jjwalter2001's review

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My guilt pleasure......typical Star Trek book - full of meaningless science jargon with a big build up, pitched space battles and a happy ending.

But, I still enjoy reading them.

judenoseinabook's review

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Some quite detailed scientific time theory which is a bit mind blowing, but you can follow the story without understanding it. I doubt many people do understand.
The story touches on many of the original series episodes and stories. Enjoyable story.

bdplume's review

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I was not nearly as thrilled by this as by the previous DTI novel. It was interesting but I thought it was relatively bland for a time-travel/alternate timelines type of story. I have enjoyed Christopher L. Bennett's work, but frankly a lot of the substance that made Watching the Clock a fantastic read was missing this time out.

brian's review against another edition

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The Department of Temporal Investigations (DTI) are set up to prevent changes to the timeline having the effect of changing or wiping out history.
This book covers several storylines from the original series and the first Star Trek film.
A mysterious ship resembling the Enterprise but bearing DTI markings is found after activating a distress call.
Various alternate timeline races want to get their hands on it to give them an advantage.

Switches between original series era and the TNG/DS9 etc period, showing the DTI in its early days and also the "now" where they have a clear idea of what they are working to protect.

A fair bit of "techno-babble" makes it tricky in places, but the characters are done well and the different episodes are explained in a way that makes them part of a wider picture.

There's behind the scenes politicking as members of the newly formed DTI want to use time travel for their own ends, and the later period where the DTI members think Kirk and his crew are trampling all over the space-time continuum.

jaycatt7's review against another edition

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Silly time travel Star Trek fun, chock full of fun tidbits for long-time fans.