
Clear as Ice by Penelope Marzec

superwendy's review

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This felt like a longer novel cut down to size to fit novella length. You can drive a bus through the holes in the suspense sub plot (restraining orders are glossed over and parole, violating it or otherwise, is never mentioned regarding a villain who gets released from jail early because of "good behavior") and the resolution is dashed off in a tell-no-show sentence. There's also the problem that the suspense plot doesn't mesh well with the tone of the story - heavier inspirational, a hero who says "bah humbug" (more than once), and the heroine (who is dealing with a stalker mind you!) who tries to revive the hero's Christmas spirit. The characters read very Hallmark Movie with a bunch of God Stuff and ill-fitting suspense plot on the side. Oh, and there's a dog. None of it hung together well.