
Alliance Agency Box Set Volume One by Maddie Wade, India Kells

k_huskic's review

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4.5 star total

I unknowingly started this series by reading book 3 first, so I enjoyed going back to the start and reading about the couples I had already met in that one.
This was Shane and Emme's story. Shane wants to find the serial killer responsible for his best friend's sister's death. As Emme bears a close resemblance to the previous victims, a plan is made to lure the killer out, using her as bait. For this to happen, Emme and Shane pose as a married couple, and of course, this brings them closer together.
I love a romantic suspense novel, and I enjoyed this one. Shane and Emme are both strong, capable characters in their own right, but I always question why the women in stories like these go off and try to confront the bad guys alone, without telling anyone where they are going. It seems to be a common theme. But aside from that, I liked the story and the characters, and like that there's a little epilogue giving us a look at their future.

Kingsley and Sydney come together when the Alliance Agency is hired to find Sydney who is "missing". Sydney was a victim of a horrible assault as a teenager, and the person responsible isn't done with her just yet. However, Kingsley and the Alliance staff will do everything within their power to keep her safe.
Sydney and Kingsley's relationship was a sweet one, and he is careful to not overstep, due to her past. I liked how Sydney's story will continue within the agency, even though she's not a trained team member. I also loved the little epilogue at the end.
Though I don't feel there was as much heat and suspense, romantically, as the other couples in this series, I still enjoyed reading their story.

When Cleo is followed after leaving work one day, Mason comes to her rescue, and they discover this is not random, but she is actually being stalked. The agency delves into her unknown past looking for potential suspects, and when the stalker continues to taunt Cleo, she ends up closer to Mason than she ever thought she'd get, and they both fall fast, and hard.
Oh, I liked this one! Cleo is a fun character, who is always in control, and believes Mason to be her total opposite, but I think they are totally suited for one another. They both do silly things in the name of protecting the other, as characters in books like these do, but ultimately know they are meant to be, and won't let that go quickly.
I really enjoyed the twists and suspense in this story (though I did guess what was really going on) and I always love a good romance plot. Another great read in the series!

LETHAL JUSTICE: (I read this one first)
I really enjoyed this book. Romance, suspense and action - what’s not to love?
I haven’t read the first two books in this series, but wasn’t lost at all. The story centres around gangs and crooked cops, with Frida, a lawyer trying to stop them, and Malco, who comes to her aid in a time of need, and doesn’t want to let her go.
Frida and Malco both have complicated pasts, but it is something that brings them closer, rather than pushes them apart. I loved that even though both are very strong willed, they always tried to see things from the other’s perspective.
This was a great read! I need to go back and read the first two now!

nikkisbooknook's review

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Shane needs to find the person responsible for his bestie's little sister's murder. Hs best bet is using a decoy - one on the shape of English operative Emme. But can he really throw Emme as bait? Will his burgeoning feelings for the feisty operative get in the way?

Shane and Emme are great characters. Emme was maybe a wee bit TOO independent and feisty, almost becoming devil-may-care and putting herself in danger is not going to catch the bad guy! I did enjoy their story and there is plenty to be happy about.

KNIGHT WATCH: Kingsley and Sydney. Kingsley was an EOD specialist with the Royal Marines but he was looking for a fresh challenge. His first case with Alliance Agency seems easy enough.
Find a kidnapped female and get her back to her uncle. But something is off with the uncle and as he and the team dig deeper, more and more things don't add up. Sydney has been hiding from her odious uncle for years. He and his crony too something precious from her, something n family member should do to someone they love. But when a huge, bada%% male breaks her from her prison, can she really trust him, especially when he states they got the case from her uncle?

A very emotional and triggering stryline handled with deft care. Sydney is a warrior woman! Kingsley was everything you want in a hero: protective, possessive, caring. He just needs to let Sydney flourish and he'll reap the rewards of her growing independence.

Cleo's obtained a stalker and the danger is increasing in leaps and bounds. Mason, the other English agent at Alliance, comes to her rescue and what follows is an adventurous, fast-paced love-story. Cleo s hilarious and just so damn good at her job - those agents won't get anything past her. She will do anything for those she decides are "family" - she just doesn't seem to grasp that they'd do the same for her. Mason is totally a James Bond for the modern age! I loved that total WTF moment when the stalker was revealed!

LETHAL JUSTICE: Frida and Malco
We met Frida earlier in the series and now she get to have a HEA. What she doesn't realise is that she and Malco have a closer connection than they first thought, one that could blow them apart before they catch the crooked cops and drug dealers. Strong-willed lawyer and stubborn former Agent - talk about clashing personalities. But these two work and I absolutely adored their ending!