
Devon's Choice by Catherine Bennett

hugbandit7's review

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an enjoyable Christian romance story! Devon works in a coffee shop but is working on establishing a graphic design business. Michael is an arrogant and shallow man that she is dating who expects everything to be handed to him. Brandon is the "nice guy" that meets Devon when he stops for coffee. And of course there is Megan the best friend and her boyfriend John...but they are minor characters.

When I first started reading this book and would come to the sections where it detailed the dates between Devon and Michael, I knew this couldn't last long. Devon's character is independent and she doesn't need a man to do things for her. I also could see that if Michael didn't get his way, that his actions could cause problems. I was glad of the way that whole situation resolved itself but not without a few "oh no" moments.

Brandon is the good guy and sets out to prove it to Devon, and even to himself. He realizes that his life isn't complete and perhaps Devon is the one that will complete that life. Both Brandon and Devon have to work through the uncertainties in their life before they will ever be happy with themselves or each other.

I enjoyed every bit of this and wouldn't hesitate to read something by this author again.

momwithareadingproblem's review

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Devon's Choice by Catherine Bennett is a quick read about a young woman at a crossroads in life. Devon is twenty-eight, still lives at home with her ailing father, and trying to start her own business. She's in a dead end relationship when she meets Brandon a charming young man trying to make his family business grow.

I really loved this book! Devon is a fun character that I related to on every level. She's a bit lost at the beginning of the book. Her mother died five years prior, and since then she's lived with her dad, who is not doing to well himself. She's working at a coffee shop by day and by night trying to make a go of her online company. Pride, I think, keeps her from accepting any help from anyone. She wants to succeed on her own.

Brandon isn't much better. When we first meet him, he is working himself to the bone to make his family business grow. He inherited it when his father died unexpectedly, and now he's running it his way. When he meets Devon, he realizes this is the girl he wants to settle down with. Maybe he is ready. I like Brandon! He's honest, kind-hearted, and good to Devon.

The plot of the story is a light romance with some ups and downs. But what makes the plot unique is the author's ability to interweave Christianity and make this clean romance a story of redemption. It's sweet and heartbreaking at moments and I just loved it! It's short, only about 150 pages so it can easily be read in one sitting if you choose to do so. If you enjoy inspirational, clean romance I highly recommend you go grab a copy. You can thank me later ;)

I received an eARC of this book from the author via I Am a Reader in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of this review

ghumpherys's review

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3.5 stars. This was a sweet story and a fairly quick read, although at times I think I was a little “underwhelmed” by the story (not sure if that is the best word, but I think I was expecting a bit more depth or tension/climax or something). I liked how the relationship between the two main characters started out and developed – it seemed realistic and believable. On the other hand, the relationship between Devon and her former boyfriend (especially a couple of the later scenes) felt more like it just came out of a move script.
Spoiler(If her ex-boyfriend was really that violent, she took it way too lightly and the police should have been involved.)

The relationships the two main characters each had with their parent was also a positive part of the story - I appreciated their closeness and the way they looked out for the needs of their parent. I thought the faith/religious elements of the story were well done for the most part – there were only a couple of spots where I felt it was a bit too much for my personal taste. Overall, an enjoyable read!
I received an e-book version of this book in exchange for an honest review.

bequibuho's review

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This was a quick read. The book is rather short only 12 chapters, I was able to read it in one siting. This book is about Devon a 28 year old who is a graphic designer and a barista. I wish I could tell you more about the summary but I feel like that would be revealing the book. I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone.

I really liked the characters, but I didn’t love them. I thought Devon fell a little flat sometimes. I preferred to read from Brandon’s point of view. He is the love interest, and even though he seemed just a little bit too perfect at times, I thought he was more believable as a person.

I did enjoyed how Bennett incorporated faith into the book. It was Devon’s struggle with accepting God’s love after her mother passed away. She still had Christian morals because those were the ones her mother brought her up with. When big moments come up in her life she looks toward God for guidance. I thought her faith was beautiful.

I did have issues with this book though. There were two scenes that just through me completely out of the book. They were scenes with Michael, a man Devon has been seeing. One of scene was just so over the top and dramatic, I felt like I was reading the script to a lifetime movie.

Again the book was so short. I felt like we missed out on great supporting characters, character growth, and at times the story was just too rushed. I wanted more.