
Love Bites by Tony Spencer

anovelstart's review

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I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or my review in any way.

I really loved reading this book. It has such a huge range of genres, there’s a story in it for everyone.

I’d like to start by telling you my favourite story in the book was ‘Tea-Shop Twinkle’. It’s about an old man who visits the same café every day at the same time. It’s such a sweet love story about a romance that can never be. She’s very loyal to her husband, and he has too much honour and respect to do anything unseemly. Instead they have this unspoken agreement to be friends, and it works for them. I thought this was quite charming actually because it shows that even if love isn’t possible (even if it’s returned), it isn’t the end of the world. You can still get a lot out of a friendship if you’re strong enough to do that.

The very first story in the book, ‘Just Pussy’, is an adult one. It made me laugh so much! There’s a quote I want to share that had me sniggering, it’s quite a dry sense of humour but I loved it.

“Damn, I’ve been around the block so many times they should rename this street Felix Block.”

‘The One’ is a nice story too. A guy that’s really down on his luck. I won’t give away the storyline, but to me this story just screams justice! It made me giggle a bit at the ending because I wanted to scream at the two new characters on the scene.

‘ANJie’, I don’t really have words for. This one actually quite touched me. It’s about a man, he’s been in an accident, his life is going to waste, and everyone think he’s crazy (but harmless) because he talks to his car. There are twists in this story, I didn’t see them coming. It’s quite a sad story in its own way, but there’s also a bucket load of hope. It’s definitely one of my favourites in the book. It’s one of those stories that leaves you pondering in a good way. It leaves the reader to decided which outcome is the real one.

I’d like to share another quote, this one is from a short-story called ‘Silver Moon Rising’,

“They look big and strong, but the youth have no stamina, no enthusiasm for work. That’s why they will never amount to anything.”

Seriously, how true is this now’er days? My generation, on the whole, are so lazy! They may look the part, but put us to the test and we largely aren’t unto scratch. On the whole it’s due to lack of effort. Take tools for instance, you get a drill from years ago… still works today. Buy a new one, a modern one… it breaks within the year. Same thing!

There are so many great stories in this book I can’t list them all. All I can say is that I really enjoyed this book and will definitely be reading it again. I want to read it slower this time and savour it :) Take in each story bit by bit and give them the respect they deserve. This book has made me laugh and bring tears to my eyes, I love the way it’s written and would definitely recommend it.

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