
Unblemished by Sara Ella

flowersofquiethappiness's review

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This was quite a fun adventure! But I have to confess that I did not realize it was going to be part of a series so when I got to the end, I was a bit....unprepared shall we say. Because I am a very impatient reader! :) Hence I decided I should clarify that first, lest any other unsuspecting readers choose to try this book expecting for everything to get resolved by the final page. It doesn't! I'm just going to put that out there right now. However. There were a lot of my questions that did get explained, at least enough to satisfy me for now, so that helped. There's a bit of a cliffhanger, but it's not too terrible. As someone who hates to wait a long time for the next book in a series, I truly hope the wait isn't forever though!

Anyhoo, on to the good stuff. I liked Eliyana, but it did take a bit for me to warm up to her. Perhaps she's a bit too teenagerish for me? That's not a complaint, I just think I was expecting her to make adult decisions sometimes, which isn't fair because she's not an adult yet. I simply had to remind myself that she's only seventeen. Yet I could definitely understand the myriad of emotions she felt at the beginning, grief for her mother, confusion and fear as things began happening around her, not to mention all the anger and pain that heartache brings, which she has no time to even begin to process. She has a huge amount of new information and new people (some of whom are trustworthy and some not, neither of which is easy to decipher) thrown in her path in quick succession. Thus I could cut her a little slack at moments when she frustrated me.

The world building is pretty wonderful. I liked the fact that we get a map in the beginning (maps are always so helpful when it comes to fantasy worlds!), and I really liked that much of the storyline takes place in a different, yet still kind of recognizable New York. I appreciated having familiarities to ground me when things got a little crazy! And boy did things get crazy. There's so much going on and we, along with Eliyana, get thrown right into the mix of things with little explanation. It served to intrigue me and keep me turning pages. (Well done, Sara Ella!) As things move at a pretty quick pace right from chapter one, it's best you put your seat belts on and hang on for the ride. :D

There's a lot of familiar tropes in the story, as well as several times I had to go back and reread a paragraph to be sure I understood what just happened! Kudos to the author for surprising me with unexpected plotlines and character decisions. I really loved the way some of the characters were so ambiguous. I loved it and I hated it. What a quandary, right?! ;) When an author inspires FEELings in me, I know that's a really good sign! But I also must tell you that there's the dreaded love triangle. *heaves a big sigh* I am not a fan of those. At all. I do have a preference, but future books (?) will have to tell me if I'm right or not. Which is why I don't like love triangles! I like to know who to root for, okay? Also! What is with parents and/or guardians of these "special snowflake" main characters who never explain what's going on? They always talk about how "it's for your safety", but come on. Is it really? I, for one, think a little communication prior to where our story starts would go a long way to preventing some of the chaos! But then, I suppose we wouldn't have a lot of the story, would we? Nevermind then.

Full of epic adventure, swoony romance (yes, even with a love triangle ;), and excellent writing that pulls you in, this is a wonderful story! Even if I have to wait ages, I will definitely be looking forward to more!

**I received a complimentary copy from Thomas Nelson and Netgalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

farmfreshlisa's review

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I don't know what I was expecting with this novel, but it blew me away! Once the story started going, I couldn't put it down. It was just the type of fantasy I enjoy with twists and turns every step of the way, and the kind of plot where just when you are sure you have it figured out--you get slammed with something else.

There was SOOOO much in this book. I had to re-read chapters now and then because little pieces were strewn and I needed to make sure I didn't miss anything! The lead character Eliyana is very well done and really grew and changed throughout the book. I enjoyed having pieces of her past woven throughout the story. I am not always good with first person narratives, but this one was very well done and I think it might have lacked something if it had been done any other way.

This book had pieces of other fantasy books I have enjoyed--like the 13th Reality series by James Dashner with its parallel worlds, the Animorphs series where humans can morph into other creatures, and Twilight in that people had a special gift (aka superpower). But I don't think I ever felt like "Oh I've read this before." It was like taking the best of everything I loved and putting it into this book.

The ending makes you think--and throws a MAJOR twist you don't see coming--or at least I didn't, and actually explains the Prelude in the book (which I JUST figured out). I was left just wanting to pick up the next book and start reading!

I think Hollywood could have a FABULOUS time with this book--it has everything they love. Love triangles, "super powers", secrets, good vs evil, battles, and personal sacrifice.

I also want to add, that while I initially expected some sort of Christian fiction tie-in (there wasn't any mention of God or the gospel--beyond obvious dark v. light, good v. evil and a few deeper messages hiding--kind of like JR Tolkien and CS Lewis do), the book is a CLEAN fantasy. There are just a couple quick kiss scenes. And the battles aren't gory. I think this makes it a great choice for those who want to provide a "safe" fantasy series for their children.

I know it's shocking, but I have given Unblemished one of my rare 5 star ratings. It was everything I could have asked for in a Fantasy novel and more--great plot, twists and turns everywhere, no slow parts, constant having to piece things together, a lead character with faults--and it left me wanting MORE! I cannot wait to get the next book in the series Unraveling which will be released July 2017. I have heard from the author, that this is a trilogy, which means nothing will be completely resolved in book 2 either! LOL

It's going to be so hard to wait until July 2017 for the next book! But Unblemished is actually a book I would read again, so I could pick up things I missed the first go around--the true sign of a 5 star book! I hope you will add this book to your TO READ list if you like fantasy, it doesn't matter that it's YA genre at all.

**I received this book in return for my honest reveal through the Fiction Guild/Thomas Nelson. I was not compensated in any other way for my review.

what_ella_reads's review

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I have seen the "Unblemished," trilogy book constantly on bookstagram over the past three or 4 years. Everyone seemed to have pretty positive opinions about this book, so I added it to my tbr awhile ago.
I have read a few books recently that were hyped about on Instagram, that didn't meet all my expectations. Because of that I felt a little reserved when I first started reading it.
My reservations went away in no time.I became enthralled by the story before I was half way through!

I really liked the characters. There was a good mix of characters, with varying personalities. Eliyana is a girl I relate to a lot. I struggle feeling confident about my looks and I, too, often wonder if I matter to people. It was encouraging to see Eliyana's confidence grow as she started fighting for those she cares about.
I am also a fan of the relationships in this book. I like how close El and her mom. We need to see more healthy, familial relationships in ya books.
I am not the biggest fan of love triangles, but I have to admit that the love triangle in this one. I am currently team Ky, but I am interested to see how Joshua's role plays out in the next two books as well.

As for the plot, I liked it. There were enough action scenes and twists to keep my attention. There were also enough sweet and sad moments to keep me emotionally invested in the story.

There were only two things I didn't like about this book. The first things I didn't like was that there were some lines, usually about the bad guys, that seemed forced and cliched. Eliyana's inner dialogues often seemed immature for someone who turns 18 at the end of the book. I do realize that this is a YA book and I am in my 20s, so I am not the exact target audience. These moments probably would not have bothered me if this book had been around when I was in high school.

The only other thing that kept me from fully enjoying this book was that I am still kinda confused about certain details of the powers El and her loved ones have. Like most fantasy books, there are a lot of elements to this story. The first book in a fantasy series can be a bit overwhelming because the author is working to establish the set of characters, the rules of the magic or powers, and the large scale setting. The issues with world building are usually less obvious in the second book, which I think will be the case with this series.

Despite my two issues with this book, I am going to still give it a high rating. Any problems I had with it are outweighed by the fact that I devoured this book quickly and kept wanting to reach for it, even when I had other things to do.

My rating: 4.5 stars out of 5 (rounded up to 5).

owlyreadsalot's review

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This is another book where I wasn't so fond of the main character, in this case it's Eliyana. It isn't because she's a bad character, just not much there that made me that invested in her. I did have a few favorites that kept me reading on, such as Makai and Kyaphus (which I adore). Not only that, but I loved the world in Unblemished, always something different and new (or old depending on how you see it).

There are different worlds in this novel; through reflections other realms can be found and in each world every soul is unique. Eliyana is special though, and is very valuable, extremely bad if she falls in the wrong hands. The first few chapters of this novel were a little hard to get into, but once all that information got added into it and all the mystery of it kept coming into the pages, I just couldn't help but enjoy this read that much more.

It's not just the realms that were interesting in this book, it was the many different beings that filled the pages. There were those that shifted into things like Wren whose main choosing is a griffin, and Robyn who is at one time seen as Bengal tiger. Then there are those who are called Physics like Nathaniel, but is so much more than just that.

So many characters and places fill this novel and that's part of what kept me from finishing this book sooner. I enjoyed several parts of this book and was fascinated by all the fantastical things in it, but sometimes it just felt a little overwhelming. There was so much packed into each chapter that I ended up taking breaks at times just to try and recap every single thing that happened in it. Not that I didn't enjoy a lot of it, but it did drag a little.

Another thing that was a little vexing in this novel was the love triangle that didn't have a place in this book. Joshua only seemed part of it in the beginning, then it felt forced throughout the rest of the novel. I didn't mention him earlier for a reason and that's because I didn't care for his character as much as I came to enjoy Ky's (Kyaphus) and it's a shame because the earlier chapters with him seemed very promising, especially when her mother left him as Eliyana's guardian.

Even with those not so good bits, I was still left enjoying many things, several I mentioned above. I don't like things left unfinished, even more when there is more than one character I really care for, so I'm definitely going to be reading the next book in the series and hoping for an even better outcome. If it was anything like this one, I know there will be more enchanting places and people to look forward to.

***I received this copy from Thomas Nelson/HarperCollins via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.***

reneesmith's review

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I'm rating this for my students. It was one of the most popular books of the 2016-2017 school year borrowed from my classroom library! They're eagerly awaiting book 2 :)

perilous1's review

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Originally reviewed for YA Books Central:

3.5 Stars

A swift moving worlds-within-worlds urban fantasy, tinged with teenaged romance and insecurities aplenty.

The tale is told from the first-person present-tense viewpoint of almost-18-year-old Eliyana. Eli is a New York City native (or so she thinks), who is reeling from the recent death of her mother… along with the strange fact that she’s fallen under the legal guardianship of her best friend and neighbor—who she is desperately and unrequitedly in love with. As if her current circumstances weren’t difficult enough, Eli is nearly friendless and plagued by low self-esteem—both of which a direct result of her having an intricate birthmark stamped across one side of her face.

What I Liked:

Author Sara Ella’s urban debut is reminiscent of a blend between Julie Kagawa's Iron Fae series (minus the iron allergy) and Square/Ubi's Kingdom Hearts (minus the obvious Disney references.) Which is an interesting strategy, if it was intentional--combining the essence of a book and video game. It’s not something I’ve seen done before. And in this reader’s perception, it offers advantages to both the plot and the action scenes.

The classic good vs. evil struggle was acknowledged and clearly represented in the concepts of the Verity and Void. And the corruption of character that results in the “Soulless” doesn’t leave much room for confusion. I particularly appreciated the rules behind the process and the limitations regarding children.

Despite my general dislike of love-triangles—especially in combination with the “bad-boy-with-a-heart-of-gold” trope—I genuinely grew to like the competing anti-hero figure. As depth was layered on, he actually became my favorite out of the entire cast. (Although the unlikely husband/wife duo introduced partway through was also a highlight—if only for the stereotype breakaway.) And despite my usual hesitation over present-tense telling, Ella pulled off the style competently.

The map at the front of the book makes for a great side-by-side visual of the “reflections,” and came in handy at several points as world building and hopping eventually ensued.

What Didn’t Work For Me:

-Holy product placement, Batman!
I can’t recall ever seeing so many name brands brought up so often in even a standard contemporary. (Seriously, I'd be surprised if the author wasn't receiving some sort of kickback from Ugg boots.) It’s a minor issue in the grand scheme of writing, but it may distract readers who pick up on this sort of thing.

-Initially the detail about Eli being a vegetarian is interesting and novel--as it was one of the only personal things we get to learn about her before being launched into the action. But it took until the last quarter of the book to learn WHY she avoids meat... which turns out to be a sanctimonious-sounding "eww it had a face; how could anyone possibly..." mentality. I was hoping for more complexity to her, but it ultimately felt more like an afterthought than an enriching thread.

-I'm going to have to call extreme negligence on Eli's mom. She fled to a dangerous alternate world with her infant child, knowing an evil king would be hunting her and knowing full well when a "Guardian" moved in next door to monitor her. Yet she didn't bother warning or prepping Eli about ANYTHING. No fairy stories she'd later realize were true... no basic self-defense classes so she wouldn't be painfully helpless when her past eventually caught up to her... nothing. Not even a hopeful (if fantastical) explanation as to why the facial birthmark/tattoo made Eli special rather than freakish. Everyone acts as if she was safer not knowing anything about her origins, but there’s no evidence that this is the case. (It’s quite to the contrary in every respect.) Eli is clearly in far more danger due to her overwhelming ignorance and lack of anything to draw on for information.

-I’m also afraid I can't say I was a fan of how fast Eli is invented her own realm-based colloquialisms. It would have made more sense if we'd heard her exposed to them courtesy of the native characters, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. The behavior appears to have developed without gradual organic adoption, and so feels rather forced.

Note: Those looking for cleaner, less objectionable content than market standard are likely to be pleased with this pick. While difficult subjects are touched on, the handling is subtle—nothing I could look back on and consider gratuitous or triggering.

For a debut book, the author shows a lot of potential. I look forward to checking out her progress once she has a few more works under her belt.

morgangiesbrecht's review

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I didn’t know what to expect walking into this book.

hellomadalyn's review

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I really loved the unique world and fairytale elements in this one!

maryfaithreads's review

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4.5 / 5 stars
Warning: Mild spoilers ahead

I don't even know what to say about this book. Based on the gorgeous cover and interesting synopsis, I had very high expectations. I had a difficult time getting into the book at first, specifically when they were in New York. But about one hundred pages in, I was completely swept up in this story. I read most of it in one day. I literally could not put it down, which has not been happening a lot for me lately.

I would categorize this as fantasy, but it was kind of a mixture of everything. There was magic and mystery and romance. Speaking of, this book has the what can only be characterized as one of the biggest love triangles ever. Even if you are typically annoyed by love triangles, this one ends up being super important and central to the storyline, so give it a chance. (Also, I totally don't know where I stand with this love triangle. I flip-flopped between Team Ky and Team Joshua at least three times.)

I adored this book. I want to give it 5 stars so badly, but the rough beginning and some confusing explanations given at the end knocked it down half a star. (I might come back and change it to 5 later...who knows.) But these were very minor issues. This is easily one of my favorite books I have rad so far this year, if not my favorite overall. Based on the epilogue (or "coda" as it was called) I am so excited for the rest of this series. I think it has a ton of potential.