
Divided by Elsie Chapman

kstring's review

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I wasn't as impressed with certain aspects of this book as I thought I was going to be. I liked all the world building and the character development for West, but there were several things I didn't like:
1. Don't get me wrong, I love strong female characters. However, if they have a boyfriend, they can't just keep lying to him and expect everything to be fine between them! I guess this critique is about Chord, who almost feels useless in the story of this particular book.
2. The romance. Oh my goodness, it went from being life-long friends hooking up at the end of the first book to full-fledged make-out sessions at the beginning of the second! It was hard to gauge what level Chord and West's relationship was at because they spent so much time apart and every moment they were together was full of that mushy-gushy romance stuff. It took away from the story line of the book. It didn't help that West kept lying!
3. Tying the last 2 together, West sure spent a lot of time going solo in this book, which I guess is a bit understandable for this book since she's trying to get over some of the stuff she did in the first book, but, at the same time, why doesn't she trust her friends/boyfriend enough to help her?

On the flip side, I loved how the author has scenes of West seeing a counselor and cooperating! I thought that was really neat, as I've never seen that in a book and I think it was kinda helping West cope with everything. It underlines the fact that she was suffering from some sort of PTSD from killing her Alt. I also liked the ending. It was the perfect place to leave off and prepare for the third book (is there even one?). Very action packed, which I loooove! Hardly a dull moment and difficult to stop reading.

Definitely a nice continuation of the series; can't wait for the third book!

erinarkin20's review

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Ahhh..this was so good!

Divided by Elsie Chapman is the second book in the Dualed series. It picks up shortly after the end of book one and I found myself yanked back into West’s world and I loved it! I though Chapman did a wonderful job of building out more of these characters as well as the world they live in.

West is now a weapons assistant to Baer at the high school and she helps with the student training. She is also in a relationship with Chord and trying to get on with her life. As part of her Post Completion Treatment, West is seeing a counselor to help her cope with the nightmares and aftermath of defeating her alt. While on her way home West is approached by a Board Operator and immediately worries The Board is coming for her because of her previous work as a striker. West is taken to the Board’s headquarters, and introduced to a Level 1 operator who asks her to do something she would never consider doing…under normal circumstances.

Let me pause here to say, there were times where I just wanted West to lean on Chord and not internalize every darn thing. I get it, she was trying to protect him and not get him involved but in the end, by keeping the secrets she only created larger issues. Chord clearly loves her and will do just about anything for her and that may be why she tried to keep him away from everything going on but again, she should have told him from the beginning what she was doing.

Ok….it turns out the Level 1 operator goes by the name Sabian and he offers up a trade. In exchange for her help killing the Alts of some Level One children, she can get something for the future…the lives of her children, free and clear. Clearly Sabian knows about her past as well as Dire Nation but he and the Board let it continue because it hasn’t hurt them in any way yet. Despite her misgivings, the opportunity it too good to pass by and when she does agree to the work, she also barters to have her striker marks removed.

Here is where the action starts and honestly doesn’t really stop until the end of the book. As West is hunting down these idles, she comes to find out more about Kersh, its founders, and some secrets the Board would probably kill her for if they knew she knew them. I feel like I can’t tell you much more without giving anything away and I really don’t want to do that because you should experience everything. Just know that there is danger and fighting and definitely kissing.

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I do love the characters in this series. Starting with West, she is strong and protective of those she loves. She will do anything, including sacrifice herself, for the people who are important to her. She’s also smart…she isn’t perfect though so she does make mistakes.

I liked learning more about Dire and Baer. Both are difficult guys to get to know but as we learn more about them, I understand why they are who they are and do what they do. They do truly care about West and she has a great group of people supporting her.

Chord….where to start. He is perfect for West in that he truly loves her and cares about her but he also isn’t afraid to call her out on something when he knows she did something wrong. AND even if he does disagree with something, he still completely supports her decision(s). He truly wants what is best for her and wants to keep her away from all the bad things in the world but he has come to realize that he can’t really do that in the world they live in. No question, he is one of my favorites and has made the swoony book boyfriends shelf.

In addition to a great story, there is a lot of action and some wonderful characters. If you enjoyed book one of this series, I definitely recommend you check this book out as soon as you can. Chapman did a fantastic job of pulling me back into this world and I couldn’t put this down until I finished. I look forward to more from her and while I can’t see another book listed, I’m hoping more of West and Chord’s story.

izlandizzy's review against another edition

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adventurous challenging dark emotional mysterious sad tense fast-paced


toastii's review against another edition

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The hunter becomes the hunted. . . .

Well that's for sure.

In the first book West must kill her twin, her alt.. making her the worthy one. Now,she is done striking, but the board has other plans for her. They offer her a 'killer' deal she really cannot refuse, however, both West and the board have ulterior motives. As plans seem to come together, the board puts out a wanted assassination on her, making her active again.

I liked the second and final installment of the Dualed series. Just when I think I know what's about to happen, Elsie twists it up! Curious to see if there will be a third??

secret_getaway's review

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I finally got around to the sequel to one of my favorite books and I just regret putting it off for so long. This is an exciting dystopian that sets itself apart from the rest and that is why I love it. I really enjoyed returning to West’s story and the dangers she faces in this book were so exhilarating. While this sequel really doesn’t have anything to do with the first book, it’s still worth the read. This world that Chapman has created is one of my favorites to visit.

The change in enemy was exciting. Before, West had to face what is essentially herself, but in this book she has to face the controlling entity of her city. She also has to return to her life as a Striker, a job that she was sure she had put behind her. And with this conflict comes secrets. The secret pasts of those close to West come to light as do the secrets The Board has long fought to keep buried.

While I hailed Chapman for creating a dystopian novel that broke away from the usual fight against the government archetype, this book was still very well done. The survival instincts and the moral struggles that West faces were just as exciting in this book as it was in Dualed. The one complaint I have is that some of the scenery or bits of dialogue weren’t conveyed clearly enough. I found myself rereading a paragraph or two to understand so that slowed the pace a bit. Other than that, this book is just as good as the first.

laurieelaberge's review

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I enjoyed it but that one isn't as good as the first book.
There are a twists and turns but they are not developed and well exposed. We have a twist and the explanation of this twist isn't brought by the author. The author lets us down. On the other hand, some twists were predictables.
West Grayer was a badass character in the first one. In this book, she was a little bit boring.

2.5 stars

jenbsbooks's review against another edition

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I THINK I liked this better than the first book. Maybe already having the scene set and the characters established ... or the glimpse into how this world came about and other twists were just a bit more interesting than book 1. Still a series I'll look back on with a "meh" memory.

heisereads's review

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Just as suspenseful and action-packed as the first book, and none of the concerns with slower parts. I was sucked right back into this fast-paced story that had my heart pounding many times and was hard to put down. Divided jumps right back into the story with the aftermath of Dualed, and adds a twist to West's plans that has her questioning everything she thought was true. I enjoyed the larger roles of several of the secondary characters in this book as they all fight against time to solve a problem and learn what's really going on with the Board and their society.

momwithareadingproblem's review

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Divided by [a:Elsie Chapman|5441417|Elsie Chapman|] is book two of the Dualed series and picks up a few months after the end of book one. West is now a complete and seems to be moving on with her life. She has a loving relationship with Chord, a good job with Baer, and no one is trying to kill her. When a member of the Board approaches her and threatens all that she now holds dear, West must become a striker again. But at what cost?

I loved this sequel! I so torn reading book one. I felt no empathy for West and at times found myself intensely disliking her. That changes in this book. A member of the Board asks West to become a striker again. She has just three targets, then he promises to do two things for her: remove her striker marks and make sure that any child she has is born without an Alt. How can she pass that up? Being a mother myself, I can tell you I would make the same decision she does. I would accept that job and kill three people, especially if it meant my son would never have to go through the horrors that West has.

And without spoiling anything-because this book needs to experienced first-hand-West finds a way around the Board's request but still completes her task, that is till she reaches the last target. Let's just say the last target is already a complete and someone she recognizes, someone very close to her. At this point in the book, we see a turning point for West's character. Before this last strike, she relied in herself, lying to those she loved and cared for to protect them. Then this last strike makes her do a 180. She confides in not just Chord, but Dire and Baer as well. I thought the showed a strength and defining moment for her.

The plot flowed quickly and I found myself unable to read it fast enough! Between the action and suspense of West being a striker again to her romantic encounters with Chord, the story flew by. There are quite a few answers in this book to questions that I had in the first, like how was Kersh founded, who started the Alt program. So if you've read book one and were like me (on the fence), I really believe that will change once you read this installment.

Overall I really enjoyed this book! It had a little bit of everything I like in a young adult dystopian: a strong heroine/hero, a little romance (basically if there is a chance for Chord and West to kiss they do), lots of action, and some mystery/suspense. FYI though this book isn't as violent as book one, it still contains some pretty gruesome violence especially for a YA book. Other than that it's a pretty clean read. If you like a good YA dystopian, you should really go check this one out for yourself.

I received a copy of this ebook from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

jennkei's review

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Never quite met the mark.