
Auf den letzten Biss by Chloe Neill

seriouslybookish's review against another edition

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It is by far my favourite in the series. Ethan and Merit were beyond incredible. Yes, Ethan stubborn and distant at some points and I did want to slap him silly but that is just part of the appeal I guess. The twist at the end was shocking but I am glad it happened. Merit was so amazing and I loved how she stood by Ethan when he tried to push him away. Two more books until I am caught up with series and I am not prepared.

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review against another edition

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Blood Games was another tight, fast-paced, action-filled and hot and romantic installment in the Chicagoland Vampires series!
I didn't realize before now how much I've missed Merit and Ethan, Mallory and Catcher, the Ombuddies and everyone else!

laurenjodi's review against another edition

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Blood Games
4 Stars

As Cadogan House and it's Master, Ethan Sullivan, await the response of the Greenwich Presidium to his challenge for leadership, Merit has her hands full assisting the CPD on a case involving several murders staged to look like the work of vampires and other magical practitioners. Can Merit stop the killer before he strikes closer to home?

There is a lot going on in this installment of the Chicagoland Vampires with three separate storylines. Nevertheless, Neill manages to pull it all off nicely, and there are a couple of surprising twists at the end that should make for interesting reading in upcoming books.

The "games" mentioned in the title may refer to any or all of the plot lines including the serial killer who uses Tarot cards to stage his victims, the obstacles that Ethan must overcome to assume leadership of the GP, and the machinations of a mysterious traitor siphoning cash out of the GPs bank accounts. Each is well-developed and resolved satisfactorily.

As always, there is tension and angst in Ethan and Merit's relationship as he refuses to let her in on the secrets of his past for fear of losing her. With time, stubbornness and a cunning scheme or two, Merit manages to wear down his resolve and their romance is the stronger for it.

The only disappointing element is Neill's failure to
Spoilerkill Mallory off despite a golden opportunity.
Oh well, there is still time for the remaining books. A girl can hope!

In sum, entertaining and action packed with just the right amount of drama. Looking forward to Dark Debt.

angie_stl's review against another edition

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As always, Ms Neill has woven an amazing story with tons of action and so much romance. It was a little difficult to get into at the beginning, probably because I read the first chapter and a half that she released on her website, but once I got past that part, it was smooth sailing. Merit and Ethan are my current two favorite characters in all the very many books I have read, and I look forward to every book she releases. This one most definitely did not disappoint. Merit and Ethan had some issues to work out in this book, but they came out stronger than ever. Of course, we are left off set up for the next book, that I expect to be as exciting as any other in the series. This was well worth my time and money!!

arae9352's review against another edition

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Shit, oh my god, shit, oh my god, shit, oh my god, shit, and a giant HOLY FUCKING CRAP, and that's this book in a nutshell.

wilda85's review against another edition

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Another fabulous Chicagoland Vampires book packed with action, sarcasm, and so much more. A couple of things were repetitive which is the reason behind the 4 stars instead of the 5. I'm sorry, but there's only so much talk about Merit and her food that I can handle. Yes, she loves food and is always hungry, but does one of her friends have to comment on it for every meal? I get that it's a part of her character, and as a fellow foodie, I love that about her but there's no need for everyone to constantly poke fun at her for it.

Anyways, Blood Games was definitely a changer for the series and I can't wait to see where everything goes from here.

nortonmerlyn's review against another edition

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Had a lot of trouble focusing on this book. But at the very end once again a character is brought back to life

iggyebab's review against another edition

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Love it

I love this series and cannot wait for threat installment. all the different storylines keep it fresh, fun, and fascinating

maybeicanbesaved's review against another edition

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Loved this one, though I hated the tension between Ethan&Merit that drew out for half the book.

And I totally thought he was gonna win, so I was disappointed when he didn't. Though, what Nicole did was pretty awesome. Didn't see it coming!


ladymoonlight's review

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 ** spoiler alert - Bitte nicht lesen, wenn ihr die ersten 7 oder 8 Bände nicht kennt!**

Wie immer eine gelungene Geschichte! Ich bin einfach Fan der Reihe und kann daher glaube ich auch wenig Negatives dazu sagen. Es gibt allerdings eine Entwicklung, die ich nicht unbedingt gebraucht hätte. Ich denke schon länger darüber nach. 

Für mich hätte Ethan ehrlich gesagt nicht unbedingt zurückkommen müssen. Ich bin Team Jonah und werde das vermutlich auch bis zum Ende bleiben. Teilweise ist Merits und Ethans Beziehung einfach ungesund. Wenn Ethan nie zurückgekommen wäre, hätte Merit vielleicht auch einige neue Aufgaben bekommen. Vor allem die Sache mit der Roten Garde kommt schon ein wenig zu kurz. Das ist aber nur mein persönliches Empfinden. Es ist jetzt auch nicht so, dass ich Ethan gar nicht mag. Am Anfang der Bücher war er auch mein Favorit für Merit. Aber nun... 

Das ist wirklich schwer zu erklären. Mir ist allerdings auch klar, in welche Richtung die Autorin gehen will und ich kann mir auch vorstellen, von was bzw. wem dann das Spin-Off handelt. Daher verstehe ich das auch irgendwie. Obwohl ich großer Fan der Bücher bin, hätte ich mir von Chloe Neill etwas mehr Mut zur Veränderung gewünscht. Auch wenn ich sie dafür am Anfang vermutlich gehasst hätte. 

Jetzt habe ich aber genug gemotzt. Dennoch bekommt das Buch natürlich 5 Sterne von mir. Ich liebe Chloe Neills Schreibstil abgöttisch, ebenfalls ihre Charaktere und die ganze Welt, in der sie sich bewegen. 

Buch: 5 Sterne

Sprecher/innen: 5 Sterne

Cover: 3 Sterne