
War Demons by Russell S. Newquist

maleficentknits's review

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This was an ARC I received for an honest review.

This wants to be a movie, a SCIFI/SYFY channel, made for TV movie at the very least. It started out really well, with a strong action scene and a well written main character but once it moved along the story moved into mediocre writing. I wanted so much to rave about this like a Dresden Files' Harry Dresden mash-up with a PTSD suffering Gulf/Iraq/Afghanistan war veteran but it just didn't happen. The writing became over simplified and I just wasn't buying into the characters bonding with each other to take on demons/warlocks/witches/zombies and seriously? "not-vampires." That was just too distracting every time it was referenced. It also leaves an opening for a continuing series so I was left with feeling unfulfilled.

I want to believe with some serious editing the could be a fun, fast-paced novelette so I will definitely keep Mr. Newquist on my radar as a writer to keep my eye out for.