
The Viscount's Reluctant Bride. Book 4. by Ava Bond

rainelle_barrett's review

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The Viscount’s Reluctant Bride, by Ava Bond. Readers I had a glorious time reading this little beauty. The setup to this love story was marvelous. Gregory is on the hunt for a wife and the very bold, and strong Maeve just so happens to enters the angry monsters layer. This story basically touched every high point that a good romantic novel could share with its readers.
I found myself caught up in the unforgettable plot of man against man. Love against evil. It’s the search for passion and love, to the destroying of one’s mirrored nemesis that keeps the pages flipping for me. For me as the reader I loved that the book was easy to read. The characters dialogue and the story was easy to follow.
Gregory’s dark story and the binding reconnection with his family was so gripping that for me, the story was surreal. This deeply felt story managed to keep the entertainment going with the exquisite descriptions of ladies in their gowns, to what decadent dinners that the beau monde devoured. But it was the tempting desires and lustful hot scenes that definitely heightened my imagination to another level of satisfaction. The provocative romance journey that Gregory and Maeve shared was a fun and enjoyable read for me. The arranged agreement that they made certainly brought sexy back in a number ways that was exciting.
Until next time my fellow readers… read on!
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

glo68's review

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Lord Silverton needs an heir. He’s dying and his current heir is a traitor and a murderer. But of course he can’t have an heir without a wife…
This is my favorite book of the series so far, together with the first, maybe because I’m partial to a tormented, apparently cold hero and to a marriage of convenience! The story is very, very intriguing and the second part is fast pacing and full of plot twists. But of course it’s the love story that counts, and the one between Gregory and Maeve is steamy, but also touching and full of feelings. Ava Bond proved once more to be a very talented writer! The main characters are exceedingly well suited and perfectly fleshed out and I liked the accurate, but lively descriptions of homes and landscapes. I also enjoyed the presence of the other members of the Oxford Set and I hope to see more of them in future books. Definitely a five star read.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

00laura23's review

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Gregory and Maeve are very interesting characters, with vastly different backgrounds. I enjoyed their marriage of convenience and their time together on page. When Gregory is romantic, he goes all out and shows his soft heart, which is well hidden behind a tough exterior. Many of the secondary characters added to the texture of the story. The subplot was intriguing, having several twists and turns that captivated my attention and had me turning pages.

There were times when it felt like the story dragged. I wish that some of the secondary characters had been used more effectively than they were in the story. Some appear just to move the story along, which given their importance to the main characters, I would have liked to have seen them appear more in the story. I also wish that the heroine hand not been a-typical when it came to her role in the final conflict. I wanted more for this character.

I overall enjoyed this story – both the romance and the subplot. Characters from the previous books make appearances in this story, and therefore, this is a series better enjoyed reading in order.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.