
Falling for Her Fiance by Cindi Madsen

jen286's review

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Falling for Her Fiance was a very frustrating book, but not in a bad way. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the story since I thought it would just be a cheesy summer romance.

Dani and West have been friends since college. Wes did have a crush on Dani, especially when they first met, but one night when Dani was really drunk she kissed him and almost ruined their relationship. Since then they have just been friends, best friends.

Dani moved away following a guy. It didn't work out with the guy, but she has a job she doesn't really like, but she is determined to get a promotion. She has worked hard there and wants to get ahead. The bosses really stress family, so with the big company retreat coming up she jokingly asks Wes to come as her fake fiance. This will help her get the promotion and she would get to spend some time with her best friend. Wes agrees, but only if she comes to his sisters wedding, to show his family and his ex that he has moved on.

Right from the start, when Dani goes to visit Wes for the wedding, they both are feeling more than friend feelings. They don't say anything though since they don't want to mess up the friendship. It was so frustrating as if one of them would have just said something they could have been together right away! But, I understood completely why they didn't so it wasn't a bad thing. It just added to the story. Man the fake kissing and being a couple made them both feel like a real couple, made them both want to be a real couple. Dani thinks Wes is still in love with his ex, and so she also thinks she needs to help them get back together before she leaves. So frustrating, but also fun to read.

Then when Wes comes to visit Dani...well things get interesting. It was still frustrating, but it all works out in the end. I really enjoyed this book. Much more than I had originally expected. I thought it would just be a cheesy read, but it was quite good. I look forward to reading more from this author.

This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland

mjwerts's review

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For a quick romance hit, this book does the job. The characters are likable and a solid pairing. All romance novels draw from the same bucket of themes and techniques; in this case, the trope of the failure to admit or communicate feelings dragged the novel down a little for me. I just wanted the redundant expression of uncertain feelings to take a new direction sometimes — and get to a little action.

bibliocat08's review

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This was a pretty light romance. There was a lot of miscommunication and stubbornness on both sides, but it was still pretty cute. Also it was the first romance I have read in a while that had no sex and I barely noticed. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but I'm going to go with a good thing since it must mean I was engaged enough in the story to not notice the non-sex until I was done reading it. I would read another by Cindi Madsen.

jaimejustreadsromance's review

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Sweet Story

I love a good friends-to-lovers, fake relationship story and this was a great one. It’s formulaic and predictable but written really well and the perfect story to pick up when you need something light-hearted and fun.

tawnyad2004's review

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This story was alright. I got a little sick of the emotional back and forth about halfway through the book though. They both loved each other but kept hiding it and kept second guessing. I dont mind a little of that but over half a book is a little much for me. When she kept insisting he get together with his ex I wanted to throw the damn book at her. I liked the characters and I get they didn't want to ruin their friendship and all. I was just over the story by the time it finished and relieved they finally manned up.

falulatonks's review

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OK, so, romance novel theory - there are ebook romance novels, and there are romance novel romance novels. and you can kind of tell them apart: the former's a little lighter, flimsier, doesn't really take as much root. (I googled just before I posted this review I WAS RIGHT. ebook only release!)

On general romance terms, this would've been a 3.5 - I'm not a massive fan of the way it was resolved - far too quick for me - and like I said, it didn't stick. I like getting achier moments out of romances. my favourite thing about best friends falling in love is seeing that shift happening properly, gradually, with plenty of people on the outside reacting to it too, and I didn't really get that here.

That said, on ebook romance terms, this is a 4. Probably my favourite ebook romance of the handful I've read - isn't dripping with pop culture knowingness, good about being light-hearted, understanding of how much it can accomplish and filling those objectives in really well. It's really sweet and nice to read and it uses some of my favourite tropes (! - best friends in love, pretend relationships, outsider POVs that make you think 'look, they see it too!'), and it's nice to have a WOC lead!! I also really like how tangible their chemistry is? it's nice to see how well they fit, it's nice to see their background/shared history.

I definitely enjoyed this book. this seems to be the first in a series of "Accidentally in Love"s, so sign me up.

maggiemaggio's review

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2.5 stars

Meh. Simplest review ever, but really that's kind of what I thought about this one. It wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible. I wouldn't say I really enjoyed reading it, but it's written well enough and the story, although not original, moved along quickly. Basically this book was just kind of enough.

I think my lack of feeling for the book stems from my lack of feelings for the characters. There was nothing wrong with Wes or Dani, but I just didn't feel like I knew either of them or formed any sort of connection with them. I also didn't buy their friendship. They met in college and became best friends bonding over their shared love of history, ok, I get that. However, the book takes place five years after they graduated and it's not really clear what's happened to their relationship over the last five years. Dani moved away to follow a boyfriend who turned out to be a total dud and the story picks up a few months after he dumped her. When Wes and Dani first talk on the phone I didn't feel any connection or spark between them. It seemed like they had lost touch since college and rarely spoke. But later in the book we find out that Wes had recently been to visit Dani after she had surgery, which really surprised me.

All of this made it difficult for me to then picture them as a couple. I get why people in their situation would be easily able to fool their family, everyone always thinks guys and girls can't really be friends, but I just didn't buy them as a couple. I was also surprised Dani had never met Wes's family before since they had been friends for so long and went to college around where his family lived. The fooling the family also bothered me, Wes's family was so nice and I felt so bad that he was lying to them.

The more I write this review the more I think of things I didn't like. This is one of those books where I just wanted to shake Dani and Wes and tell them to stop being such idiots. They both like each other, why not just tell each other? Or at least why doesn't Dani stop telling Wes to get back with his ex? And Dani is working at this job that she hates in a state that she can't stand, but she still wants to get promoted and refuses to even entertain the idea of moving back closer to Wes, not even to date him, but just to be happier. I get that big decisions are scary, but when you just want to slap the characters silly it's not a good sign.

I received an electronic review copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

gasoline_allie's review

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I'm usually slow to abandon a book, but I'm giving up on this one before I hit page 50. It's not that it's poorly written; it's more that it's unremarkable in every way. There's nothing about the story or the characters that grabs me.

diaryofthebookdragon's review

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I usually enjoy best-friends-turned-to-lovers kind of stories but this one felt boring and did not engage me. Danielle and Wes have too much things and feelings that are hiding from each other for so-called best friends and obviously there is an attraction just they are too cowardly to act on it. It should have been sweet it should have been hot, but I often found myself planning which next book I will read. And last 30% of book I was thinking 'Argh get together already so I can go and read something really interesting.'

My rating: 2.5 stars

Will I be reading something else written by Cindi Madsen? Nope.

I recommend this book to fans of: clean contemporary romance novels, fake engagement plots, best friends turn to lovers type of romance.

cancourtneyread's review

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Such a super cute, cheesy, light, fluffy read. It was AMAZING!!

"But whatever will we do with all that room?' A mischievous grin that sent her body tingling with anticipation curved his lips. 'Five bucks I can figure something out.'"

This was such a cute story and it was believable too which I rarely find in books anymore. The only thing that was missing, and why I didn't give it five stars, was there were no delicious sex scenes between the two :( I know, I know, I'm a total book whore but I can't help it with these two I demand a love scene!!!

Great book, I'm looking forward to reading more from Cindi Madsen!