
Shadow Walker by Anya J. Cosgrove

darkness223's review

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What a great start to a new series if like me you are a huge paranormal fan then this is one you want to give a go. It is a super read that will pull you in and leave you wanting more really well written I am looking forward to the next book in the series.

gypsydawn's review

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Kinda sweet

There is a slow growth narrative to Lana, an introduction to the supernatural that many Urban fantasies miss. She’s a normal girl who has never really been normal, and now she has to face that - and it’s hard. She doesn’t fall into fighting or even trying, she struggles, she’s immature and often reckless in her disregard for things she doesn’t understand. In other words - she IS normal, even as she is 100% as far from normal as you can get.

- relatable FMC, even if she is sometimes annoying.
- Unique world building.
- Liam is EVERYTHING.... whew, that’s a man! 😈
- Well written.
- Flows fairly well.

- Despite it being understandable, Lana is sometimes very annoying and childish. Both a pro and a con for the narrative.

redamancyreads's review

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An official review to come but holy smokes this was such a good book!

Okay now for my official review.

So, the black and white of it? I FREAKING LOVED THIS BOOK.

Loved it.

So much.

I wish I could go back and reread it for the first time all over again. Actually, I am already rereading it because I seriously enjoyed it that much.

I don’t do spoilers because I’m a lover of surprises SO let me say that there is such a unique twist to all things “supernatural” in it ... the Shadow Walker thing is something I’ve never read before so it was just a super breath of fresh air.

Also, there is reference to one of my FAVORITE..and I mean ALL time favorite couples, in the story. It made me laugh and goofy smile when I read the line - “He might as well have pulled my pigtails and called me Carrots.”

As soon as I finished the book I was immediately on the hunt for when book 2 would be releasing because I need it.

I need it you guys.

jenski_reads's review

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I absolutely devoured this book! I was totally caught of guard at how much it dragged me in and kept me captive, just like Alana. And those Walker brothers…ummm yes please! This definitely has supernatural x teen wolf x buffy & angel vibes and I was into it the entire time, I’ve even rushed out to get the next two books and I’m devastated I have to wait for them to arrive now! Get on this one, it was a great read! Highly recommend!

bridgetl1026's review

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This turned into an excellent book. It's well written with interesting characters. The only reason it's a 4 star and not a 5 is on me and not the author. It took me about a third of the way through the book to get invested. I was always interested but it took a little while for the drive to find out what happens to kick in. But let me tell you once it I did I was INVESTED! I can't wait to read the next one. Demons and witches are not usually my thing but I truly enjoyed reading this one.

thepolybrary's review

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~*Review first appeared on The Bent Bookworm!*~

I am so excited to be able to give a high recommendation to Anya Cosgrove’s debut novel! This book was such a fun, entertaining read.
They say ignorance is bliss. I say ignorance gets you killed. I still miss it, though.

Best Things

- Um, the brothers! Duh. They’re very different but they’re both hot. Haha! Thom is the friendly, popular guy that everyone likes, and Liam is the brooding anti-hero. As you know by now, if you’ve read my blog for any length of time…I am ALL ABOUT the anti-heroes. Yes please.

- Alana is a fun character, and I’m super eager to see how she grows and matures in future books. She comes around to this whole supernatural thing very quickly, and it would have been a sore point for me except that she even says in her narration that it’s very odd, how easily she accepted this new world that she is suddenly thrust into. So I’m interested to see if that plays out in any way down the road as well.

- The slow burn! I absolutely hate insta-love, and while of course it’s pretty normal for any hot-blooded human to feel some physical pull to an attractive other person, I don’t think it’s normal for a true obsession to switch on immediately. THAT DIDN’T HAPPEN HERE, and I am so grateful. It made me enjoy the story so much more!
- The evil guy is really despicable. Not just sort of nasty. Like made my skin crawl in horror. Which is IMPORTANT! If the stakes aren’t high enough, the story won’t work…and it worked, let me tell you.

Minor Complaints

- Love triangle. Obviously that was a main point of this story, it even says it in the GR description – but I really didn’t think *I* personally would be so torn between the brothers. ARGH!

- Need more details on how all this witch/warlock/demon/magic stuff actually works, and it’s origins. It’s explained a little, but…really needs some more fleshing out. Hopefully in the next books!
- Erm…the cover. I absolutely HATE covers with barechested men or scantily clad women. Like I couldn’t read a physical copy of this in public. Can we please just not? There’s so many other cool scenes from this book that they could have chosen…but that’s a very small beef. Just ignore the cover!

I cannot WAIT for the next installment of Bloody Hearts, which is titled Witch’s Honor and is due out on April 11, 2019!

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anacarter's review against another edition

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Love, love this~

Full Review on my blog!

I've had this in my TBR ever since I posted the Cover Reveal for Shadow Walker sooo, when I saw there was going to be a Blog Tour I jumped a the chance, and I'm so glad I did. 

It was a very fresh, fun, unique read with an interesting story that puts you on the edge of your seat.  It's well written and has unique characters. I loved how the story progressed and each character grew. I absolutely loved every minute of it, and was sad when it ended. And I immediately read Lost Boy, which is the prequel novella, it's available, when signing up for Anya's newsletter. BUT Anyways... 

Shadow Walker is the first book in the Bloody Hearts series and tells the story of Alana, whose life has just been turned upside down and she has to deal with her new-found status as a witch, with only Liam (a demon), his brother Thom and another witch to guide her and teach her how to use her powers before it is too late. 

I don't want to give too much away, you'll have to read this one to find out what happens. Trust me you'll want to. This book is definitely worth the read. Out of the 6 books I've read this year so far, Shadow Walker is my favourite read. I'm so looking forward to reading the second book in the series! 
Shadow Walker  | Review
Witch's Honor | Review
Cursed Souls| Review

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shirleycuypers's review against another edition

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Original review

This book was provided by the author through Xpresso Book Tours in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Anya J. Cosgrove and Xpresso Book Tours!

Shadow Walker
is the first book in the Bloody Hearts series and tells the story of Anya, Thom and Liam. Shadow Walker is a slow-burn Paranormal Romance read.

Shadow Walker was the first book I read written by Anya J. Cosgrove and I’m happy that I chose to read this one. Shadow Walker has such an interesting story that puts you on the edge of your seat. I had to know what was going to happen to the characters and I wanted to know what was happening and why it was happening.

I think that Anya J. Cosgrove did an amazing job, this is her debut novel and Shadow Walker is so well written. I couldn’t get enough of the story and the characters and I finished this book in two days, it was just that good. I love the world that Anya’s created and the characters are so lovable.

As you may have read in the synopsis, there’s a love triangle in Shadow Walker and when I first started this book I didn’t know there was going to be a love triangle. I have the tendency to not read the synopsis, or just glance at it and see if it interests me. Most of the time I pick up a book just because of its cover. So I didn’t know there was going to be a love triangle, but I wasn’t disappointed at all! I actually really liked the love triangle, and I cannot wait to see who Anya’s going to choose in the sequel.

Shadow Walker was an amazing read and definitely one of my favourite reads! I cannot wait for the second book in the series, Witch’s Honor!

amullen03's review against another edition

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So The story starts of with Alana celebrating her 20th birthday. Then things take a sharp turn for horrible. Next thing she is being kidnapped and rescued, then held prisoner. Her safety is now in the hands of a demon and his brother.
The story sucked me in from the beginning. Not because of Alana though. I fly d her who y and annoying and just could not stand her. Thom is the stereotypical hero, love intrest. I loved Milan and Liam. The shadowed story line was so fascinating that I just wanted to know more.
I feel like Alana and he powers/heratige are not really explained enough. I felt like I learned nothing about her or witches and had so many questions and was left feeling unsatisfied with that part of the story. Now Liams story was amazing. I loved him and learning about him. The chapters with his point of view were so good. I can't wait for the next book. I hope there are more answers and that Alana and Thom are not together. I feel like they were put together because it was "right." Plus she should be with Liam

tammyn's review against another edition

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When Alana turns 20 she's shocked to learn she's a witch, uncontrollable powers & all. As she's trying to learn to deal with her new life, she meets 2 brothers who are protectors of witches. They are trying to help her survive in her new world. It's not easy, but she's determined to learn what she can from the brothers.

This is the first book I've read/listened to from this author. I thought it was a good story with lots of twists. The love triangle between her & the brothers is different in the sense that she's not totally attracted to one of the brothers, but just something she wants. Interesting story line. I will pick up book 2.