
Only Time Will Tell, by Jeffrey Archer

nicnactack's review against another edition

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3.5 of 5

coffeeandreads's review against another edition

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A very typical Archer story. Prestigious schools, class differences, friendships, benefactors, rivalries, and twists in the plot. While I don't see anything new, I'm glad that Archer is still a great storyteller.

Since this is part of a trilogy, I'm hoping that the story gets more solid as I move through the books.

moiramorgan's review against another edition

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I haven’t read any Jeffrey Archer books for a long time and really enjoyed Only Time will Tell. It was easy to read and the pace was fast.

The story spans the period from end of WW1 to the beginning of WW2 and is the story of the Cliftons – Maisie and her son Harry. Maisie Clifton is a working class mother who works hard and makes sacrifices to enable her son to have access to education and a better life, and Harry Clifton is a scholarship student and whose life takes a different direction when the story ends at the outbreak of WW2. The lives of the Cliftons are interlinked with an upper class family, the Barringtons and we learn more about the events which happened in the past and which link these 2 families as the story progresses. There are also a number of secondary characters who play a key part in providing opportunities for Harry.

The story is broken down into sections for each of the main characters - Harry, Maisie, Hugo, Giles and Emma Barrington and Old Jack Tar. Each section builds on the previous section but also includes additional information based on the events happening around each character. This is told initially in the first person and then changes to third person narration which really provides the reader with a full picture of events and in which the actions of the secondary characters become more apparent. This results in many twists & turns to the story and the story finishes with one final twist which of course has resulted in the 2nd book in the series.

Overall I did enjoy and have added the 2nd book in the series to my TBR list.

okenwillow's review against another edition

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Amateurs de sagas familiales à multiples rebonds, ce roman est pour vous ! Sans avoir pour autant le style, la subtilité et la profondeur d'une Louise Erdrich ou d'une Joyce Carol Oates, Archer n'en demeure pas moins un auteur habile et ingénieux. Sa saga comportera cinq volumes, et l'histoire s'étalera de 1920 à....2020 ! Un siècle d'intrigues, de mensonges, de trahisons, de cachotteries et j'en passe. Le tout au fil de l'Histoire, puisque les deux premiers tomes nous occupent de 1920 à 1945. Tous les ingrédients sont là, nous sommes dans une vraie saga avec tout ce qu'elle peut avoir de romanesque, d'excessif, de grosses ficelles et de personnages extraordinaires. Archer réussit si bien son coup que tout passe, on voit venir certains revirements de très loin, mais on gobe les maladresses avec un plaisir certain. L'époque est retranscrite avec une telle minutie, les personnages tellement développés que l'on pardonne les quelques facilités qui parsèment le livre. J'ai apprécié la structure de l'intrigue, racontée par plusieurs points de vue. Chaque chapitre recouvre une période précise, vue et vécue par un personnage précis, et ce qui nous paraît parfois obscur, ce qui reste sans explication, est éclairci dans un autre chapitre, par le vécu d'un autre personnage. Ce petit jeu de va-et-vient induit un suspens très bien entretenu, l'intérêt et la curiosité du lecteur ne pourraient pas être mieux titillés. Les personnages sont également très poussés, et malgré certains stéréotypes (le père indigne, la mère exemplaire, le vieux sage, etc.), très attachants. Le destin du jeune Harry Clifton est aussi rocambolesque que multiple. Il vient de loin le petit Harry, et il croisera sur sa route une foule de personnages sympathiques et bienveillants (peut-être un peu trop ?). Un sacré bon début de saga qui promet de bien belles heures de lecture.

lfulla's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this book, the writing was simple and straight forward; it's the plot and characters that draw you in. I finished the book in only a few sittings, the last one keeping me up until 1 in the morning because I had to find out what happened to Harry.

My only criticism would be the strange way the author keeps changing the point of view. I enjoyed having different sections focusing on different characters, but I don't think the first person point of view chapters really added anything to the story and at first they only confused me. They also don't really sound different enough to be believable.

Overall, an enjoyable quick read and I'm excited for the next in the series.

I won this book through Goodreads FirstReads.

missymo55's review against another edition

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Ruddy brilliant book! Well Done Mr Archer! Even you have surpassed yourself. Now where is book 2!

booksfinity's review against another edition

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An amazing story and what a great ending. Excited to read the second book in the series.
Great work by Jeffrey Archer!!

laura_h_77's review against another edition

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There are a lot of coincidences in this book, and at times that makes it quite superficial to read. But the characters are interesting and there’s enough history to enjoy the setting. It jumps forward in time quickly and there are some elements of the story that I would have liked to explore more, but mainly it works well. I would read more in the series but maybe after a break first!

pmuk's review against another edition

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Mr Archer has tried to create another epic comparable in scale to Kane and Abel. Whilst an easy holiday read, it misses the mark. The characters are vivid but the storyline is very predictable.

book_vorfreude's review against another edition

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Honestly no idea how to rate this book. I loved that we got everyone’s POV, annoyed a certain character didn’t get what he deserved. Really like the writing style and how easy the story flowed, but this is also not my typical type of book so I don’t have all that much to compare it to since I mostly read fantasy.

It was definitely interesting and I hope to one day keep going onto the next one.