
Mist on Water by Shea Berkley

dreamerfreak's review against another edition

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I sat down and devoured this book in one sitting because once I started I didn't want to stop. Mist on Water is a delightful fairy tale with a haunting "villain" and a satisfying happy ending.

Ryne is a boy who has been cursed from his birth, claimed by the nix who lives in the lake and doomed to die as soon as she can get her hands on him... but the older he gets the more he doubts the truth of the story that his parents tell. Surely the nix is just a legend... right? The more he doubts, the more the other villagers seem to believe that he really is cursed and they begin to shun him. Nari is his closest childhood friend, the one he hurt the most on the day he realized that she wasn't just his friend but also a girl. Lonely and confused, he turns to the one thing that has always been forbidden to him... and always drew him the most: the lake.

This isn't a perfect story; there are the occasional typos, and maybe things I would've liked to see tweaked. But it is a really good story, one that feels like a fairy tale. The language, the style, the characters, and the tiny isolated town all give an insular, anywhere feel perfect for fairy tales. The nix is a complex character who is not evil for the sake of it, but not human either. Ryne and Nari are young and sometimes stupid, but their feelings are genuine and strong. And the adventure that they go through is tense and exciting.

Emotion is a something strong and magical, and this book proves it in small, delightful ways. Highly recommended for any lover of fairy tales and magic.

[I received this book for free through First Reads and was not required to write a positive or any other type of review. All opinions stated herein are solely my own.]

thechaoshour's review against another edition

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A little creepy honestly. It's not bad though.

Initial Thoughts

I didn't know anything about this book going into it. I think it's way more fun that way and I'm not influenced by other reviews while reading it.

My New BFF

I really admire Nari. She was a great character. She had these expectations of her since she's a girl but she always stayed true to herself. She's a fighter and that's why this story turned out in her favor.

My Crush

I'm not sure if I can say I have a crush on Ryne but I did really like him as a character. I liked seeing some parts about when he was younger because it let me appreciate the man he has become more. I did find his romance a little weird and rushed. I would have liked to see more of them courting each other instead of the quick romance they did have.

Writing Style

From the summary of the book I was expecting more fantasy and not this much romance. I'd say it's more of a romance story than fantasy. I was confused when I started the book because it was very heavy on the romance. I also got a little confused when we started changing perspectives but in the end I decided I kind of liked it. I wish the story hadn't felt so rushed to me though. I think there could have been more details and character building and that would have made a better story.

Closing Thoughts

I thought this was a pretty cool addition to the fairy tale genre. You saw all the makings of a fairy tale as you were reading and it even came with a happy ending which I enjoyed. It was a little too short and pretty predictable though which is why it didn't get a higher rating. 3 stars is still good though! It means I really enjoyed the story. I'm happy I got a chance to read this book and I think everyone should pick it up if they're looking for a cute and quick fairy tale type of story.

naduah82's review against another edition

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Originally posted @ Miranda's Book Blog

Have you ever started a book, but almost stopped? This was Mist On Water for me. In fact, I put off reading this, I wished I would have picked it up sooner! Boy am I glad I kept on and decided to trudge through! This is the type of book that just keeps on getting better and better the further you journey throughout the story, reminding me of a fine wine!

This story is written into three parts. Part one is Ryne's POV, which I'll admit that I usually have a hard time with a guy's POV because I have trouble connecting with the protagonist. However, it was a refreshing change of pace to read a book with a guy's POV. Part two is the nix's POV. I must say, Shea Berkley did an amazing job helping the reader see the Nix's take on things. Believe it or not, I actually felt for her during a few parts! Part three is Nari's POV, which was my favorite!

The nix is ruthless. She waits until Ryne finds his one true love, then right before they can have their happily ever after she steals him away in the lake. Like I said above, the author Shea Berkley did an amazing job letting us see into the mind of the nix. While I don’t agree with her ruthlessness, I did get to understand her reasons behind her actions.

Nari is the kind of character that little girls want to be like when they grow up! She's tough, brave and doesn't take crap from anyone! I really admired Nari throughout the story, she doesn’t care what other’s think of her. Nari is one of the most loyal characters I have ever met, her love for Ryne was beautifully powerful. Here’s a quote from Nari that I thought was absolutely beautiful.

“I could not remember my life before Ryne. The moment I met him was the moment my life truly began.”

Throughout the story we get to feel Ryne and Nari’s struggle with good and evil and the power of true love. Overall it’s a great fairytale retelling! Oh and I must mention, one of my favorite elements are included in this book, a happily ever after!

sagek's review against another edition

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*I received a free digital copy from Xpresso Book Tours in exchange for an honest review.

-4.5/5 stars

This book follows Ryne and how his life was dominated by the Nix's curse. The villagers all thought him doomed from the start and ridiculed him as they enlivened he brought the curse tot own and they didn't want any part in it. In doing so he ended up being raised in seclusion from the villagers on his own terms. He wouldn't go out to the village unless he had to, but he at least had a group of friends that stayed with him.

The main reason I love this book is that it reminds me of W.R. Gingell's works, since they have a similar style of writing. I adore the setting and time, as well as the language and overall world building. It was descriptive and detailed and I felt like I could walk through the forests, look up, and be able to pinpoint a tree Ryne and Nari could've possibly used to sit in so they could spit on passing people. It was all very imaginative and I love it!

That said, I love the characters. Ryne is a compassionate, strong young man (or boy begin with), and while he hates how he is treated he doesn't fight back. Or, well he does once but honestly, the guy deserved it so no one can blame him. He loves strongly, trusts with all his being, and cares for those who care for him. He's a great character. Nari started off as 'the lad' until Ryne started seeing her in a different light. She was a wild child, always dirty and hanging out with the boys. She could throw a punch, and best yet, her brother tried to teach her how to pee standing up (the author has a way of putting humor in effortlessly). As she got older she was sent away to become a proper lady, but no one could stop her from fighting the Nix so she could get Ryne back. Their love soaked a large part in this story and I adore it.

The Nix however, had once been kind, believe it or not. However, a man showed her hate and since then... She has never been the same. My heart ached for her, especially when she held those little bones... I hate that something so horrible happened to her, but I felt it a little dramatic that she got so angry and grew so antediluvian even after so many years. I get why it happened and I don't really have any complaints, but it was a bit much. Also, while I enjoyed reading the Nix's part, I just wanted to get back to Ryne and see what happened after she took him. In writing it as the author did, it took away from the Nix's part.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I definitely recommend this to lovers of fantasy, romance, and magic.