
Logan by Julie Hall

rusticreadingal's review

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LOGAN is a sort of prequel to the Life After series told from the perspective of... you guessed it... Logan. It was so awesome to get to know more about Logan. He's so mysterious and keeps a lot of himself hidden in the full length books, so I loved getting this peek into his head. I really enjoyed getting a look at what Logan's life was like pre-death and then the beginning of his afterlife. And it was great to see more of his and Kaitlin's friendship.

LOGAN is a great read to hold me over until the release of book three, DOMINION, but it can also be enjoyed even if you haven't read the LIFE AFTER series before. (Although you might get even more enjoyment out of it if you've read books one and two beforehand.) It did take me just a little bit to get into, which was probably just me getting used to Logan's POV. But it really didn't take long before I was reading as fast as I could and then being super sad because it ended. This whole series is amazing and I can't recommend it highly enough!

piperkitty81's review

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Okay, this was cool! I've never read a book where you can watch videos from the author with notes and answering reader questions! I also enjoyed the music she links in this too. The book itself was well done and gives a lot of answers to things I wondered while reading Huntress and Warfare. Do not skip this short novella in the series!

auburnedge's review

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A view into Logan

This is perfect for fans of the life after series. It let's us know the background on Logan as well as a few of his first thoughts on Audrey.

gswizzel's review

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I had no intention on reading this novella originally. I'm not a die-hard fan of Logan or the romance in this series for that matter. There is a lot of back and forth angst, but I love that this novella sheds light on Logan as a character, not a love-interest. It actually got me invested in him.

Yeah, I'd say I'd recommend it if you are planning on reading the full series.

christimaly's review

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I am not going to lie: I read this book in one day.

I love hearing from Logan’s point of view! This book fills in some gaps from Logan’s life and his point of view, which helps explain his initial reaction to Audrey. Logan’s character, before this, was complicated and I was only seeing things from Audrey’s point of view. This book helped clear up a lot for me and what I want to do is go back and start all over again with Huntress and read the entire trilogy again knowing what I now know. It’s like a mystery book where all of the little things finally add up or reveal themselves to be bigger hints and make the whole picture that much more intriguing. Julie Hall is fantastic!

daydreambookbliss's review

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Loved getting Logan’s back story & his first meet with Audrey. Love this series

kasfire's review

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5/5 Stars

Awww that was a nice little peek into Logan's mind. I honestly love when authors do novellas from other characters POVs. It gives more depth and understanding to them.

It was heartbreaking to read about his death though. I already felt so much for him and it was only intensified.

Disclaimer: I voluntarily reviewed an ARC for the author

brittnichenelle's review

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I really wish it was the same story from Logan's point of view. The moments he was with Audry sparkled, I didn't really care about his history and got enough from the regular series to not need this one. It was amazing how little I understood about Logan from reading the Huntress. I can't believe he liked her from the beginning. That part was a joy to read. The rest... meh.

silver_valkyrie_reads's review

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In some ways this novella was closer to the epic demon fighting I was hoping for in the first two books, but not very suspenseful since it was covering events I'd already learned about. Still enjoyed getting Logan's perspective.

It's also cool how the author took advantage of the ebook format to include some extra content.