
Dangerously Charming by Deborah Blake

tinasbooknook's review against another edition

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Fun, lots of great mythology, great characters, romance not that big a focus and developed a little too fast and invisible to reader, overall intriguing enough to want to read the previous series

wynwicket's review against another edition

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I picked this up on a whim and was pleasantly surprised. While the romance angle seemed a bit forced, the author's take on Baba Yagas and the Riders that serve them is a lot of fun, and I liked the characters a LOT. I'll probably be following up on this series.

tanyad74's review against another edition

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Dangerously Charming is the first spin-off book from the Baba Yaga series. The last Baba Yaga book kind of explains the situation the Riders are in. I think this book would be best after the Baba Yaga books.

The Riders have all gone their separate ways to try and heal from having their previous lives stripped from them. Mikhail Day has hidden himself away from the world in a cabin in the woods. He believes that his actions are the ones that brought about the changes for all the Riders. He used to be quite the charmer, but now has vowed never to fall for a damsel in distress ever again. But, guess who shows up at his door.

Jenna Quinlan is running trying to find a place where she can hide out and study her grandmother's journals. A curse has been placed and her family's first born children have to be given up to the fairly Zilya. Jenna had tried to stay away from the curse by just not getting pregnant, but no matter what precautions she took, it still happened. Because of this her ex doesn't believe it is his and deserts her.

Day takes Jenna to the Baba Yaga Barbara who he believes will be able to help. She is able to untangle enough for them to know that to break the curse, Day has to be involved. So much for dropping off and going back to his cabin.

Most of the story takes place in the Otherworld. Jenna has made a plea to the Queen and Zilya has been restrained from approaching Jenna until two weeks after the baby is born. As is most things in the Otherworld, Zilya herself doesn't have to be the one that goes after Jenna. She sends all kinds of monsters after them so they have to deal with those as well as the search for the stones they need. They are running through the Otherworld on a mission with all the crazy obstacles in the way. What makes it so fast pace is that time in the Otherworld does not work like the Human world. The baby begins to grow at an incredible speed, making their mission more and more dire.

I found Dangerously Charming exciting and I was constantly worried about that baby. I did not trust Zilya at all, and you just don't know what is going to happen in the Underworld. It was good to see the Riders beyond their role with the Baba Yagas. Watching Mikhail come out of his head a little bit and understand the situation more was nice to watch. I'm excited to see the rest of the Riders make their way to realizing the same thing! I don't see the next book up at Goodreads, but I hope it gets up their soon. I'm really excited to know more about the lives of the other Riders!

This review was originally posted on Rantings of a Reading Addict

lpcoolgirl's review against another edition

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Really fantastic book! I enjoyed it so much, a great couple, a great quest, and I need to read more!

storiesforhisglory's review against another edition

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This was a good story, with curses and shenanigans and sass... And broken people who are starting to heal. Jenna and Mikhail have quite the journey to complete.

krisrid's review against another edition

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I have read a number of books by this author, and really enjoy her writing style. This book was no exception.

Paranormal fiction is a favourite genre of mine, and Deborah Blake does it well. She writes interesting, sympathetic and likable characters, and gives them exciting, suspenseful adventures to go on. Most of her books have romance, but I like that while that is *a* part of the story, it is not the *only* focus of the story.

The magical quest in this first book of the Riders trilogy was a great start. I enjoyed the Riders in the Baba Yaga seriesas supporting characters, and it was fun to watch them have a starring role in this new series.

The magical aspects are obviously well-researched and interestingly delivered as the characters try to solve their dilemma.

I will definitely read the other books in this series. Deborah Blake is an author who never disappoints.

vee79's review against another edition

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After four books of Deborah Blakes, I can confidently say that I love her books. Starting with the Baba Yaga Novels, I intensely enjoyed this spin off with the Broken Riders. I have not thought of them while reading of Brenna, Beka, and Bella because I am a very “in the moment” type of person, but Mikhail’s story drew me in and kept me there waiting on more from his brothers and their hardships.

As charming as Day is supposed to be, I feel that he is too perfect of a fit for Jenna to have been spread around as he is alluded to have been. They fit like they were made for each other and no one else in the world could come between them; even when they don’t get along.

Jenna jumps into her problem in a way that is admirable from someone that isn’t too sure that they wouldn’t have just given up everything to begin with. She is a fantastically strong character.

I look forward to the rest!

shell74's review

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Dangerously Charming was an exciting beginning to Deborah Blake’s newest series in which a former Rider, filled with guilt and a penchant for saving damsels in distress, went on a trek through the Otherworld with a cursed mom-to-be. Sounds interesting, right?

This Broken Riders series is a spinoff of Blake’s popular Baba Yaga series and follows each of the three former Riders on their new journey now that they are no longer immortal. While these books are able to stand alone, I honestly think it would be best to have read the Baba Yaga series–at least book three, Wickedly Powerful–before settling in here. It will explain everything that the Riders went through and why our hero Mikhail Day was in his self-imposed exile at the beginning of this book.

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Original Notes:

Being a fan of Blake's Baba Yaga series, I was so happy to be back in that world again with this new spinoff series she's created. And what a great beginning! Dangerously Charming showed a whole new side to former White Rider Mikhail Day. The charming ladies' man was sporting a seriously grumbly attitude in this story but sassy Jenna Quinlan was just the woman to turn him around. I loved the adventure these two went on and all of the amazing imagery Blake infused into the story while they were trekking through Otherworld. Lots of paranormal beasties, offbeat characters, and a vivid background to enjoy. Full review to come...

amym84's review against another edition

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Originally posted at Vampire Book Club

After the traumatic events that transpired between The Riders and the evil former Baba Yaga Brenna, Mikhail Day has sought his solitude. Not only to come to terms with the fact that he and his brothers are now mortal and no longer Riders, but because he feels guilty at being the cause of everyone’s plight. So when Jenna Quinlan shows up on his doorstep, quite unexpectedly, he can’t help but feel as though destiny is trying to butt-in on his business. As soon as he can, Day plans to send this woman on her way.

For generations the women in Jenna Quinlan’s family have been cursed; forced to give up their firstborn child to a vengeful fairy. Jenna thought she had the curse beat, but when she finds herself miraculously pregnant, she’s determined that the curse will stop with her. So when her car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, she really doesn’t have time to deal with a strange, rude, unwelcoming man who is doing a fine job of imitating a hermit.

When it becomes clear that Mikhail has some knowledge of fairies and magic, Jenna will go with him to the ends of the Otherworld to break this curse once and for all.

I came in reading Dangerously Charming without having previously read Deborah Blake’s Baba Yaga series. Clearly past events from that series are currently effecting Day. I felt like I was on the outside looking in. Which is unfortunate because not only is Dangerously Charming Jenna’s quest to rid her family of this awful curse, it is equally Day’s story of redemption; of moving past the guilt he’s built up inside of himself. While I could appreciate, and understand, the position in which Day finds himself, I didn’t really feel any kind of emotional connection to it. I might be singing a different tune had I read the other books.

What really got my interest in this book was learning that Jenna is pregnant. It’s rare in the books I typically read to show a heroine actually going through the bulk of her pregnancy on page rather than off page or right at the end/beginning of the story. Jenna is given an opportunity to free herself of the curse as long as she can answer an age-old riddle. The resulting journey that stems from this was a highlight of the book for me. I really liked Jenna’s no-nonsense determination due to the fact that, at all costs, she is doing this to protect her child. Obviously, the story just wouldn’t have been the same with that element removed.

Unfortunately, the resulting relationship that forms between Jenna and Day felt a bit flat for my tastes. I wanted it to balance out better, but I think the romance became a bit overshadowed by the imminently more important issues going on.

Despite the issues I had ‘connecting’ to what Day is going/went through, it didn’t detract anything from the main storyline. Having a better understanding of past events by the end of this story lends itself well leading into the next book, which will feature Day’s brother Gregori. Seems all the ex-Riders are in need of a little fateful intervention.

larisa2021's review

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She's the Damsel in Distress but she's really rescuing him on a Quest aka Magical Road Trip!
Blake's trademark humor shines all through this topsy-turvy tale. Definitely going on my keeper shelf for times I need a light touch on serious topics of change, healing, guilt and pain aka Life.