
A New Orleans Threesome by Louisa Bacio

darkness223's review against another edition

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This is not my first read from Louisa and it was another great paranormal romance. I really liked Lily, Lawrence, and Trevor they were wonderful characters and were just fantastic and smoking hot together. If you are looking for a hot quick paranormal read then this is worth a read

bandherbooks's review

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A delightfully naughty romance featuring a virgin witch, a "cock-blocking" demon, and a long-term couple, a vampire and a werewolf, who are more than happy to add a third to their already hot as all get out relationship. Especially if it means their sexual prowess can help banish the witch's demon forever.

Free copy of the book received for an fair, unbiased review. Thank you Netgalley!

inmyhumbleopinion's review

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A New Orleans Threesome is a terrific paranormal romance. There is action, adventure and love. I love that NOLA was as much a character in the book as Law, Trevor and Lily. This book is a sweaty romp.

the_sassy_bookworm's review

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2.5ish Stars

I am not sure how I feel about this book. On the one hand, I adored the New Orleans setting and think the author did a fantastic job of giving us a feel for the city and its' history. I also enjoyed the plot (for the most part). That said, it also had a few pretty big issues. I found the first half (maybe more) slow. It took way too long for these three to get together. On top of that, the plot had some pretty big holes to it and felt quite underdeveloped.


The book was a relatively quick read, so I expected the relationship to move forward a little faster. And speaking of relationships, none of them jelled for me here. Law and Trevor are a couple, but they have an open relationship? Law feeds on other people because Trevor isn't enough? Is that going to continue now that they have Lily? Who knows, as it is never brought up. On top of that, who waxes poetic about a dead love three seconds after you just had sex with your current attachments? Law does apparently. I just never felt a real connection between any of these characters. Even the sex scenes were not that hot for a menage book.


Last, the ending of this one was SO frigging rushed. All the action takes place in the last two or three chapters and everything is resolved so easily. So yea, a little bit of a mixed bag. It probably sounds like I hated it, but I didn't. It was really thanks to the setting that I kept reading.



lovegirl30's review

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To be honest I really wanted to love A New Orleans Threesome. It seemed like a naughty adventure and the cover has honestly a great look to it. When I read the synopsis I was intrigued but it let me down big time. The book was different for me than the title and synopsis lead you to believe. In this book, we have a paranormal romance between three people. One is a Vampire, another is a Witch and lastly, we have a Werewolf. It was ultimately a cheesy novel.

While this was an interesting premise the execution left so much to be desired. It was confusing and stalled at points. There was little if any character development and the plot just kinda was boring and dry. I found the explanations for various things such as "can't have sex" to have been either awkward or barely there. There were plot holes everywhere and the relationships were jumpy with little to no communication.

So sex was a huge part of this book, perhaps the main focus of this novel. This was complete erotica in my opinion which I wasn't expecting at first. This book is filled to the brim with male on male steamy sex scenes and then Lilly shows up and desperately wants to join in. Which was basically voyeurism on her part. The biggest problem was that the sex scenes felt forced and mechanical rather than romantic and intimate. It was like a step by step guide to sex rather than just a hookup. Also when Lilly finally has sex for the first time it seems extremely unrealistic.

Overall I felt like this book could have been a bit more developed, as it reads like an incomplete novel at times. I loved the premise and idea of this book just not the execution.

Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher and author in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. All thoughts are my own.

stephsromancebooktalk's review against another edition

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Boring!! One hour into the audiobook and I learned nothing nor was I intrigued by this story.

This specific video review will be included in the August 2019 wrap-up.

For other video book reviews check out my YouTube Channel: Steph's Romance Book Talk.

thesassybookworm's review against another edition

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2.5ish Stars

I am not sure how I feel about this book. On the one hand, I adored the New Orleans setting and think the author did a fantastic job of giving us a feel for the city and its' history. I also enjoyed the plot (for the most part). That said, it also had a few pretty big issues. I found the first half (maybe more) slow. It took way too long for these three to get together. On top of that, the plot had some pretty big holes to it and felt quite underdeveloped.


The book was a relatively quick read, so I expected the relationship to move forward a little faster. And speaking of relationships, none of them jelled for me here. Law and Trevor are a couple, but they have an open relationship? Law feeds on other people because Trevor isn't enough? Is that going to continue now that they have Lily? Who knows, as it is never brought up. On top of that, who waxes poetic about a dead love three seconds after you just had sex with your current attachments? Law does apparently. I just never felt a real connection between any of these characters. Even the sex scenes were not that hot for a menage book.


Last, the ending of this one was SO frigging rushed. All the action takes place in the last two or three chapters and everything is resolved so easily. So yea, a little bit of a mixed bag. It probably sounds like I hated it, but I didn't. It was really thanks to the setting that I kept reading.



stephsromancebooktalk's review against another edition

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Boring!! One hour into the audiobook and I learned nothing nor was I intrigued by this story.

This specific video review will be included in the August 2019 wrap-up.

For other video book reviews check out my YouTube Channel: Steph's Romance Book Talk.

dani_reviews's review against another edition

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Rating: 1.5 stars

This was an interesting idea, but the execution was confusing and stilted. Events were only barely strung together, with minimal development of plot and characters. The whole “can’t have sex” thing was awkwardly explained, and it felt like there were jumps in the relationships and communication between Lily and the two men. In fact, the plot and dialogue resembled Swiss cheese, with holes everywhere that left me more bewildered than engaged.

Sex played a very big part in this book, and the focus was more on the male couple who were already in a relationship before Lily turned up. Theoretically, it was all very yummy, with some voyeurism on Lily’s part. But unfortunately, instead of being sexy, everything felt mechanical, like a step-by-step guide to sex – gay and menage. (Also, when Lily FINALLY has sex towards the end, she comes straight away and there's no pain or anything...yeah...sure...) The slapdash plot could have been forgiven a bit if the chemistry and steaminess had been stellar, but neither worked for me.

All told, for all the flesh exposed in this book, it could have all been fleshed out a bit more.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

bookitocat's review against another edition

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It was sent to me from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

We have a paranormal romance between three people: a Vampire, a Witch and a Werewolf. Lily Anima driven by a dreams she ends up in New Orleans in search of salvation. There she meets two handsome men and lovers. A demon is hunting her and he claims her as his own. The only way to cut the connection with him (and shut down that paranormal gps he planted inside her) is to have sex. The boys help her and a love appears.

It was a cheesy novel that didn't know if it wanted to be a paranormal romance or an erotica novel. The balance between those two wasn't great but it had potentials. I loved the boys though. They had a deeper character development than the protagonist. We have Lawrence, the vampire, that was cold and strict but at the same time caring and worried about everyone. We have Trevor, the werewolf, a puppy full of love, a precious cinnamon bun. I think Lily, the witch, was a little bit flat as a character.

The plot was okay. We had some action with a big fight. We had the romance. We had the mystery. We had the paranormal. The world building on the other hand was very good. I found myself thinking about the paranormal element in New Orleans and the paranormal activities and i loved how the author made us feel the city and its history.

It wasn't much for an erotica novel but it had sex so...
