
Circumnavigation of Shatterworld by Lelia Rose Foreman

rebelrider's review

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Since Shatterworld, the writing has matured along with the main character. I kept turning the pages to see what neat things the characters would encounter next. One minor quibble is that the conflict among No Confidence and Rejoice didn’t tie very well into the main plot line. I really wanted to get back to the aliens, not the every-day conflict. The story is mostly about a journey around the world, which was quite interesting since I love discovering new alien species, especially in an original and well-though-out world.
I really enjoyed seeing a new alien species with a new culture. The story ended well and I was looking forward to reading the next book.

hlburke's review

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In this character-driven and thought provoking follow up to Shatterworld, both the story and the characters have matured. The world building is well-crafted, leaving you with a completely foreign but believable landscape, and the characters … they are so real as to sometimes be frustrating. At times lovable, at times making me want to shout at them with the heroine. I struggled along with Rejoice to know exactly what I felt about everyone present, as my feelings changed with the revelations and the growth of both Rejoice and her companions. Everything builds to a dramatic revelation that both satisfied and left it open for a potentially dramatic sequel.

I received a free copy in return for my honest review.