
Choose Me by R.C. Boldt

upallnightbookaddict's review

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Another unputdownable book from the lovely Boldt! A second chance romance like no other. A friends to hopeful yet unrequited lovers romance you will be so glad to have sunk your teeth into.

I adored this book. I wanted the guy to get his girl with such longing. The guy from less, the privileged girl who has a heart of gold. It's such a great build up for a great, long love story.

Magnolia and Hollis are the perfect couple. Friends since childhood. Life threw them so many curveballs, yet their friendship and love for one another withstood everything from elementary school, high school, college, and the start of adulthood. When they finally got their happily ever after, I was more than thrilled.

If you are looking for a great, true to heart, love story, this book is for you. I can't recommend this book enough. It's another great book from the esteemed Boldt!

lmrivas54's review

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Sweet and tender and oh so romantic! This is the first book I read by this author and it certainly will be the first of many. I loved her writing style with its forward style and wonderful characters. It kept me entertained and interested all the time, wanting to know what would happen with the characters. It has a little angst but the strong current was of selfless love.

Hollis and Magnolia met when they were eight years old. Magnolia lives in a huge house and her stepfather is a state senator. Hollis lives right behind her house, but in a much smaller and humble house. She never notices the difference in their stations, she just wants to play and be friends. Since Hollis and his father are constructing a treehouse, she joins in and helps in the construction, even though she always wears nice clothes, and has no idea how to do things. Jay, Hollis’ father, teaches them both and helps them build a magnificent treehouse, even with an A/C.

This starts a strong and beautiful friendship that goes through the years until they are seniors in high school. Their treehouse is central to their well-being and closeness. The stories as the years go by are so entertaining and yet, there is a little of sadness. Hollis’ mother hates him and denigrates him constantly, for no reason that we know of. His father does his best to protect Hollis but he’s not there all the time. Magnolia has a snooty, snobbish mother, who only likes to hobnob with high society and has no place for the lower classes. She’s raising Magnolia to be a high-class lady, with a bright future in politics and possibly a convenient marriage, when all Magnolia wants is to be happy and be friends with Hollis. Predictably, Mrs. Barton never loses a chance to let Hollis know that they are doing a charity on him by allowing the friendship but he will never be good enough for her.

With such upbringing, both Magnolia and Hollis have low self-esteem, they don’t think they are good enough for the other and this lack of confidence is what drives them apart, with so many lost opportunities to make things right. We gnash our teeth when we see all the hurt and pain and desolation our characters go through, and hate the mothers who have wronged them so much.

Both characters are brilliant, but Hollis shines so much more. Magnolia was at times a little clueless, never realizing how beautiful she is, never daring to stand up to her overbearing mother. Hollis was generous, caring, hard-working, and he wanted her happiness most of all. He was perfectly willing to sacrifice his happiness to ensure her a future she deserved. He was truly kind and selfless. They really had a hard road to travel to their HEA. Cute detail in the story: They both had a thing for a candy called Pop Rocks and model car kits.

booklovershangout's review

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I knew this would make an amazing story and it absolutely did! I loved this book. I swooned so much and it hit me with all the emotions. It definitely left an impact and left me with a book hangover. I loved these characters. RC did a great job of really making you feel for them and making you root for their happily ever after. I can't wait for more from this author.

kaydanielsromance's review

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A coming of age, best friend to lovers romance that will make your heart pound and your gut twist right until the very end of the book.

Two kindred spirits that meet as young children, but born from opposite worlds. Aside from their stubborn will to remain friends, they are kept apart by social status, horrible family members, and so many missed chances that you wonder if fate is also fighting against them. 

R.C. Boldt choose a brilliant way to tell a best friends trope. Give us the end...

"Wearing the nicest suit I own, I stand in the very back with a flask full of whiskey in my inner pocket. I put on a brave face as I watch her walk down the aisle.

Because it’s too late.

I won’t ruin her perfect day, but my broken heart begs me to try and convince her.

Choose me."

Then she dives back into the past and we learn Magnolia and Hollis' story from the very beginning. They meet as eight year old children. Far away from the chances of falling in love. A wonderful bond forms over their heartbreaking familiarities, I suppose like many childhood friendships. Over time, even if they do notice their feelings changing for the other, they both prefer to ignore it, opting to keep their friendship top priority. Neither have a relationship that is closer than what they have in each other.

As the novel progresses through the years, you get to know Magnolia and Hollis through childhood years, teenage years, and into college. There is so much they experience together, but also so much they left unsaid. My heart was beating out of my chest the longer the story went on, the older they got. There were points I wanted to scream at the two of them. I also wanted to just close my book and walk away, but also speed read to the end to know that everything would turn out and be okay. I was so emotional!! 

It isn't until almost the very end that we get back to the beginning. This is all part of the beauty of how Choose Me goes. It was gripping, all encompassing and brought out emotions I'd thought long buried in my childhood. (Magnolia's mother held so many similarities to mine it was eerie.) I hope you enjoy the journey of Magnolia and Hollis as much as I did because I read it way past my bedtime and it was well worth it!

Thanks R.C. I loved this book so hard!!

tinalynn510's review

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There wasn't much about this book that I didn't like. There was once scene I would have changed, but I can't say that without spoiling! The storyline was done perfectly and I really loved this trope SO MUCH. I have always been a sucker for childhood best friends turned lovers.

Also, I think their "firsts" scene was done perfectly! Just saying.

For my first R.C. Boldt book, I am impressed!!

jmbibliolater's review

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Choose Me is about an undying bond between two unlikely friends built in a tree house thru love and devotion and acceptance. Hollis and Magnolia both had mothers trying to keep them apart. Magnolia spent her life around people who did not accept her. But Hollis did. He accepted her. He became her support system. He became her everything. As she did for him.

Choose Me is a sweet, angsty, emotional friends to lovers story that will hit your heart strings at the right time.

jen286's review

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Choose Me was a quick, easy friends to lovers romance. I usually love these kinds of stories, love the friends who become more, but this one was fine but not my favorite. I found myself a little...I wish the character would have been able to actually talk to each other even though they were best friends and claimed to do just that. I get it, it is hard to breach the subject in that kind of situation, but some of the events that happened were just meh or not that good. **spoilers ahead**

The story opens with Hollis at Magnolia's wedding. She is marrying someone else and it kills him, but he won't be that guy who confesses his love for the girl on her wedding day and ruin everything for her. Which I get and totally stand by. I was ready to love Hollis for not ruining this for her even though he is heartbroken she is marrying someone else. And I was super curious to see what happened and how this will turn into a they live happily ever after type situation. Like how does she go from marrying someone else to being with Hollis? Cause this is a romance so....

Then we go back to when these two first met. When Magnolia was eight I believe. When Hollis moved in next door and they became best friends. Her family is rich and in politics and his is not so her family definitely doesn't want her to be friends with him cause he is from a poorer family. And his mom is a nightmare and hates Hollis for some reason and never tires of telling him how he will never be worthy of Magnolia. How he will never be good enough.

Now them as eight, ten, twelve years old was alright, but something didn't quite jell completely for me. It was kind of awkward reading them at that age, but whatever. We go from them as kids the whole way through the wedding day and as soon as we learn about Magnolia's parents I thought for sure she is marrying someone her parents want her to, not someone she loves. Cause she obviously has always loved Hollis.

Only that is not it. And this is where the story really was just meh for me. What turned this into just an okay read instead of an amazing read. So spoilers!! Magnolia doesn't sleep with any of the guys she ends up dating and then eventually gives her virginity to Hollis, which is amazing and I was so happy they figure everything out. But then I was very confused about how we went from finally we are together and live happily ever after!! To she is marrying someone else. Well..Hollis gets told once again that he is not good enough so he cuts and runs out on Magnolia all we need to see if we are really good for each other I need to make something of myself and basically doesn't talk to her for years. Like what? I think the big issue was I didn't buy his self-worth issues. I didn't see it. I didn't feel he really was like that so it didn't make sense. They both had issues, but then never felt like they really did. I could totally see how someone in his situation with the way he grew up would have these issues, but it didn't feel real. So I couldn't get behind it really.

But the real issue? The real big problem I have? No one is as selfless and kind as Greg. Nope. Seriously? So after Hollis runs out she meets Greg when she is still a mess and not ready to move on. He is there for her and they eventually fall in love and Greg proposes and they plan the wedding only for Hollis to come back during this time and mess things up. To make Magnolia a bit crazy as she has never really gotten over Hollis. And Greg had been with someone who died so he understood how hard it is to move on. Okay so on the wedding day Hollis comes to see Magnolia (he is supposed to stay for the wedding - he was invited) and he has a letter he wrote to her telling her how he feels, but he is not going to give it to her. Which is great, you should have done that forever ago if you were doing it. But then he throws it away in her garbage can where she is getting ready so it is crumpled, but sitting pretty right there on top so she can find it and be all he loves me!! What do I do?!?! It was super lame. So she goes to talk to Greg and...apparently because Greg loved someone before he will never again be able to find someone he cannot live without and yes, he loves Magnolia, but he won't be devastated if she goes after Hollis. Like, wait what? Why are you guys getting married? Just chapters before you were selling me on how in love you two are and now you aren't? You are just what? Friends who decided this is good enough? It was super lame. I was just like there is almost no way you would find someone like Greg. Please prove me wrong if you no someone like him, but to be all I love you I want to spend the rest of my life with you, but go do whatever you need to moments before we are supposed to get married and I am totes cool with it? Okay. Sure. Not buying it.

So yeah, I had a few issues with this book. Even with all that it wasn't a terrible read. It was fine. It just wasn't great.

*Note: I received a free copy of this book for voluntary review consideration

dmconnolly1's review

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Choose Me was an emotional roller coaster and I loved it!!! Hollis & Magnolia are childhood best friends that must overcome a lot of obstacles including both of their mothers. A must read!!

mrsjhelms9910reader's review

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Eeeeekkkk i love Hollis and Magnolia's story. I listened to the audio and it was sooooo amazing. So happy i finally got to listen to it!

diannab's review

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"To be someone's first love is extraordinary, but to also be their last is exquisitely magical."

Such a beautiful, full of emotions book. I loved Magnolia's and Hollis story. I loved reading about their friendship. I prayed for them to be endgame.
The first book I've read from this author, but definitely not the last.