henniebooks's review

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I, personally, enjoyed the Ministers for Magic and Azkaban part the most.

kikiandarrowsfishshelf's review

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These are not so much short stories about but character sketches, almost as if Rowling was showing her character sheets for Umbridge and Slughorn among others. The highlights are also a list of the Minsters of Magic, which includes some funny tidbits. If you are a Harry Potter fan, these are worth a read and nicely add to the universe.

jakram's review

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Decent companion to the novels, but don't look here for excitement.

santraginusv's review

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Much better quality of content than the one about Hogwarts. Contains much that is relatively new and interesting. Well much, I mean we all want a 500 page compendium a la Discworld, but in the mean time this will suffice as an amusing side dish.

deeplyanchored's review

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Dolores Umbridge may have looked like an iced cupcake, but she was anything but sweet. She was savage, sadistic and remorseless.

Slightly disappointed in this one.

dahi's review

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jodielouisereads's review

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Read for the O.W.Ls Readathon 2020
I read this for my Divination OWL
Grading: 3 Stars* A/ Acceptable

Probably the most boring in the little collection of writings produced by Pottermore. I didn't actually think i could refer to anything in in the Potterverse as boring, but hey there's a first time for everything.

As with the previous short story in this mini series JK Rowling takes us through some background information involving some of the characters and institutes within the wizarding world this edition includes back ground knowledge of Dolores Jane Umbridge, all of he Ministers for Magic, Horace Slughorn, Peeves the Poltergeist and some back ground information on Potions lessons.

Through out these short writings JK Rowling lets us into where she gets the inspiration for her characters and things she talks about through out, such as where she comes up with the names for her characters and how their names are some ways linked to their character traits. How the ingrediants for the polyjuice potion hold resemblance to twining one persons identity to another. When giving us the down low on possibly the most hated character within the whole series, Dolores Umbridge she tells us how people she has met through out her lift inspired certain traits when creating Umbridge, which i found to be really interesting information, the way in wich JK literally takes inspiration for her books through out all different aspects of her life, interactions, history and so much more.

I also like how JK admitted to the trouble she caused herself in creating the time turner, how could she continue with her plot if the magical community could take a short trip through time? She admits that this could be a potential mistake and problem for her plot but she tells us how she over comes this and shows just some of the issues when writing a story, trying to ensure you cover all those plot holes.

Overall these writings are brilliant for people such as myself who live and breathe in this fantastical world, the world that was built for these stories is so intricate and rich every bit of insight we get feels like a magical treasure in itself and gaining insight into Rowling's inspiration and character histories she has created is a magic in it's own right.

wulfow01's review

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A great read

I quite enjoyed this kindle book, I recommend it highly. I would have liked to see more stories just not enough of them.

chasekehrig's review

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Interesting but this should have just been a couple blog posts free online

jolenes's review

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Interesting to read about these different things and Rowling's thoughts on them! Continuing on with the rest.