
Hearts Don't Lie by Sutton Bishop

lmrivas54's review

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What a beautiful story! All that heart! So many feelings! I cried but I also rejoiced and loved all the beautiful souls that are portrayed here. What a heartfelt book!

Mac and Hardin were high school sweethearts. He comes from a rich family, she lived in a trailer park. Both were smart, good students. He was a cocky soccer player, burdened with the heavy expectations of his parents. Everyone wanted a piece of him, looking at him as the rich boy, the soccer star; the only one who truly looked at him and wanted the person he was, was Mac. But their love was doomed by their parents, and they were torn apart.

Twelve years later, Mac has a different name (Kenna), is a single mom, lives in another state, and is co-owner of a hiking adventure company. Hardin is a soccer god in Europe. For the last ten years he has been paying a private detective to find Mac, with no results until recently. And now he came to get his woman back!

Initially, there was misgiving and defensiveness in their reunion on Kenna’s part, but eventually there was forgiveness. Their shared stories brought a lot of pain and anger. It was such a horrible tale of interference and hate! But what made this story truly magnificent was the integrity and kindness of the people that helped Kenna when she arrived in Colorado, and brought her into their family. It was so heartening to find a group of persons giving support and friendship, initially to a young pregnant woman, then to her son.

The first part of the book is arranged in flashbacks, the story is told in duel POV’s. The flashbacks are a necessary part of the book, to explain the characters’ back story. I found that the arrangement was a little choppy and the story didn’t flow as smoothly as desired. It didn’t make the story confusing but the placement could have been better planned. Even so, this was a enthralling second chance book with heartwarming characters. It’s the kind you like to read again and again to rejoice in the feelings!

kelly_reads_books's review

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5 heartfelt stars

jessaruck's review

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This book is so cute! I haven't be able to stop thinking about it. It's not my usual type of book, but it just may inspire me to read more because this was a hallmark movie in a book format a must read for second chance at once readers

823sisi's review

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This is an ARC review. All opinions are solely my own.

Hearts Don't Lie by Sutotn Bishop is book one of her new Pinon Ridge series. This is a second chance romance that surpassed my expectations.

Hardin and Mac are destined to be together from their first meeting. Life happens and they are torn apart. Neither of them have forgotten their one true love. Twelve years later they are thrust back together. And it's a beautiful ride.

I was hesitant because I'm not a reader of YA romance and was afraid there would be too much focus on the high school years. There is not. All of the high school scenes are written as flashbacks and the content is 100% necessary.

This is a second chance romance and each character does their fair share of groveling but I liked that once the situations were out in the open there wasn't a lot of dwelling or shaming of the situations.

I can't wait to read the next book in this series.

emilyhooie22's review

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adventurous dark emotional funny inspiring mysterious reflective fast-paced


 Sutton Bishop speaks life and emotion into her beautifully written characters. Each has their own creative personality, past, and life path.

With each new page, my heart grew more in love with Hardin and Mac's story. My heart melted in times of happiness, and ached with them in times of heartache.

Sutton's writing reminds me of Nicholas Sparks' works! Specifically the movie (adapted from the book of the same name), "The Best of Me." Much like his works, Bishop kept me wanting more. Whether it was eagerness to know the unraveling truth or wanting more of the spice that was hotter than the coffee they drank, she always kept the story interesting and surprising.

Wonderful read!

Thank you, Haley & Hanna Newlin (Twins & Talent) & Sutton Bishop for sending me a copy & asking me to read and review. I am so glad I said yes to this amazing read! 

letstalksmut_chill's review

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I actually read the start of the series backwards. I received an arc for the book after this one, went back and read this one and fell in love with the two characters. They met is high school sweethearts trials and tribulations on both of their sides took them apart 12 years later she found her and then find a happily ever after you have to read the storyline in order kudos to the author can’t wait to read your next book

stevienicole30's review

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McKenna Vesley, and Hardin Ambrose were the couple that parents tried to keep apart. After twelve years Hardin had finally tracked down Mac who was living in a new town and had changed her name to rid her past. It was time they sort through the stories they were told, and the lies that kept them apart. What Hardin didn’t know was Mac had been living with a secret for the last twelve years. Can these two get back what they had as teenagers or is it a lost cause. I loved their story. It made me emotional because these two found love as kids, and even as adults you could see how much they cared for each other.

the_librarians_daughter's review

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My own personal warning label - Bring tissues. Expect your heart to break more than a few times. Trust Ms. Bishop - she fixes everything.

This book is just absolutely stunningly, beautifully, written.

This is a second chance romance, but it’s also a coming home novel, and the faith in true binding love no matter the odds.

The story kicks off in present day Colorado. We’re introduced to a woman named Kenna, with a chapter heading of “Mac”. It threw me as first as well. All is revealed somewhat shortly.

Set in a small tight knit town in Colorado, Kenna owns her own wilderness adventures company with her best friend Cori and has an 11 year old son named Stowe.

Let me pause here to say, outside of the plot which will rightfully pull you in, this story is also a silent testament to utter kick ass, take charge, fearless women. It’s written in such a way that it’s only after you digest everything else that you realize how many female characters there are and how many of them are in somewhat untraditional roles. They are all strong independent women who support each other unconditionally. (Huge hugs and claps for this Ms. Bishop!)

Back to the actual stuff. Kenna is discussing her latest, unplanned, and surprise long weekend trek..when Cori drops the real bomb on Kenna. The customer is Hardin Ambrose.

Kenna faints and the world goes black. No. Actually.

From this point on Hardin and Kenna (Mac) become one couple working at opposite ends to find their middle.

We learn that while Hardin is now a MEFL player (I think of this as Europe’s version of Premiere League - soccer) he and Kenna, formerly Mac, were teenage lovers. Their back story is tragic.

They attended rival schools in high school. Hardin saw Mac as a cheerleader at one of his matches against her school. He later tracks her down in town and charms her into a date.

Mac and Hardin have everything going against them. Mac is smart. Like SMART. This has her a grade above her age in school, but still a minor by Illinois law. Hardin is smart as well, but just a normal 18 year old senior. In most cases, not unusual or upsetting.
Except Mac is dirt poor, living with an abusive mother who could care less about her child, and Hardin is from a wealthy family so wrapped up in appearances and net worth that they have apparently lost their souls. As well as their ability to be actual humans.

The couple are counting down the days till Mac graduates and can join Hardin in North Carolina and college. Unfortunately, one random slip on the young couple’s part leads them down a MUCH darker and more twisted path. Not noticing the passage of time or impending weather, the lovers are interrupted by the local cops worried about their safety while out on a date in a field. The cops learn that they are both there willingly, and neither drunk or stoned. They warn Hardin that he is an adult and can’t be out with Mac, a minor. Trying to help the couple out, the cops offer to drop Mac at home and allow Hardin to leave.

This is where our lovers part. 12 years pass. Mac is a figment on pieces of paper that disappeared once graduation came. Hardin had been unable to reach or see Mac after their last date (reasons for which are covered in the plot). All he knows is she’s gone.

Once a professional and out of his parent’s control Hardin begins a ten year search that leads him to a mysterious Kenna Eliot in Colorado.

Hardin and Mac (Kenna) spend a long weekend punishing their bodies with hard hikes through altitude changes during the day, and unburdening their souls at night. We hear Hardin’s side of events post last date on night one and Mac’s on night two.
The former lovers exit the wilderness slightly more understanding of events that lead to their current lives, but still somewhat adrift on the “what next?”.

Hardin makes the choice to knowingly blow off contractual obligations to his team in Spain in order to uncover more of Mac’s life. He decides to extend his stay in Mac’s town.

He quickly learns that while their love is very much still alive for each other, there is more than just the two of them in this plot. Mac has a son. One that Hardin believes to be from a marriage that he thinks she had. Hardin never really pushes this theory for confirmation though.

Shortly, he learns that Stowe is very much not a child from a prior marriage. Hardin then puts plans into play to remove himself from the professional sports world entirely and enter into a new life in Colorado with Mac and Stowe.

Ms. Bishop adds in some testing of Hardin’s character by Mac’s adopted family and her friends. He drives his friend and manager to fear due to his ghosting of not only his club, but calls from his agent. Finally there is one last encounter with Hardin and his parents. This encounter leaves things in destructive panic and dangerous consequences.

It does lead Mac and Hardin to their final and very well deserved happy ever after.

There is so very very much that I’m skimming over not trying to drop spoilers or plot ruin. I need you all to read this book so I can openly book club it. So so much to unpack.

Mac is an utterly, heart grippingly, strong female who endures so much in her life. This is a person who deserves good things, all the time.

Hardin is that unicorn of a guy. He’s from a wealthy family, but he’s seen as a pawn or bargaining chip. His parents use him as a status symbol. Hardin has a heart of gold and a wealth of love that is just there. He loves hard when people look past all the wrapping and see HIM.

Ms. Bishop compares Hardin to Messi. A very successful, very famous, Argentinian soccer player who plays for Barcelona at club level. I’m not a Messi fan. Personal reasons. Not sure I like the guy as a person. To me, Hardin is Christian Pulisic....but with searing blue eyes instead of brown. And playing for a Premiere League team. (I’m a Pulisic fan

megkstyler's review

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I really enjoyed this book! It did take me a bit to find my flow with it. That’s on me and not the author. I tend to struggle with books written in third person. For some reason it takes me longer to connect to a story. With that said I pretty much read this in one sitting. I loved that there was no long drawn out unnecessary drama. It was a sweet second chance romance. This was my first book by Sutton Bishop and it won’t be my last! I would absolutely recommend this book!

Received an arc for a honest review.

annareadshere's review

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Synopsis: In this second chance romance, Mac and Hardin are childhood sweethearts, from different sides of the tracks. Hardin had dreams to go on to become a professional soccer star, while Mac was going to follow as far as she could go. But one night, everything is taken away from the both of them. And now, twelve years later, their paths cross. Can everything be normal again or will it be a struggle to make sense of their new lives?

Review: Sutton Bishop is a new-to-me author, but I am absolutely in love with her storytelling. The details, the characters, the history, the constant angst - it all just made this book so damn good. I knew from the blurb that it was going to be an emotional rollercoaster, but I don’t think I expected it to be so much more than I bargained for. Mac and Hardin are such great leads and to watch them both fall in love as teenagers and then as adults was truly a wonderful experience.

Not only do Mac and Hardin come from different sides of the town they grew up, she goes to the rival school. Mac has a shitty home life, with an abusive mother who doesn’t care for her daughter even a little. While Hardin also has a tough home life where his parents are putting so much pressure on his soccer dreams, almost like it’s for them and not him. When their families get involved in their secret relationship, everything spins out of control, splitting Mac and Hardin apart with no way to get in touch and sort everything out.

The book goes back and forth, giving you a glimpse into Mac and Hardin’s young life and then into their current lives. Mac has started a new life with her young son and is now the co-owner of an adventure company in Colorado. She’s made sense of her life and she’s got a surrogate family that loves and supports her completely. And it’s so beautiful seeing Mac with her son, Stowe. She’s grown up so much from the little girl she was with Hardin and to see how much she loves and protects her son, while still being a totally badass boss babe is such a wonderful sight.

Hardin, on the other hand, went on to follow his dreams. He’s playing for a Spanish team and he’s finally got some time off before training starts. Which brings him to Colorado. Because for the last 12 years, he’s been tracking down Mac and with the help of a really good PI, finally finds her and he’s not letting go this time. Except, Mac isn’t entirely looking forward to seeing him. And Hardin being Hardin, makes a big impact by showing up in the small town of Piñon Ridge.

The slow burn romance is beautiful, because you can see that Hardin wants Mac to give him another chance, but she’s got so much to sort through. There’s so much they both have to talk about with what happened that fateful night when their lives were changed forever. Mac and Hardin have always known that his family didn't approve of her, but it’s definitely hard to talk about. Then there’s her son, Stowe, who is the most important part of her life and Mac doesn’t want to upset that balance.

The big and small secrets all come to life as you travel up and down memory lane. While at times the flashbacks seem like too much, it’s an important part of Mac and Hardin’s story. To truly understand why they are the way they are, you have to dig into their history and relive it with them. This is a beautiful second chance story with two very incredible leads. I’m so glad I got a chance to read an advance copy, because this book gave me all the feels!

Thanks to Wildfire Marketing Solutions & Sutton Bishop for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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