
Wicked Eddies by Beth Groundwater

psalmcat's review

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Pretty good mystery, set in an area I've driven through quite often but never spent much time in. If you're into fly-fishing and white-water rafting, you'll REALLY like this book. I like it because it's a good reproduction of life in Colorado. It made me very homesick.

dollycas's review

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Salida Colorado is getting ready for its annual fly fishing tournament. The river rangers are checking all the spots up and down the mighty Arkansas River making sure everything is ready for the participants. Mandy thinks it should be a busy weekend but it shouldn't be too dangerous. Then she finds the dead body, would-be competitor Howie Abbott and it wasn't a fish that drove that hatchet through his neck.

As Mandy searches for clues she finds out Howie Abbott is Cynthia's uncle and her least favorite person on earth. She is not surprised when Cynthia becomes a prime suspect but she knows her friend is not a murderer. She takes in upon herself to find the real killer while being careful not to be carried away by the undertow or plunges too deep into Wicked Eddies.

Dollycas's Thoughts

Beth Groundwater writes what she knows. You can tell that by the way she writes. She takes us on a wild ride!

Cynthia was my favorite supporting character in Deadly Currents and she is center stage in this installment. She is so upset she is not even telling the blonde jokes that I loved. The author reveals Cynthia's past and we get to see the person behind the jokes. The vulnerable Cynthia, a person I grew to care even more about.

Mandy is dealing with a lot in this story as well. She is still coming to terms with her own uncle's death and trying to move forward which we know is never easy. Rob makes me a little mad as he continues to push her at times for his own agenda. Sometimes guys just don't have a clue.

There are a couple of mysteries here, murder and missing persons along with the adventure of the fishing tournament that makes this a very fast paced story. Plenty of clues and plenty of distractions to keep the pages turning as we try to solve the mysteries ourselves.

You do not have to fish or ride the rapids to be hooked by this adventure, but you want to start after reading it!

nnecatrix's review

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Book #15 of 2013

This is the second installment in the RM Adventures series featuring river ranger Mandy Tanner, and I think it's significantly better than the first book. I can get a better feel for the recurring characters this time out, and the relationship tensions threaded throughout the story seem less manufactured. Though I hope that I'm wrong that Beth seems to be setting up for a relationship crisis in a future book. Then again, it would be totally realistic, so it's just my personal squeamishness talking, I suppose.

I think I had a good idea pretty early on what the story behind the murder was. I even pegged the murderer, despite some good red herrings along the way.

As usual, the sense of place was excellent, and I look forward to seeing the adventures expand to more outdoor activities. And maybe in the next book I'll find out how good I am at reading Beth's mind.