ 4.50 (2014

Audio Rating: 3.5 (2011)/ 4.00 (2014)

Original Review May 1, 2011

NOTE: The Jane Jameson series became my choice for a series read after finishing the Werewolf Series by Molly Harper. I really like Molly Harper's wit and storytelling abilities. This series is shaping up to be just as fun!

What I Loved: Molly Harper has done it again (or before but we are talking my reading order) with Jane Jameson. Jane is funny, smart, witty, sarcastic, and just downright brilliant no matter what situation she is thrown into. In this story, Jane is changed into a vampire after accidentally being mistaken as a deer by a drunk hunter. Her sire, the ever so hot, Gabriel just makes her transition into vampire all that more interesting as they try and navigate the murky waters that are dating. If you throw in someone trying to scare her, debating on how/if to tell her parents, living with her dead aunt (who she can now see), and dealing with losing her job, you can see how Jane has a lot on her plate to deal with. The story is just downright fun!

What I Liked: Can I just say that the teenage council member that is a bajillion years old is one of my favorite characters? She manages to look bored, play mean, and be fair all at one time. The way that Molly writes characters makes each one of them stand out even if they are only in the book sporadically. My other favorite character is Dick Cheney---no, not that Dick Cheney---as he said, "I was Dick Cheney before he was and I will be Dick Cheney after he is gone."

Complaints: At times there was a little to much going on but luckily it was pretty easy to keep it all straight.

Audio Review: Narrated by Amanda Ronconi who again does an excellent job with the women's voices but the men all sound to feminine. I knew this though and still choose to listen to it on audio because I really like how Amanda pulls off all the one-liners that Molly writes!

Why I gave it a 3.75: This was just a downright fun read that will make you smile. Who doesn't like a book that makes you smile?

Who I would recommend this too: PNR readers who don't expect an HEA but an HE-maybe.

bookwife's review against another edition

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Im not quite sure why I put this book down when I started it before because it was really good. It was funny!