
Edible by Ella Frank

kizsia's review against another edition

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I know that I am really late in reading this book, but omg is all I can day :) I read Ella's book "Try" and found out that Cole was in that book but he also had a book of his own and this did not disappoint.

Cole and Rachel are hot..plain and He's a lawyer and under that suit, looks can sure be deceiving. I was drawn in from the beginning especially with the Caramel (which by the way you will not think of the same

With reading this I now want to read Mason and Josh's story, I'm sure I will love it too :)

If you want a nice steamy read, with a sexy alpha male, introduce your self to Cole Madison :)

zaza_bdp's review

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Attention, romance érotique chaude bouillante en vue !!

Voici donc le troisième tome de la série Exquisite et cette fois-ci, c'est au tour de Rachel (la soeur de Mason, héros du tome 1) et Cole (demi-frère de Logan, héros du spinoff M/M) de faire bouillir notre sang ! Ayant déjà lu le spinoff avant cette série-là, je connaissais déjà les grandes lignes l'histoire de Cole et Rachel, je pensais les avoir cernés et je me disais que j'allais peut-être m'ennuyer à la lecture de ce tome.

Or non, pas du tout. Pas.du.tout.du.tout même ! Car Ella Frank a plus d'un tour dans son sac et a l'art de nous réserver des surprises, le genre qu'on ne voit vraiment pas venir.
SpoilerJe pense surtout à ce que Cole cache sous sa garde robe chic et classique, je vous avoue que j'ai momentanément souffert d'une micro-fracture de la mâchoire quand il se déshabille pour la 1ère fois, et quant à la deuxième ... wahou !)

Les personnages sont réussis, j'ai aimé les redécouvrir sous un autre jour, me laisser surprendre, charmer et attendrir. Leur histoire est très sexy, parsemée de quelques moments de douceur et de tendresse.

Des trois tomes, celui-ci est le plus érotique, le plus intense et le plus hot des trois. Les scènes de galipettes sont nombreuses, explicites, variées et hautement torrides ! Leur rencontre électrique dans le tome 2 laissait déjà présager cela, mais encore, j'étais très loin du compte ! Alors oui, entre tout va très vite, trop vite sans doute, mais pourtant, ça fonctionne très bien. J'ai aimé voir l'homme qui se cachait derrière la facade du golden-boy, j'ai aimé voir Rachel lâcher prise et s'en remettre à lui (alors que habituellement, je n'aime pas tellement ce genre de dynamique de couple). Grâce à lui, elle va renouer avec elle-même et trouver la pièce manquante dans sa vie (et réciproquement). J'aime autant le côté caliente de leur histoire (et Dieu sait qu'ils sont nombreux) que les passages plus tendres, où ils montrent une part de vulnérabilité. D'ailleurs un passage particulièrement émouvant m'a mis les larmes aux yeux, sans doute parce qu'il fait écho à des souvenirs personnels, mais c'est pour moi le plus beau passage du livre.

Les personnages des tomes précédents sont bien présents, avec Mason et Josh ultra protecteurs, Lena et Shelly les petites curieuses ... ce qui donne lieu à des passages tantôt sympathiques, tantôt tendus. Et puis il y a Logan ... Chacune de ses apparitions est tout simplement jubilatoire et parfaite, ce mec crève l'écran (enfin le livre ^_^), une fois encore, je suis stupéfaite par le charisme que l'auteur a réussi à insuffler en lui.
Lorsqu'il rencontre Rachel pour la 1ère fois, elle attend Cole au bureau et c'est Logan himself qui vient à sa rencontre, et il ne peut pas s'empêcher de faire son numéro !

- So ? Do I measure up ?
- I wasn't checking you out.(...)
- Yes, you were. It's okay though. People can't help themselves. (...)
- Are you serious ?
- Very. I mean, look at all of this.

Enfin, ce tome porte un titre qui lui sied parfaitement, érotisme et gourmandise étant étroitement liés ici.
SpoilerJe ne regarderai plus une bouteille de vin rouge ni du caramel de la même façon moi !

C'est vraiment chouette que J'ai Lu ai racheté les droits de cette série car les lectrices VF vont bientôt pouvoir la découvrir et croyez-moi, la plume d'Ella Frank mérite vraiment qu'on s'y arrête ! Ce tome est mon préféré des trois et c'est avec un petit pincement au coeur que je l'ai terminé. L'épilogue clôt parfaitement la série, il est plein de tendresse et de joie, et on a du mal à quitter ces personnages. Fort heureusement, on les recroise dans le spinoff M/M.

texcare1's review

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Loved Loved this book gave it a 5 and put it in my favorite books. Lordy I love Carmel so much this book is so hot. I'm talking about HOT SEXY AND HOT again Lordy Lordy I love me some Carmel :)

meggiecole's review

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My Girl

Everything Ella writes is gold. This book was perfect. Cole and Rachel were perfect. Ella is one of my top 5 authors and she never disappoints. Highly recommended.

mar_cortz's review against another edition

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First of all, let me start by saying I read Temptation first and I think this is the best series I’ve read this year. While reading Logan’a story I met Rachel and Cole, they were so cute together, such a nice couple, that when I found out they had their own book I immediately added it to my TBR.

Now if you have finished this book already you can imagine why this commanding, tattooed and pierced man was such a hot/surprise!

Cole is a great brother, a great friend, a wonderful father and husband based on what I reas about them in Temptation.

But I never imagined he was so hot and intense. Out of this series this book is definitely my favorite and the one I would recommend, which is surprising since I’m not a super fan of insta love, but it works for them.

I never experienced insta love in real life so I find it hard to believe but honestly I’m here for the hot scenes and the HEAs and Rachel definitely deserved one.

I would have loved for these two to have their own series and explore a bit more these characters. Rachel was victim of domestic abuse and after losing both parents is a bit lost, how she handles those feelings along with the past would have been worth many more pages IMO.

Cole is great! Does not stop to amaze me honestly and would have loved to explore his past so much more but what the author showed I loved it!

There is not much more to say except, read Temptation if you liked this book, you are going to love it specially if you have a soft spot for MM just like I do!

sil_the_lobster's review against another edition

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I wanted to like it. Really, I did. I loved 'Try' and 'Take', the author's two m/m books so much. I enjoyed reading about Tate and Logan, their bantering, their cat-and-mouse-games... and I thought it was time to read some m/f romance/erotica after having spent the overwhelming majority of my reading time in the m/m sector.

But. This one just didn't do it for me. Like, not at all. I couldn't relate to the characters and they didn't grow on me as the book progressed. There's talk about their great connection, about how it just clicks and the mutual attraction is overwhelming and what have you but I have no idea where it comes from other than the fact that both are hot, sexy, tattooed and pierced. What's more, Rachel's been abused and bullied in the past and yet she jumps when Cole snaps his fingers? I mean, WTF? I can see how she might have been somehow conditioned or brainwashed or whatever into preferring the domineering type and it leaves me with a funny taste because I would like to understand how she comes from being bullied into obeying to actually enjoying it. As for Cole, well, no. Just, no. Too smooth, too slick, too perfect, without that humour that makes Logan so sexy despite the fact that he, too, is quite the arrogant prick.

When I pick up an erotic romance, I do not expect in-depth characterisations or intricate storylines. What I do expect are believable characters. And while I had no trouble seeing why straight Tate developed an interest for omnisexual Logan, I couldn't see how bullied Rachel fell for domineering Cole.

Oh, and one more thing. That overuse of the sentence structure 'doing this, he did that', 'doing that, she did this'? Sooo very annoying. I'm not blaming the author - that's an editing thing. Made the amateur editor in me scream.

hmmm_ireadthatsomewhere's review against another edition

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This was the best of this 3 book series. I think because I read the series out of order and already liked Cole and Rachel from the temptations series.

anasatticbookblog's review against another edition

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Read more of my reviews and ramblings at Ana's Attic Book Blog
This Made my top books of summer list with 5+++ stars

Holy hot and sexy alpha, dirty talking, edible deliciousness!
“I want you naked and in my bed, and I want it in the next two minutes.”
“Or?” she pushed.
“There is no or,” he informed her as his serious eyes met hers. “Just do it.”

Edible just secured Ella Frank a spot in my absolute favorite authors list. I loved every sweet, sticky, caramel-covered second of this book! Frankly, I was a little scared to review this. I loved it so much that it is worth more than 5 stars for me, but until this month, those 5+++ star rated books were few and far between. But this is the third ABSOLUTELY AMAZEBALLS book I have read this month.  This book was well worth more than 5 stars, it had everything I look for in a book, and it was so hot, I'm surprised my kindle didn't burn up (because I certainly did! So did Mr. Ana ;) )
“Remember this moment, Rachel, because I don’t plan to forget it until you’re screaming my name so loudly that every single person within a ten-mile radius knows what it fucking is.”

Edible is the third in the Exquisite series. Each book can stand alone, but since characters from Exquisite (book 1-my review) and Entice (book 2-my review) make some major appearances is this book, I advise reading it in order. The whole series is worth the read, and absolutely one of my favorites. Filled with sexy banter, sexual tension, and some fairly kinky and hot-as-fuck scenes without unnecessary angst, Exquisite is a series you don't want to miss.
"I will use my mouth, tongue, and anything else I need to make you whisper, groan, and scream my name"

Rachel Edible

Rachel is a leather wearing, edgy looking, beautiful woman who sports different bright color streaks in her hair weekly. She has taken over running a flower shop during the day, and being a pastry chef at night in her brother, Mason's restaurant. (Mason's book is Exquisite, the name of the restaurant). Rachel met Cole briefly in book two, Entice, where Cole had spotted her at a club called Whipped, all Dommed out. The sexual tension between them was palpable, but nothing happened.

Cole seems to be an uptight, perfectly tailored, never-a-wrinkle in his suit kind of guy, and he is also a high powered attorney. But you can't always judge a book by it's cover, or a man by his clothes.

Cole from Edible

"Cole was a man who exuded confidence. He projected strength and determination in every aspect of his life, and it only made sense that he would carry it over to the bedroom. This wasn’t a man who was playing at anything; this was a man who lived the only way he knew how."

Rachel and Cole bump into each other at the subway station. As the banter ensued, Cole put a candy in his mouth. And while a man like him should have looked ridiculous eating a candy, he looked nothing of the sort.
"Sinful was what popped into her head--as if she needed an adjective to describe what her body was already screaming."
"Would you like a taste Rachel?"
"And if I say yes?"
If you say yes, I’m going to have a hard time not pushing my tongue between those brazen fucking lips. was what Cole wanted to say as he looked down at the feisty woman in the tight leather pants.
"If you say yes, I’ll give you my tongue to suck on, and you can take a guess at what it is."

Though Rachel tried to avoid him, Cole had another plan in mind, and made sure he met her again.
"I want to touch you, Rachel, ALL of you, but I won't until you ask me to. (...)
The man is too fucking much--cocky, arrogant, sexy, and bad....the look in his eyes and the tone of his voice screamed all the bad things he wanted to do to her."
"There is one small problem here, don't you think? We both want to be on top.”
Cole couldn’t help the wicked thrill he felt snake up his spine at her words.

“I’m not averse to being underneath you, Rachel, not in the least.”

Rachel has been hurt in the past, and Cole recognizes her fears. But he brings out the cocky-as-fuck attitude that drove her crazy, and challenges Rachel to "take off his suit", and promises he will not touch her until she asks...or begs. (Holy hotness....I would totally be begging this guy!)
The man is a fucking god. If she thought he had been dangerous with clothes, removing them had just made him lethal.

Keeping his arms firmly behind his back, he lifted his mouth from hers and moved it to her ear.
“I can’t touch you, Rachel, and god, I want to. I want to undo these sexy leather pants and slide my hands inside. Or maybe, I could lick the skin that’s peeking out between the laces, but I can’t. You said no.”

Cole is the perfect guy for Rachel. Though she protected herself with her Domme persona, she needed someone like Cole who could take control.
“By the time I get to you, I promise you will be begging for it. In fact, I should just be able to look at you, and you will want to come. If your greedy little hands have done the deed, you won’t need me now, will you?”

Let me tell you, I will never look at caramel the same way again.


Edible had barely any angst, had a great story, and the sexual tension oozed off every page. I loved both characters, and it was a pleasure re-visiting the couples from the two previous books. After reading Edible, I think back to the first two in the Exquisite series, and really loved them, but Edible was my favorite of the series. Her books just keep getting better!


  • -Dominant, cocky, bossy, and totally sweet and loving, Cole is one of my favorite book boyfriends ever.

  • -Wait until you find out all of Cole's surprises. Holy hot.

  • -Don't judge a book by it's'll see.

  • -The interaction between Rachel and her brother Mason.

  • -The friendship between Rachel and the couples in the two precious books.

  • -Very little angst, but it wasn't too light either.

  • -One of the most memorable, sticky, sex scenes ever.

  • -How Cole helps Rachel become whole again.

  • -I was able to remember the first two books well enough because the author was good at reminding the reader without overdoing it.

  • -I have a craving for caramel, ladders and wine.

  • -One of the best 3rd person books I have read. I usually have trouble connecting with third person, but had no such issues here.


  • -Absolutely nothing.

Rating: 5+++ Stars, 5 Heat



I have very few books that can give me both a 5+ star story and a 5+ Heat (See all of my Great Story with Great Sex books here), but Edible fits in there well. Reading Edible has made me want to read the entire series again. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, my husband got lucky several times, and I will never look at caramel the same. Ella is one of the best erotic romance writers I have read. Her next book is male/male, something I'm really not usually fond of unless there is a female in the mix. But if Ella writes it, I will read it. She is absolutely on my auto-buy list.

"I had no idea it would be you," she admitted ………
"And I knew it had to be you."


Purchase Edible

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Series order:

My review for Exquisite 

My review for Entice

Purchase Edible

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**WARNING: Reading this book may wear out old toys...check out the Red Room of Pain for new ones!

Please visit my blog Ana's Attic Book Blog and join my page on Facebook

stumpfed's review against another edition

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Another well written amazingly crafted gem by Ella Frank. I'm a convert...I'm going to picture all hot lawyers, men in suits, with tatts and piercings under those threads! yummo-Cole!

thatashgirl83's review against another edition

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Ok so I read this trilogy AFTER I read Logan and Tate's trilogy so I already knew Cole but OMG.