
Los muertos vivientes. Libro 1 by Robert Kirkman

goodbetterbetsy's review against another edition

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I didn't think it would be possible to hate the characters more than I already do from the TV show. Daryl (the only good character on the show) isn't in these books (at least not in Book One or Two). Draw your own conclusions about that. Still, even though everyone is terrible, these are pretty fun books to read.

jcpdiesel21's review against another edition

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My husband has successfully interested me in zombie movies, and now has piqued my interest in zombie books. I found this book to be very well written and realistically plotted based on what the average person would most likely do during a zombie apocalypse. The world that Kirkman and company have created is vivid, violent, horrifying and dire. You can't help but feel a sense of dread in the pit of your stomach as you flip the pages. The only thing that I found to be a bit lacking was the artwork, and the change in artwork from volume 1 to 2 due to different artists was a bit jarring at first, but somehow it worked for the story.

rawlyrawl's review against another edition

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I wish there was some sort of divider in this hardcover so I would know when I finish "one comic" and start another one.

geo_ix's review against another edition

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I didn't like the women in this. Lori was probably the worst, and I really hate that like, EVERYONE is pairing off into couples because that would honestly be the last thing on my mind.

Those two kids shit me because the guy legit sounds like he just wants her to have sex with him (you can't say you won't wait forever after saying you want to be together for eternity) and you better believe even though my dads a grumpy shit, if you ever called him a bastard in front of me I'd be slapping the shit outta you.

Glen and Maggie felt really rushed (in love the page after they were going to 'just have sex') but I felt the majority of it felt rushed. I get why, but because there wasn't time to invest myself in anything, I felt I was constantly rolling my eyes at people. Especially when they all went off saying Hershel said they could stay, when he most definitely said from the start 'you can stay until your boy heals' and then they're talking about forever and getting pissed they can't move into his house the morning after nearly all his kids die.

I will probably get book two on my next trip to the library, I'm unsure if my partner actually enjoyed reading this but he sat there the whole time and didn't complain so I'm guessing he wants to continue too. We'll see if he sticks with it but I will because they're all there and they don't take long to read.

terryble_pigeons's review against another edition

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meetmeinmalkovich's review against another edition

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I have very little experience with graphic novels, so my rating is mostly for two reasons:

1. I really love the art. It's fan-freaking-tastic. The detail is incredible, and the sketchbook at the end with the color prints is really cool.

2. I liked the television show for a while, and that is mostly why I picked this up in the first place, so while the story is familiar it was cool to see it in its original format.

sarasofraz's review against another edition

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So this book is the first in the amazing series Walking dead.
When i read this, i had already seen the tv series and was expecting something quite similar but not nearly as good, bc surely, it couldn't be better than the amazing series, now could it?
To be completely honest i did not like the first book that much. I hadn't really read comics before and it was a lot more visual and brutal than i thought it could be, i mean, aftar all it was only frozen frames and not like on tv.
It is gory and raw and exciting.
the differences between the tv series and the comics are quite big, but not that big. There's a whole different timeline in the books, different characters die, and my absolute favourite character in the tv series doesn't even exist in the comics! Which is a big big minus.
But it did push me to read book two, and then three, and then four, five, and i'm trying to get nr 6,7,8 from the library....

nakedsushi's review against another edition

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Exciting with enough emotional scenes where you're not out of breath all the time. I liked the story and most of the characters, but I wish the female characters could be more awesome. Most of them don't get to carry guns and kill zombies and the one that *is* the best shot of everyone gets relegated to backup duty.

jcschildbach's review against another edition

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So I'm posting these in the larger volumes because, well, there's fewer of them. Some bold choices in this--black and white in an age of color "comics," a zombie story that could easily just fall into a done-to-death category (no pun intended), and, well, it's a zombie story with serious intent. Owing much to Romero in terms of concept and social commentary, there are real human characters here with real human conflicts, of course with the ever-present threat of zombie attack keeping the tension up. And it's the tension and the way it gets to the diferent characters that really moves this.

randomusername06150713's review against another edition

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I'm going to let this be my review for the whole "Walking Dead" series....

To be honest, I never had any interest in reading comic books/graphic novels. I started reading these because they were there one day. You can read a whole book in a little over an hour, less if you're determined. I like looking at the artwork though, because it tells a lot of the story, so I spent a little more time with these. These books are definitely compellingly written and truly disturbing. I think I'm on a disturbing book kick and that probably doesn't say too much for my mental well being, but I've just been finding a lot of very well written, very disturbing books.

Anyway, this series is what got me interested in graphic novels and would suggest it to anyone who is not afraid of a little blood and gore. Actually, a lot of blood and gore...