
Hard and Fast by Erin McCarthy

kippins's review against another edition

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I was a little unsure of this at first, I thought maybe Imogen would annoy me but like Ty it really grew on me. And Ty was a sweetheart. I'm really enjoying this series & looking forward to the next.

mvbookreviewer's review against another edition

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3 1/2 stars actually!
My review:

kathydavie's review against another edition

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Second in the Fast Track racing romance series revolving around a group of stock car drivers. The couple focus is on Imogene Wilson, a woman pursuing her master's in sociology, and Ty McCordle, a celebrity stock car driver.

My Take
It's about acceptance and appreciation. When Imogene loses Ty because of perceptions. And Ty's realization that she's not putting him down.

I just love how much Ty adores Imogene's straightforwardness; it's such a radical departure from the typical stereotype of what a man values in a woman. Even when he finds out about Evan's interest in her, he manages to hold back his jealousy knowing that he hasn't a hold on her...yet.

A very different, heartening romance.

The Story
Imogene knows it's pointless to fantasize about Ty McCordle. He's just not her type but Nikki's book, How to Marry a Race Car Driver in Six Easy Steps, just might hold the key to her sociology thesis: "Would the dating rules result in success when altered for a specific occupation?"

It's at a dinner party at Tammy and Elec's that Ty comes to realize how badly he needs to ditch Nikki and get to know Imogene better. A lot better. And the more he pursues "Emma Jean", the more he comes to realize just how much she means to him. Badly enough that he gets his assistant Toni to find him an audio tape of Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing and a study guide for it. The deal is that Ty reads the play and the Manhattan-bred Imogene will come camping for two days.

Now the closest Imogene has ever come to camping is standing in line for a sale at Bergdorf's and yet it's a revelation to both of them as they learn and enjoy each other. As Ty appreciates more and more Imogene's honesty and matter-of-fact approach to communication.

The Characters
Imogene Wilson is Tamara Briggs' assistant at the university while she pursues her master's. A rather timid thing with an East Coast upper class persona, she is wildly attracted to Ty McCordle. Suzanne is friends with Tamara and has become one with Imogene.

Ty McCordle is one of the racing greats...and dyslexic. Accounts for his calling Imogene "Emma Jean". Meeting Imogene has made him realize what a pain Nikki Borden is to have around. Toni is his assistant.

Nikki Borden has her heart set on marrying a stock car driver. Doesn't matter which one as long as they have the money to maintain her in the style to which she wants to become accustomed. She even has a little book to help her achieve her life's goal.

Tamara is married to Elec Monroe (see Flat-Out Sexy. Suzanne was married to Ryder.

The Cover and Title
The cover is tasty with the nicely-muscled hunk in his faded blue jeans trailing a jacket over one shoulder while he leans back against the side of a royal blue stock car, one elbow resting on the roof.

As for the title, yup, I'd say Ty was definitely Hard and Fast in bed and on the track.

icecoffeebookqueen's review against another edition

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Was not expecting that at the end. It was definitely a good twist and had me on the edge.

charms1976's review against another edition

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Whew! Somebody get me a fan after reading some smexy scenes from this book!

While the first book in this series was sexy, the author took Hard and Fast to the next level in the sex. Who would have thought playboy Ty McCordle had a dominant side to him in the bedroom? I must have reread that chapter over and over again just so I could imagine it in my head with me in Imogen's place.

Ty and Imogen meet for the first time in the previous book. It was brief, but the reader knew the author was going to pair them up together in their own book. Imogen is smart and very logical. She is curious and wants to know everything including the small details in anything. When they meet again at a party, you could feel the sexual tension between the two. One problem though is that Ty is still involved with an airhead called Nikki. While Ty and Imogen talk in her car -- while waiting for the rain to let up -- things get pretty intense between the two. When Nikki is caught making out with another man on the car hood though, Ty is able to finally make the break he was planning on with Nikki. Imogen and Ty get hot and heavy and decide to take it back to Ty's house. Unfortunately, things don't go as planned and Ty tells her to go home and think about what she wants first.

Seriously, I was laughing out loud when Imogen was trying to explain her night to her friend Suzanne. Suzanne is a laugh-out-loud-a-minute kind of gal and she keeps the snark flowing in this book. I want a friend like Suzanne -- hands down! Imogen is so technical in over thinking everything that you won't believe some of the things that go through her brain and straight out her mouth. Case in point -- she flat out tells Ty she won't do butt sex. I almost died in laughter when this scene played out. Then when she recapped it with Suzanne, I laughed again!

I don't think I have laughed so much in a romance in so long. I actually liked the slow build of their relationship in this book. I wasn't a big fan of the way Imogen speaks all of the time -- it became a little Rain Man at times -- but I did think that the 'opposites attract' angle worked really well in this one. Ty was a sweetheart in public, but a dominating man in the bedroom. This is exactly what Imogen needed to come out of her shell.

I am enjoying this series so much and I can't wait to read the next book!

geisttull's review against another edition

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this one was a bit slow, but i like the characters enough to keep reading the series.

hpitcher15's review against another edition

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really good. i loved how imogen had the naughty professor thing going on and asked questions about everything that popped into her head :)

caraheard's review against another edition

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Eh. Ok.

nighteyes82's review against another edition

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Ty is so yummy and cute made me laugh for trying to remember Imogene name correctly. It's a really nice reading that made me want for more... I read this book before reading the first book of the serie. and the whole time I was like "what's the story about the pie!!!" but the last instalment about the "pie baker" and her husband will be out next summer... :)

pattydsf's review against another edition

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I can't believe how much I enjoyed this book. It is a good story, but as predictable as they come. It fits the romance genre to a T - having a central love story and a great ending. I may have to turn in my feminist "membership" card for liking it so much.

In reality, I am glad that this book was so good. It was exactly what I wanted to read, it was so much fun and besides, I no longer apologize for my enjoyment of romances.

Erin McCarthy knows exactly how to write contemporary, sexy romances. I would be embarrassed to try and write sex scenes - I don't know if McCarthy is embarrassed, but she definitely knows how to write about sex.

When the next McCarthy NASCAR romance comes out, I will be reading as soon as possible.