
Sealed in Sin: A Demon Hunter Romance by Juliette Cross

aharper07's review against another edition

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Sealed in Sin is the second book in the Vessel series by Juliette Cross. Genevieve learned she was a vessel of the light. Not only is she a new vessel, but she is being hunted by demons to own her. But the demon hunters that are protecting her think she is the one to help them win a war, the war between the light and dark.  Genevieve's Guardian angel shows up, creating an almost love triangle of sorts. This was a turn off for me, but I continued to read as I wanted to see what would happen. Some of my questions from the first book still had not been answered, such as does Erik play a bigger role in the story, than occasionally showing up throughout the book.  I found myself rushing to the end of the book to see what happens and how it would play out, if they found the prophecy or not, and what it said. I guess, I'll have to read book 3.

meloworld's review against another edition

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Dear reader, this is the wonderful conclusion of the Vessel series. Juliette Cross brings clarity to some of our reader questions and gives us an epic good vs. evil standoff.

Our heroine Genevieve is propelled towards wild actions by the force beyond all others: true love.
One finds oneself wishing for a speedy conclusion as all of our favorite characters are pushed through difficult circumstances. Cross doesn't let her readers down.

If you adore intense worlds, strong female leads, true love, and steamy romance then you'll love this book. Please be sure to read the entire trilogy in order.

readliftbooks's review against another edition

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I was nervous to start this book because I didn’t want to read an internal struggle of which man to choose. I was still a little mad at Jude from his missteps in book one, but that didn’t mean I was ready to give up on him. Well, I pushed through because I know the quality of Juliette Cross’ writing. She did have been jumping back and forth between Jude and Thomas. Much like young Genevieve. I can only describe it as a heady swoop of hero-ness that cause you to swoon for Thomas. Jude is dark, and secretive, which an make readers wonder if he’s truly right for Genevieve. Just because he came into book one doesn’t mean he’s the perfect match for our heroine.

Juliette Cross expertly weaves in the naivety of a young woman without belittling her character. Cross gives a good amount of time, and various types of conflict that basically propel her maturity beyond twenty years.

This story goes to show how even people close to us can be too selfish to do the right thing. Love can be beautiful, but it can also push people into something ugly and unrecognizable. Genevieve comes out of this stronger, wiser, and the epitome of badass femme fatale. She’s heading into hell, and I’m not worried about her survival at all.

**I was given a copy of this book for my honest review.

greylandreviews's review against another edition

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3.25 stars
ARC provided by author for honest review

Well I was right about Genevieve's mother being part of the Vessel situation (because she used to be one). The plot seemed to be pieced together instead flow like it did in the first book. Also Genevieve's choices seemed like they came from teenager mind instead of the strong female one we saw in the first book. The ending however was surprising and I really didn't see that happening (except for Genevieve ending up pregnant. We all know those two weren't using any type of birth control).
Trigger Warning: violence, parental suicide(past), mention of kidnapping, mild cheating, blood, graphic injuries, murder, and death of children

chllybrd's review against another edition

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SEALED IN SIN ended up being so much better than the blurb. I was thinking Jude would be gone for the whole book and this Thomas person would swoop in and steal Gen's heart, which I would be so mad at and would have to boycott the book in the name of Jude, so good thing that didn't happen. Although there are some crazy love triangle like things happening, you will be happy to know there isn't really a love triangle. WOOHOO!

Now that I put that out there, you are probably like "phew, I can breath." So glad I could help. Gen has learned a lot in a very short time. She has also been through a lot. I think she is handling everything very well considering and her strength definitely makes it easy to root for her. She is very devoted to learning how to fight and protect herself and her skills shine through multiple times in SEALED IN SIN. Jude, what can I say about Jude. He still has a lot of mystery surrounding him, but we get to learn quite a bit more about him throughout the book. I really loved the way Juliette advanced their relationship in SEALED IN SIN as well as the way everything played out.

This series has a lot going for it. A great setting, fantastic characters, action, romance and danger all wrapped up in to make a great overall story. As I already told Juliette, #INeedBoundInBlack. I can't wait to see how it all ends.

* This book was provided free of charge from the author in exchange for an honest review.

bewoelkt_aber_heiter's review against another edition

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Sealed in Sin ist in vielerlei Hinsicht noch besser als sein Vorgänger Forged in Fire. Trotzdem haben mich einige kleine Punkte gestört, sodass es von mir keine höhere Bewertung für diesen neuen Band der Reihe gibt.

Der sowieso schon sehr ausgefeilte Weltentwurf erhielt in Sealed in Sin neue Details, die ihn noch interessanter werden lassen. Es kommen einige dunkle Geheimnisse ans Licht, die sowohl Gen als auch Jude betreffen und auch die Dynamik zwischen den Flamma des Lichts und der Dunkelheit (ergo zwischen Engeln und Dämonen) wird immer klarer. Besonders interessant war die Geschichte um die Entstehung der Dämonenjäger. Die Autorin spielt viel mit den Konzepten von Vergebung, Reue und Wiedergutmachung und vermittelt damit durch ihre Handlung die Hoffnung, dass jeder seine Fehler bis zu einem gewissen Grad gutmachen kann.

Handlung und Spannung
Wo man in Forged in Fire auf den ersten Seiten oft noch auf die große Spannung und Action verzichten musste, steigt Sealed in Sin von Beginn an mit einem höheren Tempo ein, das über die Seiten hinweg auch gehalten werden kann. Die Ereignisse stehen nie still und auch die Zuneigung der Protagonisten zueinander wird auf den Prüfstand gestellt. Durch die bereits eingeführte Prophezeiung schwebt stets das Damoklesschwert des bevorstehenden großen Krieges zwischen Himmel und Erde über Gen und Jude und gibt der Geschichte zusätzlich eine eindringliche Stimmung.
All diese Spannung hätte natürlich für meinen Geschmack in einem gepfefferten Showdown enden sollen. Leider war dem nicht ganz so, denn an dieser finalen Entwicklung (zum Schlechten) war Gen indirekt selbst Schuld. Es passiert natürlich etwas sehr Entscheidendes und Infernalisches, aber der große Endkampf bleibt aus. Und es nicht zu viel verraten, zu sagen, dass man es hier mit einem fiesen Cliffhanger zu tun hat, der mich praktisch sofort nach der letzten Seite zum nachfolgenden Band Bound in Black hat greifen lassen.

Bereits in der Rezension zum letzten Band habe ich bemerkt, dass Gen sich zumeist sehr realistisch und nachvollziehbar verhält - außer in einigen extrem naiven und leichtgläubigen Momenten. Und zwei solcher Szenen gab es auch in Sealed in Sin wieder. Beide Geschehnisse führen dazu, dass Komplikationen entstehen, die in diesem Ausmaß nicht hätten sein müssen, wenn Gen auch einmal aus ihren Fehlern lernen und auf Jude hören würde. Das war vor allem im Finale des Bandes frustrierend.
Neben Gen und Jude tun sich in diesem Band auch die Nebencharaktere Kat und George als schillernde Figuren hervor. Ihre Beziehung zueinander ist angespannt und die Autorin verteilt immer wieder kleine Hinweise in der Geschichte, was zwischen ihnen vorgefallen ist.

Die Autorin hat sich in diesem zweiten Band ihrer Vessel Trilogy gesteigert: die Spannung ist greifbarer, Gen macht hinsichtlich ihrer Vessel-Gaben Fortschritte und die Beziehung zwischen ihr und Jude wird komplexer und inniger. Allein ihre wenigen leichtgläubigen Momente führen zu Katastrophen mit großen Konsequenzen, sodass Gen mich in ihrer Lernresistenz etwas frustriert hat.

cely212's review against another edition

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Love love love

What can I say! Ms. Cross did it again. The story was well written had me on the edge. I love Jude and I wanted to like Thomas but he is an a$$. Going to read the next one

the_lawyer_librarian's review against another edition

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I loved being back with this series! Gen, our resilient and witty main character, is growing into her powers and learning more about the dangerous world she has found herself in. Whilst trying to juggle college and fighting demons, I loved watching Gen’s journey and how she becomes vulnerable to the increasing power surrounding her. The author continues to develop the wonderful world she has created - I particularly loved the idea of spawns and the demon hierarchy. With the world on the brink of war, this read is high stakes and full of action, including a heart-wrenching cliff-hanger! Where will people’s loyalties lie when the war hits? Action and romance collide in this high stakes paranormal romance. Thank you to Juliette Cross for my copy in exchange for an honest review.

loverofromance's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance

This review may contain spoilers, so fair warning, upon reading the review.

In the second installment of the Vessel Trilogy we have a superb continuation of this trilogy and seeing our couple Jude and Genevieve come back to each other in this marvelous novel. I was curious to see where this author would take us in this one, and I knew with it being the second book in the trilogy that there would be such angst of course but also some build up plot points for the overall trilogy. Our heroine is training in fighting demons and building up her powers and abilities, but we also see how she and Jude are struggling as a couple. They are both working apart from each other, and its causing tension in their relationship. But then we get a newcomer on the series, a man that claims to be her guardian angel “Thomas” who is pulling her in a different direction. There are aspects of a love triangle in this story and I was so nervous about this when I read the blurb because I so didn’t want a love triangle to enter into the story but it ended up working out so well, much better than I actually imagined. Even though I couldn’t understand what the heroine was doing at times, it also had a sense of realism to the story. But we also seeing a culmination build up between these characters and we see how Genevieve has to really be tested in her love for Jude. But man the ending, just won my heart!! I love a heroine that is willing to fight for her man and do some well deserved groveling. I actually fell in love with this book and there were many aspects within the story that worked out so well for me. I was so entranced by this one and seeing what it delivered in many respects. Just apart from the romance, we also see a solid fantasy build up in this book, seeing the growth of Genevieve’s abilities and seeing more demon action was a delight. I am intrigued to see what the finale will deliver for us. If you are a fan of fantasy romance, and/or this author in general and want to delve into more of her work, I highly recommend this trilogy, you won’t be disappointed. A star of a read that swept me up to the stars!

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meganonpaper's review against another edition

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The action has really kicked up in this second book of the trilogy. Gen is really coming into her own - both her vessel power and her confidence in general. Jude is still an overwhelming badass with huge sex appeal, and things are really heating up between him and Gen, even though they are trying to keep Gen safe from other demons until she is fully in her power. Enter a very sexy guardian angel Thomas who seems to have his own agenda and another demon prince trying to get ahold of Gen, and there’s another couple wrenches in the story. This ending though!!! Thank goodness book 3 is available ASAP because I don’t want to wait to see what happens when Gen heads into hell itself! I voluntarily read an ARC of this book.