
Women of Wine Country: Lawyer & Liar by T. Wells Brown

izziede's review

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This was okay.
Less shouting in CAPITALs than the first book though it's still the authors way of expressing anger.
No intimate scenes other than the Hero and heroine.

Deals with the issue of human trafficking.

It runs timeline wise the same as book 1 so some spoilers if you haven't read the series in order.

Breadcrumbs dropped for future books in series.

I get that characters have certain traits or expressions they use but this one says 'Oh, Lord Almighty!' all the time.
It just gets overused when it's so regular.


izziede's review against another edition

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This is a new author so I've made allowances as there is potential there but I was tempted to DNF.
It started off and I liked it.
But when the conversation started it stopped working for me.
The mother, who is horrid speaks in CAPITALS, I don't think this is necessary, you can express shouting or emotion through description not caps.
She is overly dramatic and evil so OTT.
The alpha male 'Hero'is also OTT, mixed signals galore.

This is his speech to tell her he cares.

"Doesn’t matter. Let me spell it out for you, little girl: I have been to war, been in battle, watched good men – no - GREAT men - fall dead next to me, while I had to fight on. I’ve had to play bodyguard to beautiful rich fucking women who would let me fuck them any time, anyway, anywhere I wanted.”
"But I have never-ever- felt the rage or possessiveness or sheer terror that came over me when I realized YOU, pain-in-my-ass-beautiful-fucking-Isabella were run off the road and SHOT AT!”

He's such a peach hearing how he was with other women, what a catch. And again the use of caps.

And the constant use of 'Jumpin’ Jezebels!' got on my nerves.

The author claims to write in a similar style to Kristen Ashley.
She has the girl gang posse. The so called Alpha male chasing the resistant heroine but for me there is still a long way to go.
'You can bend a man to your will with your food and your beauty - but the best part is, you have not one fucking clue you’re doing it.”'

I'm sorry if the review seems negative but it's not for me.
I gave it three stars for effort, the vineyard descriptions etc are sweet.
I personally don't like alot of description of house deco and clothes down to matching shoes or jewellery but I appreciate it paints a scene or mood.

For the safety gang.

The heroine seems pretty clueless how desirable she is to every man who comes in contact with her. So she doesn't realise it upsets the Hero.

After they've been having sex and the Hero has been in her bed every night he refuses to take her to a social function, saying he doesn't date.
She attends, her friends are all there. He's there with another woman. His excuse was he'd asked her ages ago. The other woman knows about the heroine and is catty to her.
When they had a conversation about starting things earlier in their relationship the Hero had told her he didn't share and the heroine had mentioned exclusivity, he didn't object.

'The hardest thing Cabe Brown had ever done in his entire fucking life was to let Isabella walk away from him with Capt. Hernandez.
She was right. He had planned for her to hear about his date, but he never expected her to show up and see it. He thought they’d fight; he’d be an asshole about it and Isabella would know not to put her eggs in his basket.
Cabe wasn’t a nice man, and the sooner Isabella learned that the better it was going to be for her ….and him.
What Cabe didn’t expect was to have his heartbeat pick up, his palms to grow sweaty, and his stomach to form a pit.'

His actions are beyond stupid and cruel so he seemed all in but wasn't.
The heroine thinks to herself what made it more hurtful was '
her…but it still didn’t change that he had made love to me the same morning he knew he was going to be going on a date with another woman.'

A positive is the heroine puts him in his place and tells him straight.
She's a mixed bag, strong at times but other times let's him pull her around and kiss her.
Breadcrumbs dropped for future books in series.


seeingnight's review against another edition

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Once again this series just keeps getting better and better. Browns is also getting more detailed and her world building is just fantastic. I love seeing an author who with each book really finds herself and you can see the love she has put into her writing.

Beauty and Betrayal follows Jenna, a single mother whom has started her own successful business. She is dealt with a scary blow to her life when a stalker targets her and with each encounter it gets more and more dangerous. With the help from her tribe of ladies, she gets stuck with Marcus who puts himself into her life and is trying to keep her safe. Also dealing with her annoying ex who know all of a sudden cares about what happens to her, as well as her ex not liking Marcus being in her life, its turning her world upside down.

Another great addition to this series and once again the tribe of ladies bound together even in danger to help their fellow sister. The romance as always is off the chart sexy and Marcus won me over fairly quickly. Jenna is awesome, stubborn and she likes her Independence but she learns how to become more open and knows when she needs the help.

If your looking for suspense, romance and a bunch of ladies who are their for each other through thick and thin, then this is the book and series for you.

seeingnight's review

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This is the second installment to the women of wine country series and I so enjoyed it! I love new authors who are gaining their momentum and really creating their own world. Brown created such a fabulous sisterhood in this series and each one focuses on the next one, what I liked about this second installment is it aligned with the first book, so the reader will get to see from the new couples prospective how the first couple came together.

Lawyer & Liar follows Sydney whom you meet in the first book, she is a lawyer and gets caught up high profile case where she saved a police officer named Roman, who was dealing with a human trafficking issue with a local mafia. Sydney ends up going into hiding during the case for 6 years but comes back to Harmony Grove when her closest friend passes away in a tragic accident. Sydney comes face to face with Roman who is now a hire ranking officer and stuck back in the situation she left all those years for.

I really enjoy this series because of the sisterhood, the ladies are all so very different as well as their ages, but they have a common love for wine and being their for each other. Sydney is a smart woman and she and Roman have the angst but in the end their connection is off the charts and I enjoyed watching them grow together.

This books set up nicely the next installment as the first one did, Jenna will be next on the block of dealing with a new alpha male who is also introduced but not highlight much on.

seeingnight's review against another edition

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Absolutely loved this book! This is a new-ish author and one to keep an eye on, because her Women of Wine Country series is such a thrill, I have devoured both book 1 and 2 and cant wait for 3 later this year. I was recommended by a fellow Kristen Ashley fan since I was looking fro something similar to Rock Chicks and the women in this book are just as hilarious and just has crazy as the Rock Chicks. Your in for a massive treat.

Murder and Mayhem follows Isabella who has just lost the on person whom she loved the most, her Aunt as well as her uncle in a tragic accident. She has inherited their estate and this could be the chance for her to start her life and be close to the aunt she loved but was prevented from seeing. Leaving her toxic mother behind, she is welcome by the Women of Win Country, a group of friend of her aunt who adore Isabella as much as they did her aunt. But when Isabella becomes a target and the estate, everything her aunt and uncle created, is at risk, her new friend and the mysterious Cabe come to the rescue.

This was such a fun book, I always love a good mystery and love even more friendships like these women have with each other. Of course there are lock of alpha men aka Macho Men involved, an associate of Isabella's Uncle grows close to her and the men who work for him become close to the women who form the Women of Wine Country. If you love none stop chaos, fun characters, smoking hot romance and a mystery that will keep you on your toes to the very end. Then please read this, it will not disappoint.
