
Hybrid by Kat Zhang

reindero's review against another edition

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I really liked this book. It wasn't the beste story but overall I quite enjoyed it.

moirwyn's review against another edition

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Overall I was quite impressed. Zhang gives a fresh voice to YA dystopia and doesn't use love triangles or fluff to dilute the seriousness of the world that she creates. I can't wait to see where she takes the rest of the series.

illidia316's review against another edition

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I had absolutely no expectations when I started this book. It was one I had never heard of, and while the concept sounded interesting, I didn’t know anything else about it. The book grabbed me on the first page and didn’t let me go until the end.

What’s Left of Me has a very unique storyline. The possibilities with it are endless. There are so many branches the author could have gone down - in my opinion, the route she chose was the best one. These characters immediately captured my soul. Watching them grow throughout the events of the story was just amazing to me.

I thought the book had a very fitting ending. It is the first book in a series - I can’t wait to read the rest of them!

jacieandbooks's review against another edition

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*Audiobook* Really interesting concept, some of the writing dragged a bit but I’m intrigued enough by the premise to keep going with the series.

sweetdreams_sunshine's review against another edition

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This certainly was not the book to pull me out of my ongoing book slump.

Honestly, I did not find myself enjoying this book until 75% into it. There was certainly more I disliked about it than what I did like.

A huge thing that kept me from liking this book is I did not connect or even really like Eva. And it's difficult to enjoy a book when that happens. It's not even that I didn't understand the motive for her actions or her feelings. I just didn't agree with them or think she was making the best choice at times. In the end, I ended up preferring Addie to Eva and wish that Zhang had developed Addie more.

One of the things that did intrigue me the most about this book is Addie and Eva's connection. I really enjoyed that and for the most part that is what kept me reading. The characters were well written as well. I was liked some, disliked others and struggled to feel emotions about some as well. Those two areas were definitely Kat Zhang's strong point.

Then we get into the area of plot and world development, which were also two weak points in my opinion. For the plot I feel like the story didn't get to the point until at least halfway through and that may just be me being nice. It was incredibly easy to skim at points and it struggled to hold my interest. There were a couple times I almost put this on my did not finish list. As for the world building, what world building? All I know is What's Left of Me was set in some future or alternative America where people are born as Hybrids (two souls in one body) and this was a huge no-no according to American society. Also that there was a huge war, there are means of modern transportation but modern technology is extremely limited to the public (unless you're wealthy) and that's about it. Okay and a few other things but that wasn't explained until the last few pages. Just why?

So needless to say, this book mostly didn't work for me and what did wasn't enough. I'm not sure I would recommend anyone read it and it's doubtful I'll read the sequel, especially given the ratings and reviews I've read.

2 stars

fictionalkate's review against another edition

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In a place where every body is born with two souls, Eva and Addie Tamsyn are somewhat of an oddity. Most people settle and the dominant soul takes over and the other one fades away for ever when they are still young. But not Eva and Addie – at fifteen Eva should have been gone for years but she still exists, unbeknownst to all but Addie.

After an incident at a museum and unlikely friendship with siblings Hally and Devon, a whole new world of possibilities opens up for Eva – the chance for things to be like they were before Addie started to dominate their body.

But the world is a dangerous place with medical facilities set up exclusively for the treatment of hybrid beings. Eva is leading Addie down a dangerous path with a lot to gain… but what price?

The idea of two souls simultaneously existing in one body is crazy and yet the author managed to make it work so well in this novel. There was never any doubt for me who was in control of their body for any of the hybrid characters – a fairly impressive feat.

As a first novel in the series I thought the plot progressed at a steady pace – there’s a bit of world building and setting up for more exciting things to come in the future – but the book managed to hold my attention right up until the final page.

I wasn’t a big fan of the romance in this novel – it felt a little tokenistic to me but thankfully it wasn’t a huge focus of the book.

What’s Left of Me is a great debut novel with a great concept and fascinating characters. I’ll be looking forward to reading the next book in the Hybrid Chronicles when it’s released mid 2013.

bookishnicole's review against another edition

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I felt that this book had such an original concept, but I was a little bit jarred when I first started to read it. I think what confused me most was that I didn’t really realize it was just an alternate of our world. Everything else was mosty the same except this whole twin souls thing. Or maybe it is supposed to be somewhere in the future, but either way, that was what was confusing for me. What perhaps interests me most (and that we will find out in a future book) is how these two souls came or be a thing (but I guess if its just an alternate of our world, then its just always been a thing)

I think what would have been challenging in this book would be how to present the different thoughts and dialogue of Eva and Addie, but Kat Zhang did a great job by presenting Eva’s voice with . So clever.

I loved following the two girls stories and seeing how they both struggled with Eva’s existence. Sometimes it was hard to see how Eva was just trapped only able to think while Addie, in a way, whined about having Eva there. I have to say I wasn’t favorable to Addie. While I could understand her anger with Eva, I still didn’t find it fair that it was Eva that was the one unable to feel. But kudos to her for giving her sister a chance to try to find herself.

I think the most creepy part of this book was how the hybrids were entirely different people and you could notice the change between the different personalities. I can’t wait to find out more about them, and how they function. I also liked that romance wasn’t a big part of this book, and I think that hasa lot to do with how to navigate the different personalities. It had to be awkward for Eva and Ryan and Addie and Devon as they tried to figure out how to function.

All in all, I can’t wait for Zhang to hit us with the next book.

barbaramanatee's review against another edition

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The plot was very interesting, but there were some technical flaws that bugged me. The author was 19 when the book was published, so I think I'll cut her some slack. The main problem I had with the novel is that there was not enough set-up. It seems to be set in semi-modern time because there aren't any futuristic elements. However, it's also set in America with no explanation as to why all of the sudden everyone in the world is born with two souls. I kept waiting for some kind of backstory about how that developed, but there never was one. Other than that, the story was interesting and original. It's definitely relaxation reading material.

charlottee96's review against another edition

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Such an interesting concept, everyone needs to read this

novelheartbeat's review against another edition

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From my blog Auntie Spinelli Reads

I had seen this one compared to Stephanie Meyer's The Host... in a way, it's kind of similar just because it's two minds sharing one body, but that's where the similarities end. What's Left of Me was unlike anything I've ever read before!

The premise is so fantastic that I couldn't help but enjoy it - two souls sharing the same body is awesome and awful all at the same time! On one hand, you'd never be alone; you'd have a best friend/sister there with you through thick and thin, someone to help you through. On the other hand, you'd never be alone. There would never be any hiding from the other soul. They would see everything about you - the good and bad, your deepest secrets and darkest desires. Creepy, right?

Addie and Eva were great together and shared a very inspiring bond. There was a lot of conflict between them, but when it came down to it, they were there for each other and they stuck together no matter what. Er...pun not intended. I felt bad for Eva because she was the recessive soul, the weaker soul. Addie was the dominant soul, so she had complete control. How terrible would that be to be a ghost inside someone's head, unable to move or speak for yourself? Addie was a bit frustrating at times, but in the end I found I liked her all the same. It was just a lot easier to side with Eva because it was first person in her POV, so you get much closer to her thoughts and feelings.

It was very interesting to meet the other Hybrids and to see the differences in their shared personalities. Ryan/Devon, Lissa/Hally, Kitty/Nina. It should have been confusing with the names changing all the time for the same person, but it wasn't. Which is what really makes me take a bow to Zhang, because that speaks volumes for her talent. Something else that struck me about the writing - the POV is 'us' and 'we' instead of 'me' and 'I.' It was always we looked or we moved. And it was written so flawlessly that you as a reader don't even find it strange or sporadic (or at least I didn't). Even in the scenes when Eva took over, the POV switched so seamlessly from 'we' to 'I' that I didn't even realize it had changed until Eva did.

I would have liked to see a little more action in this one. The threat of the controlling authority figures was there, yes, but it wasn't the focus. Even though Eva and Addie are at an institute and there's plenty of other Hybrids present, the focus was so strongly on Eva/Addie that it was difficult to generate much feeling for the other characters (except for maybe Ryan and Devon).

The ending was great; there was some closure but some left open, setting it up perfectly for the next book (which I will definitely be picking up).

Plot: 4/5
Writing style: 4/5

Pulls off crazy POVs and multiple personalities perfectly, but the writing was sometimes a bit dry.
Originality: 5/5
Characters: 4/5
World-building: 3/5

There were some gray areas here, but I'm having trouble putting them into words.
Pace: 4/5
Cover: 4/5