
The Mephisto Kiss by Trinity Faegen, Stephanie Feagan

daisy87's review

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You might remember how I was a bit on the fence about The Mephisto Covenant and had some issues with it. I'm glad to say The Mephisto Kiss worked better for me!

Jordan is a much stronger main character than Sasha was, she's used to living in the spotlight and has had to deal with loss before and is just in general for me someone I could relate more to. Unlike Sasha, she definitely has some backbone and I like that. I liked that she didn't just accept right from the bat that she 'belonged' with a guy she'd never met before and that she couldn't return to her old life and her old boyfriend. I mean, it's a huge adjustment and I cannot imagine anyone being ok with it right from the start.

I also appreciated that we got to know Eryx a little better. I like when the bad guy has a backstory and is more of a real character than just an excuse for the story to revolve around. I didn't really get why everyone at Jordan's high school was so charmed by Eryx, because he just seems really creepy to me, but it's all part of his special powers apparantly.

Jordan and Key have a complicated relationship and at times I wondered if they were ever going to make it work, but there was a much more gradual growth in their relationship than there was between Jax and Sasha and I liked it. I was also pretty surprised by something that happened towards the end and I'm still slightly unsure how they bended the rules and turned it back around because I was kinda sure they couldn't. Oh well, I'm all for a happy ending of course.

I still felt sometimes that we just get dumped in the middle of the story and like I missed the part where they explained some of the background, but I'm pretty sure I didn't skip any pages. And I couldn't help but feel annoyed at Sasha, especially when she was crying for no reason.

I think I know who the next brother to get his own book will be (I'm not a genius, it's pretty obvious) and if it plays out like I think it will, their story has the chance to be really heartbreaking.
I definitely think the series picked up from the first book and while there were some things that annoyed me, I did really enjoy reading it!

My rating: 4 stars

ruthsic's review

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The eyes never lie. No one’s eyes are darker than Eryx’s. Not even the Devil’s. When Jax and Sasha first see Jordan Ellis, they know she is no ordinary teenager. She’s the daughter of the president, after all, but she’s also Anabo — a descendant of Eve.

What they don’t know is that Eryx plans to kidnap Jordan and force President Ellis to pledge his soul. If Eryx’s plot succeeds, the consequences would be catastrophic.
But the Mephisto brothers do know about Jordan’s secret identity. And for one of them, she could be the match that leads to his soul’s salvation.

Now it’s a desperate race against time to save Jordan and prevent Eryx’s haunting eyes from discovering her true identity.

When I had read The Redemption of Ajax, I wasn't so sure about the series you know. It was a bit Lords of the Underworld-ish to me - these immortal warriors looking for their soulmates and stuff. Sasha and Ajax - their story was cute but a bit insta-lovey and while I liked them, I wasn't shipping them as much. However, Jordan and Key - now they are the ones I am shipping after this book. Both are a perfect match - both selfless, always fulfilling others' expectations of them, such that eventually they don't do anything for their own sake. Their meeting was also unconventional - Key sure had saved her, but she was already in love with another and while she agreed to become immortal for the Mephisto, it was really him she was doing it for. Their relationship started from convenience to friendship and finally to love.

Eryx plays a larger role in the book as he tries to entice Jordan to his side. I did find it horribly misogynistic that all he wants are babies and considering that the women are dependent on men for their turning into Mephisto in this series, Jordan was a strong enough character to stand up to both events. She is ready to be a warrior because she wants to do the things she needs to do by herself, which is admirable. She sure could have hung around the Mountain while the other Mephisto went for the takedown but she knew it was something she would have to learn to do for herself. That growth and the vulnerability she and Key show to each other endeared this book to me. I would, however, strongly advise this book for mature readers as there are sexual references in this book that would not be suitable for everyone.