mastersal's review against another edition

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I finally admitted that I am not going to get through this book so I DNF while on the 6th chapter. I am an economist by training so while I enjoyed the simplicity and perspective of this book, it was too introductory. Given that that is the intent of the book - make economics accessible to everyone - I would say that it largely a successful book. The author does a great job in explaining his views and opinions which colour economics which is a refreshing change. I tend to agree with him as far as I read, which also made the book slow as it was like an echo chamber for me. Nonetheless, I would recommend this for people interested in knowing what economics is about - especially in the capitalist system context.

For economists this would be good reading for those who are ideological believers in free market efficiency. For the rest I would say that this is best read as a read along, otherwise you might get distracted as I did.

srfrq's review against another edition

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very very essential reading for all! i still haven't quite wrapped my head around all the little details but i finally understand the overall structure of capitalism. "economics" was a big scary word and field before i read this but i can finally make sense of the world in relation to economics. excited to support my sister's endeavours in studying economics and finance in her undergrad and i hope she will find the notes i made in my copy useful. : )

also, for a seemingly boring topic (which it was for me evidently, it took me a year to get through this monstrosity), there are little funny comics throughout the book and the cover is quite pleasing to look at as well. the colourful font on the spine also makes it look like an appealing read!

justabookholic's review

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Not rating this bc it was required reading for my intro econ course.

Overall, a highly informative and a more grounded take on capitalism written by an economist with union ties. A clearly written introduction that is formatted in an assessable way that goes over key concepts and fundamentals with a focus on how capitalism affects the working class.

nadybl's review against another edition

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J'ai mis du temps à lire ce livre. Je m'attendais à quelque chose du calibre de "Petit cours d'autodéfense intellectuel" de la même maison d'édition.
Je trouvais le livre un peu trop "de base" et un peu trop biaisé.
L'auteur faisait des affirmations qui étaient plutôt des opinions.

Mais je suis contente de l'avoir terminé. C'est un bon portrait d'ensemble de l'économie en générale et de l'économie en particulier. J'ai pu réviser certaines notions et en corrigé d'autres qui ont changé depuis mon cours d'économie au secondaire.
C'est complet, clair, simple à lire... Et ça déboulonne certains mythes avec lesquelles les économistes nous rabattent les oreilles régulièrement.

taralouise's review

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This is essential reading if you want an accessible guide to the way the economy works and why it be like that.