
Kingdom of Souls by Rena Barron

booksandlemonsquash's review against another edition

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I received this book from the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

I honestly see why some people utterly love this book.  And I wanted to, I just... didn't, quite.  It's a little slow, I couldn't quite get into the world building, and I didn't really connect to the characters.

That said, I did like Arrah's relationship with her parents and Grandmother, and how they were explored. And I loved *parts* of the world building - the magic choosing some and not all, the tribes, the difference between cultures.  That was all lovely.

I really didn't care about the gods, though, which was a shame as it was so central to the magic system.  The magic system itself is pretty cool, and the witchdoctor element felt really well thought out and well done.

Arrah is a good main character, even if she breaks pretty much every promise she makes! She is trying to help and do well, and later on fix the damage she feels responsible for (even if I don't know that she should!) and it's hard not to empathise with that.  Her decisions need serious review, but her heart is in the right place.

It is a good book, and I do recommend it - especially if you are ownvoices, as I am obviously not. It just wasn't quite what I wanted it to be :)

julleah's review against another edition

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Overall well written, just not my thing. Content warning: lots of violence including genocide, harming women and children, demonic possession, and attempted sexual assault.

degenderates's review against another edition

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People often overuse the phrase "unique fantasy." I can say to you, that without a doubt, this is one of the most uniquely built fantasies that you'll ever read.
Kingdom of Souls follows a girl desperate for a hint of magic from a family that is full of it. But that's only the beginning. As the Kingdom's children begin to go missing, she finds herself digging up an even more sinister of a plot...and I'll let you read the rest.
The only reason I didn't give the book 5 stars was because I thought that the pacing was a little wonky. I would have split the book into two so we could get more character and plot development. It felt like two books smashed into one. But other than that I loved it!

bbridges1993's review against another edition

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This book hands down was breathtaking, soul capturing, inspiring, and filled with wonder. I really loved this book. This book literally made me cry. There was some happy tears and sad tears, but every single tear was worth. The book is an absolute page turner. I always wanted to know what happened next. But each character had nothing but surprises that I did not see coming especially Tam, Rudjek, Arrah/Dimma. After reading this book I know for a fact that there will be a continuation which I am so excited for. This book brought about culture, but not just any culture but African culture. Having a book consumed with African Culture is a breath of fresh air. There are not many books like this one where I feel so connected to the book where I am inspired to know more about my African heritage and my ancestors. When I was reading this book I felt like I knew Arrah. I knew what she was going through as far as her mom always disappointed in her, feeling like she is out of place because she had no magic. So I know that I don't have magic but I know what it feels like to be looked down upon because I am different. When I was in college I was the only black girl in my classes and there were many times where the others students stated that I did not belong there. when I read this book it brought bad memories but there was good memories as well where I proved everyone wrong and feel like in the book Arrah proves everyone wrong herself including her mother. Once again this book is inspiring and makes you want to learn and know more about this world that was created in the pages of this book. Hands down I recommend this book to everyone who is willing to experience an adventure that will always keep you on your toes.

eternalcat's review against another edition

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This book was not for me. I thought it was fine, the world was interesting, the characters okay, the plot unique. But I was bored for a lot of it. Also I didn't like Arrah, she was annoying and the whole story was from her POV so I couldn't do it. She also kept telling us how beautiful Rudjek's eyes are and how soft, like rose petals, his lips are. I couldn't do it.

I like romance in my books but I didn't buy this one and I will not be continuing with the next book. Especially because
Spoiler there is now going to be a love square or something with Arrah/Dimma, Rudjek and the Demon King.

This book also took me a long time to get through. I listened to the audiobook and at times had to play it at 2.4 speed just to be done. If I had the actual book, either in physical or e-book, this would be a DNF.

courtsport3000's review against another edition

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While I definitely enjoyed this read and do plan to continue the series, I struggled with the pacing and the weight of the story at times.

There is a ton of lore and backstory packed in these pages and it was difficult to keep up with. I found myself having to circle back and reread to remind myself who was connected to who or what someone’s secret identity was. I rarely have such a difficult time keeping up with heavy lore, but this one was just THAT much.

But that said, this world is vibrant and lively and incredibly fun to get lost in. The magic system is advanced and nuanced in a way that makes Arrah’s world feel just adjacent to our own. The influence of African mythology is rich and I enjoyed exploring the realms of gods and goddesses that were new to me.

While this wasn’t an issue for me, I’ll also note that this was much darker than I expected. The stakes are high in this tale and the danger always feels frustratingly, devastatingly close to home. Concerned readers may want to research content warnings before diving in.

raeanne's review against another edition

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I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.I am abso-fucking-lutely honored to have been chosen for the Kingdom of Souls tour. My fellow YA Fantasy fans, rejoice in knowing the hype is real AND DESERVED.

Today, you'll find my review, some favorite quotes, and a giveaway to enter. With no spoilers! So, let's get to it!

About the Kingdom of Souls:

IMHO: Kingdom of Souls

Content Warning: Includes bullying, children kidnapping, human sacrificing, rape by deception, toxic mothering, tales of torture, PTSD, and typical violent fighting.


  • Did not feel like the almost 500 pages it is.

  • Arrah is great. Realistic teen, understandable, doing her best for what she thinks is best with her baggage.

  • The romance is super cute, bantering and awkwardness from friends to lovers. 

  • Love how meaning of  words like charlatans and gendars has transformed in this world

  • Love, LOVE the letters between chapters from the orishas. They might be my favorite part.

  • Most fantasies, hell most novels, adhere to unwritten societal conventions and Kingdom of Souls just goes, "hold my beer".

  • Villains are people too. Didn't think I'd be rooting for a *REDACTED*s death or sympathizing with a *REDACTED*.  Or that *REDACTED*

  • More

  • Compliments

  • That

  • Cannot

  • Be

  • Made

  • Without

  • Spoilers

  • Was not expecting much of anything that happened, TBH. No idea where it's going, but Imma be there!

  • Major like woah, cliffhanger ending. But it's a natural and understandable breaking point so I'm not mad at it.

The only unperfect thing about my first reading of Kingdom of Souls, was my adult brain and fatigue re: teen repeatedly lamenting angstily. This was over completely understandable things, while I would probably curl up in a ball and die unlike Arrah. SO, it's not  really fair to complain about it, but dragged they did.

Kingdom of Souls is perfect for every YA fantasy fan, especially those looking for something beyond the typical Eurocentric swords and wands. It’s like Tahir’s A Torch Against The Night series meets Nix's Old Kingdom.

favorite Quotes:

To not only see magic, to tame it, to bend it, to be magical?

It's a smell of home, and a smell laced with bad memories.

"You look like you've just seen the end of the world."

"Old news," I sigh, waving my hand, "I saw that months ago."

--a memory that sputters like torchlight at the first drops of rain, trying desperately to shake itself loose from some unseen chains.

But for there to be peace, there must be death.


About the Author:


Prize: Win a Kingdom of Souls VIP swag bag: a copy of Kingdom of Souls by Rena Barron + swag (US Only)
Starts: 4th September 2019
Ends: 18th September 2019
Embed Code: a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule:

FFBC tours logoThis review was originally posted on The Layaway Dragon

rebeccazh's review against another edition

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So good!! A bit of a slow start but near 50% it really picks up, with lots of plot twists. I've read a few African inspired fantasies and always found them quite generic, despite the lush and evocative settings, so this was a pleasant surprise. The main character is a child of two prestigious bloodlines, but inherits none of her parents' powers - a hard situation to be in. Her own disappointment and her fear of disappointing others, coupled with her strong morals leads her to make a deal with the devil when she becomes truly desperate: trading years of her life for magic. She gets more and more trapped in this Faustian deal in a slippery slope situation and brutal plot twists unfold. In the end, she manages to subdue the Big Bad, but only after a huge amount of loss.

I really loved the family this book portrayed. I was just thinking how they would do in family counselling lol. It's so screwed up. Arrah's mother is one of the most complex 'mother knows best' type of villainous mother I've ever seen. The author was very careful when writing her character - her back story is shown, and while it's not an excuse for the things she does, it makes a powerful statement about how abuse and unprocessed trauma often turns the victim into someone with abusive behavior, taking out their pain and suffering on others, and in the worst cases, internalising the values of their abuser, which Arrah's mother did. Her father was a total sweetheart. I loved him. I quite liked that his character flaw was his overly idealistic view of his wife. I loved Efiya's characterization! I'm quite fascinated by children who are given a great deal of power, much more than they should be given or are capable of handling when they're at an age where they don't understand right from wrong, and as a result, becoming sociopathic and narcissistic. Also, special mention of her grandmother, whom I loved and wish I'd seen more of.

The biggest plot twist about Arrah's identity was predictable because of the heavy foreshadowing. But other than that, what a ride. Excited for the next book.

whatthefawkes's review against another edition

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I received this book from the publisher for free in exchange for an honest review.

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This is the West-African inspired fantasy we all deserved!

Deeply complex and rich with magic and deception, Kingdom of Souls is a deliciously dark take on African mythology. Born into a family of powerful witchdoctors, Arrah is desperate to come into her powers and perform magic. But after years of failure, Arrah is willing to try one last thing to get what she wants: trade years of her life for magic. Naturally, all is not what it seems. When children start disappearing, Arrah is transported on a dangreous journey where she must discover who and what she is.

You're intrigued, right? Strangely enough, this book reminded me of Northern Lights by Philip Pullman until things took a very dark and interesting turn when who and what had the children was revealed. That was when I felt truly hooked on this book. It opened a very interesting dynamic between Arrah and another character (who I shall not name for fear of spoilers), and opened one hell of a shit storm that would be the second half of this book. At this point, I was rubbing my hands together thinking, 'at last! Some real excitement!'

My main issue with Kingdom of Souls was the pacing (and the ending). There was a lot happening in this book that dragged when it shouldn't have. There were demons, blood sacrifices and evil creeping at every corner but it lacked conviction in places - particularly the middle. And then there was the end... what a lacklustre and confusing mess that was. After all the grand reveals were made, it had felt like we'd met a natural conclusion a number of chapters before the end. Everything after that felt like an attempt to stretch this book into a series. With changes to the ending, Kingdom of Souls could easily have been a (much improved) standalone. I'm not sure how keen I am to see where the next book goes because I didn't care much for this particular villain... but it's likely that I'll read it all the same.

All in all, Kingdom of Souls was an exceptionally fleshed out and dark tale of sacrifice, magic and relationships. Although it takes time to feel invested, it's definitely worth it! The twists and turns will leave you wanting to turn the pages for more.