
Dead-Eyed God, by Sam Witt

errantdreams's review

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Got any arachnophobia? This will trigger it. Big spiders. Little spiders. Spider-like monsters. Spiders under the skin. Spider silk everywhere, trapping people. Lots of killing people by spider or spider silk in gruesome ways. I’m almost amazed I made it through it. It was handled very well and certainly upped the ‘ick’ factor! The violence is bloody and quite visceral.

Joe is still stuck with bits of the Long Man and the Haunter in Darkness inside of him, and they’re both working to kill him while he steals bits of their power when needed. This time they’re working together to take him out, and they may do some real damage.

Witt still does excellent extended fight scenes. They’re so absorbing, and their length doesn’t make them boring, which is a neat trick.

There’s nothing happy/shiny about this horror novel. Just plenty of horror, death, fighting, and blood. I look forward to reading more of Witt’s books!

Original review on my blog: