
The Genesis of Evangeline by Rachel Jonas

cuthrells's review

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The genesis of evangeline

This is my first time reading this author, and I must say I hate cliff hangers usually, but this story just made me really want to see what happens next so i bought the whole series. Can not wait to see what is next.

annieburton's review

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I almost didn't finish, it was a bit boring at the beginning, and when the first plot twist showed I was about to leave it but then it started to pick up and got to another plot twist/reveal and it got me hooked so much Im already reading the 2nd book.
Be patient

muretski's review

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great phenomenal read!

curls's review

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Evangeline is adopted, when her family moves her to Seaton Falls from Chicago. She has some unresolved issues about being adopted, mainly that she loves her family but she felt lied to for her whole life.

Side note - as someone who knows quite a bit about this since I am adopted, always be honest with kids about this and let them knew as early as possible. They won’t understand right away, but it’s something that’s a part of them that makes them special, and hopefully won’t make them feel lied to. I can’t imagine the crazy I would have gone through my teen years if I had found out then.

Evangeline is in therapy for those feelings. She also has recurrent detailed dreams about a tattooed guy, which is pretty unusual.

She meets Nick, her neighbor, who is kind to her and they start to get to know each other better. Nick has his own secret, he finds out when he has his first shift on his eighteenth birthday that he is a lycan shifter. They normally shift at 20, so his family thought they would have more time to warn him.

Evangeline’s dreams are getting more vivid, and the scenery in her dreams is becoming more and more familiar as her dream guy is in town. They eventually run into each other, and Liam knows a lot about her past and birth family.

So yeah, there’s a love triangle, but it’s resolved by the beginning of book two. It’s not too bad honestly, love triangles can be good or bad, and I thought this one was well done. I loved Liam, but Nick is a good guy too. Also props for having a character in therapy, working through issues about being adopted.

All in all, it’s a fun ya shifter romance. You might want to pass if you hate the love triangle trope, but this one didn’t bother me, maybe because I really liked the main character. The books has mysteries left for the rest of the series to explore.

The first book was free when I bought it, the entire series is available on kindle unlimited.

kellyyoungbl's review

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Pretty good

I really liked this book. The storyline was intriguing and I'm certainly interested in continuing the series. However, there were a lot of errors in this book that took you out of the story. ALso, I really didn't care for Roz. She was an unneeded character. Maybe she'll have a purpose later on, but for now she was extraneous.

kpitroff17's review against another edition

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alyraves's review against another edition

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I picked this series up cause I wanted to know the history prior to reading the spin-off series ([b:First Term|46722047|First Term (Dragon Fire Academy #1)|Rachel Jonas||71738834]). It took a bit to get into it, and found myself drifting to other books before I actually got into this one. However, once I actually dedicated some time to reading it, I couldn't put it down. Loving the characters and intrigued by the plot. Totally on the Evie & Liam train!

paradoxically's review against another edition

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Overall, disappointing.

At first I was pretty excited. I'm a sucker for shifters and secret backgrounds and a special main character. Add in a great love interest and I'm alllll ears. That said, the more I read The Genesis of Evangeline the less interested I became and the more I noticed the flaws. This book was slow, god it was slow. I'm all for slow builds, but this just never seemed to ramp up my attention beyond a middling interest. It really did feel like an extended introduction to Seaton Falls and to Evie.

Then there's the first person POV shift between Evie and Nick and I HATE that, ugh. I can't say Nick's portions were meaningless, because you do get information and plot through them, but I have never been fond of switching POVs, especially when they're first person POVs. Then there's the author's propensity for telling instead of showing. I kept getting told Evie's or Nick's emotions and I was never really convinced about their budding interest in one another, among other things. It was weirdly flat even with the writing being otherwise all right.

It was a bit sad I wasn't sold on either romance (or... beginnings of romance) between Evie and Nick or Evie and Liam. Nick and Evie spend more time thinking how hot the other is and less time actually talking about things and being open with one another. Liam is the guy in Evie's head who you'd think I'd be all over (being hot, strong, I'll-protect-you-with-my-life), except again, weirdly flat. Just no real interest in either of the two characters.

The background story is a bit... eh... I try really hard to believe it. I'm still not sure what makes Evie special, other than
Spoilershe's the only female born of two Original shifters. So. What's great about being female versus her brothers... also... why...
. Then you get that Seaton Falls has a huge shifter (mostly lycan) population but is controlled by the Council, who in turn is supposed to be beholden to the Sovereign, except undercurrents of rebellion and the like. Except the Council is also filled with a bunch of jerks. Stereotypical robe wearing, old smug men villain types. Meh.

I just didn't like it so much. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't good either. It doesn't help that the characterizations seemed weak, and when I read a book like this I'm all about characterizations. I can at least hand wave the world building, but let me believe in the characters. Or even let me like them better--Evie, Nick, and Liam I can tolerate (I wanted to love them so bad though), but Roz? She definitely gives off annoying sidekick vibes. The rest of everyone else? They're not one of the main three, so they're kicked off to the wayside. 2 stars.

mrose21's review against another edition

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OK, so we have instant love, a love triangle and a super duper female lead...
I've read worse. This won't be the worst book for me in 2020 but this wasn't that enjoyable in the end.

Evie is OK. I thought she had potential.
I don't know about Liam - something isn't right there
Nick I'm also on the fence about.

I just don't think there is enough interest for me to continue this series.

naiapard's review against another edition

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The longest read of my life ( not really, but sure it felt that way).