countdeworde's review

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I wrote a script of one of the comics featured in this anthology of Czech manga. The title is Subway (Metro).

Napsala jsem scénář ke komiksu Metro.

It's out! It's out! The Czech manga anthology was released this weekend and it was awesome because I got to sign about thirty volumes. My fellow otakus were standing in a line to get my autogramme (Yes, yes not just mine, there were other authors as well.) What I want to say is that I wrote a manga script which is different work than short stories or articles for blogs and it got published and the pictures look cool. Like I said it's awesome feeling and I'm going to continue writing scripts and short stories because I want to feel like this again. Acknowledged. Knowing that there are people who want to read MY stories (and Janiko's in case of Metro). I'm so happy. :D

Jinak letos je zatím nejvyváženější sborník. Předchozí roky byly mezi slabými/slabšími a propracovanějšími kousky větší rozdíly. Je vidět, že se autoři vyvíjejí. :D