xunil's review against another edition

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informative inspiring lighthearted fast-paced


calmlyballistic's review against another edition

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informative inspiring medium-paced


bgibbs's review against another edition

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adventurous challenging informative inspiring reflective slow-paced


This book is a delightful exploration of mushrooms and fungi - written in a narrative format that is quite accessible despite the myriad science involved throughout the book! I adored this book and have not stopped recommending it to friends!

michelemybelle's review against another edition

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I love a science book that makes me want to pause every few pages to shout a fun fact to my partner in the other room.

oddact's review against another edition

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informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


I love how he includes thoughts through art and holistic thinking. This book was so good and made me look at things through a lens that filled my heart with excitement, inspiration, and joy!

son_of_simon's review against another edition

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It is well-written, entertaining, and sometimes mind-blowing. I learned a lot about fungus, Including that there is a lot we don't know about fungus.

jimvdmeulen's review against another edition

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informative inspiring medium-paced


meganfrary's review against another edition

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So good! I knew very little about fungus when I started this and am now so fascinated by this third kingdom of life. And as a scientist, I'm baffled by how little we know about fungi and how many remarkable properties they have. Also, I don't know that I've ever read a book that was better researched.

utopiaandmelancholy's review

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informative inspiring medium-paced


Really well written and engaging non-fiction about a much-neglected kingdom. 

jwgnd's review against another edition

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hopeful reflective slow-paced
