
Hands of Darkness by Heather James

ohiosarah's review

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I read book 1, Unholy Hunger, last year and really enjoyed it and so I was excited to read Hands of Darkness, which is book 2 in Heather James’ Lure of the Serpent series. This one begins looking into the mind of a man, a pure evil mind, one that had been abused and neglected at the hands of his attorney mother until at age 16 she threw him out and he began taking out his anger on women. Evelyn is pregnant, her marriage is on the mend from losing their daughter and so things are looking up for her and she becomes a police consultant and gets wrapped up into a dangerous case, one she can’t back away from when one of her friends becomes a surviving victim of a rapist-murderer. Even at the stakes of losing her life and leaving behind her newborn son and husband she pursues the killer because she knows it’s something she must do and even comes close to being number 6.

I don’t want to give a lot, or any spoilers but I will say that I found a new way that breast milk can come in handy – if you’re ever attacked just squirt your breast milk at said attacker – and since I’m a pro-breastfeeder I liked the main stream look at a working mom who also achieves a way to nurse her infant. Usually, the second book is hard pressed to compete with the first book, but that isn’t the case I enjoyed this book probably more than the first – it kept me on the edge of my seat for an entire day, well probably only a few hours but with start and stops I finished it this morning having started it late last night. Since I do issue warnings I will say this there is some crude referrals to certain acts, because of the element that is dealt with in the story it lent a certain authenticity but I definitely wouldn’t let my 12 year or even an older child read this book. Overall, I’d recommend this to friends who enjoy suspenseful books and who enjoy Christian fiction but may want something edgier – Heather James is an attorney and that comes through in her writing.

**I was given a copy of this book from Kregel Publications in exchange for my honest opinion, no other compensation was given.