lovegirl30's review against another edition

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"When life stinks, our perspective shrinks."

Unfortunatly, I have had many experiences with counseling. Not that counseling is bad, but when you have done it for it can be tiring. I really enjoyed my conseler from my church. They really showed me how to cling to Jesus through the tought times. It was a lifeline to heaven. I saw how God was working in his life and really was despreate for a relationship like that. This has shaped my life in so many ways.

I am vary thankful for this wonderful counseling care I recieved. I am currently a student studying psychology, so I end up reading alot of books surronding counseling, some christain and many secular. Whne I saw this book I knew I wanted to review it.

I will be honest before this book, I wasn't super knowledgable about Martin Luthers application of the Gospel to daily living. In Counseling Under the Cross, Kellemen teaches counselors to counsel the way Martin Luther counseled. Which was with the full gospel and directly under the cross. I thought this book was quite interesting in the way it was formated. It was divided into two sections. The first was information about Martin Luther before Jesus. He was struggling with fear, anxiety, and anger. His life was full of chaos, in lived in constant fear of the wrath of God. He would spend hours confessing every little misbehavior, any impure thoughts, any sin he could think of. He saw God as a vindictive judge, rather the Father.

The second section begins with Luthers metamporphisis of character and faith. He moved into a place where he saw God as loving and Kind, rather than rightous and wrathful. This transformation changed how he related and treated those under his care. With his kinder relationship with Jesus, he was more kind and compassionate with outhers. I enjoyed reading about how he ministered to other.

I enjoyed the Cross shaped method of counseling:

This book should be read by every Christain conseuler, and paster working today. Even thoughs of different theologies could benifet from some of the teachings of this book. This is a book I think everyone should check out.

Disclaimer I received a free copy of this book from Litfuse for the purpose of review. All opinions and thoughts are my own

thebookgirl's review

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"When life stinks, our perspective shrinks."

Unfortunatly, I have had many experiences with counseling. Not that counseling is bad, but when you have done it for it can be tiring. I really enjoyed my conseler from my church. They really showed me how to cling to Jesus through the tought times. It was a lifeline to heaven. I saw how God was working in his life and really was despreate for a relationship like that. This has shaped my life in so many ways.

I am vary thankful for this wonderful counseling care I recieved. I am currently a student studying psychology, so I end up reading alot of books surronding counseling, some christain and many secular. Whne I saw this book I knew I wanted to review it.

I will be honest before this book, I wasn't super knowledgable about Martin Luthers application of the Gospel to daily living. In Counseling Under the Cross, Kellemen teaches counselors to counsel the way Martin Luther counseled. Which was with the full gospel and directly under the cross. I thought this book was quite interesting in the way it was formated. It was divided into two sections. The first was information about Martin Luther before Jesus. He was struggling with fear, anxiety, and anger. His life was full of chaos, in lived in constant fear of the wrath of God. He would spend hours confessing every little misbehavior, any impure thoughts, any sin he could think of. He saw God as a vindictive judge, rather the Father.

The second section begins with Luthers metamporphisis of character and faith. He moved into a place where he saw God as loving and Kind, rather than rightous and wrathful. This transformation changed how he related and treated those under his care. With his kinder relationship with Jesus, he was more kind and compassionate with outhers. I enjoyed reading about how he ministered to other.

I enjoyed the Cross shaped method of counseling:

This book should be read by every Christain conseuler, and paster working today. Even thoughs of different theologies could benifet from some of the teachings of this book. This is a book I think everyone should check out.

Disclaimer I received a free copy of this book from Litfuse for the purpose of review. All opinions and thoughts are my own