
Before I Die, by Jenny Downham

ajsterkel's review

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Sixteen-year-old Tessa has decided to stop her treatments for leukemia so that she feels well enough to enjoy her last few months of life. She makes a list of things that she wants to do before she dies, including having sex, doing drugs, committing a crime, becoming famous, and falling in love.

The title tells you how the book ends, but the story is not predictable. Tessa's list is so unusual that you never know what she's going to do next. This book is beautifully written. I especially like the end where reality is mixed with thoughts and Tessa's instructions to her family members. I also like the unconditional love that Tessa's family and boyfriend have for her. She treats them horribly, and they never give up on her.

The author did a great job of showing the complicated emotions that surround death, but the realistic emotions also made it difficult for me to connect with Tessa. In the beginning of the book, she is so angry, and so ungrateful, and so selfish that I disliked her immediately. She does get a little better at the end of the book, but it's not enough for me to like her. I really hate her pessimistic friend, Zoey. The younger brother is inconsistent and often acts much younger than his age.

This book's greatness comes from the effect that it has on the reader. It makes you think about what you want to do with your life. It makes you grateful for your relationships. It makes you appreciate the everyday things. Most of all, it makes you happy to be alive. 

cawleen's review

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This book broke my heart and made me cry uncontrollably. Ugh, so good, but so sad.

ladyfrost's review against another edition

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Книгата не блести със задълбочени разсъждения, нито с изказ. Но пък и не е дразнещо плоска по тези параграфи.
Мисля, че би допаднала на други емоционални читатели като мен. Особено ако не възлага особени надежди. :) Теса е симпатична и не изпада в твърде досадни мелодраматични разсъждения.
За щастие нямаше любовен триъгълник, пфю. Това е едно от нещата в YA романите, което ужасно ме дразнят.

readlikeanerd's review

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I've not read this in ages. It's one of those rare books that's shockingly truthful from the beginning, and yet, somehow, the ending still manages to surprise you. There's no ambiguity. Tessa is terminally ill and is going to die. And yet there is still hope. It's a hope for the human race in the way we see Tessa continue to exist, to live, to squeeze every last piece of living she has out of herself. Through this, we want to see her succeed with her 'Before I Die' list. The reason I didn't give it five stars is probably just a personal thing. Books about terminal illness really aren't a favourite of mine. Although, the fact that I still gave it four stars regardless, is surely a sign to what a wonderful piece of writing this is.

eatingfiction's review against another edition

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I'm not why I even sure why I read this.

faeonline's review

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Voi apua kuinka hyvä kirja! Ehdottomasti mun lemppari tänä vuonna luetuista kirjoista. Ennen kuin kuolen oli tosi koskettava kirja vakavasta aiheesta. Mä nappasin tän kirjan mukaani kirjastosta just ennen kuin olin menossa lainaamaan kirjoja koska se vaikutti mielenkiintoiselta ja en ollut kyllä väärässä. Tessan lista asioista mitä se haluaa toteuttaa ennen kuolemaansa oli mun mielestä tosi mielenkiintoinen, osittain sen takia että se oli niin poikkeava; yleensä jos kirjoissa on kuoleva hahmo, toiveet on luokkaa “käy Disney Landissa” tai “lahjoita hyväntekeväisyyteen”. Tessan lista koostui kohdista kuten “harrasta seksiä” ja “kokeile huumeita”, mitkä ainakin mun mielestä on tavallaan realistisempia? Koska jos sä tiedät kuolevasi, sä haluat kokeilla kaikkea, mahdollisesti sellaisiakin asioita mitä sä et terveenä tekisi. Koska jos sä kuolet kuitenkin, ei seuraukset esim. huumeiden käytöstä ole niin pahoja.

Yksi asia mistä mä tässä kirjassa pidin on se, että Tessasta ei tullut äärettömän hyvää ihmistä heti kun tieto kuolemisesta tuli ilmi. Se on toinen elementti mitä yleensä näkyy kirjoissa; kuolevasta ihmisestä tulee äärettömän hyvä ja nöyrä ihminen joka haluaa halata koko maailmaa. Kuvaus Tessasta on mun mielestä realistisempi, sillä kirjassa kuvataan hyvin sitä kuinka viha, katkeruus ja kyynisyys ottaa helposti ihmisestä vallan. Lisäksi kirjassa mainitaan se, kuinka aina ei jaksa tehdä mitään, kaikki tuntuu merkityksettömältä ja turhalta.

Kirjan romanssi oli ainut miinus, mutta ei sekään mikään iso. Ainut moite mulla oli oikeastaan se, että se oli vähän instalove-tyyppinen, mutta toisaalta ottaen huomioon että Tessa oli kuolemassa, ei rakastumiselle ole niin kauan aikaa.

Mutta oikeasti, tää kirja tuhosi mut. Mä valehtelematta itkin viimeiset 50 sivua putkeen. Ja luin tän kirjan päivässä koska se oli niin hyvä. Rakastan.

ashley_lynn's review

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if you wan't a book that makes you cry and cry and cry to the pont that where every one thinks your going mad this is the best book for you is a vraey good book sad but good it make you see the world in a new way it is a book anyone can read and sould read i think that it sould be a book that all school must do because will school's need good book and this onre is a grat book

razishiri's review

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I think I cried more reading this book than I have in... well, quite a while. Some parts seemed a bit unrealistic to me, but then again, I'm no authority on how it feels to die; very few people are. This book, I suppose, is for people who are wondering. It's not the best written or most life changing book I've ever read, but it certainly is provocative on I would reccomend it on those grouds alone.

chlozjayne's review

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it was really different and moving

loorae's review

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Very well written, honest book. Heart-wrenching and a good old fashioned tear jerker. I think anyone who can imagine themselves in tessa's footsteps understand her thought process, but its hard to imagine truly being in her position. I enjoyed this book and it made me think about my own life.