
Building Forever by Kelly Jensen

lolasreviews's review

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I received a free copy from the author and voluntarily reviewed it.

Gah I loved this book. From the first scene it pulled me in immediately and it kept my attention for the whole book. Literally every single reading session lasted anywhere from a few to multiple chapters longer than I had planned, every single time I picked up this book I read longer than I had planned to, which doesn't happen often at all. I just had such a hard time putting this book down. I just wanted to know what would happen next and read more about Charlie and Simon. The romance was so well done. And I just loved these two characters and how well they fit together.

After I read To See the Sun by this author earlier this year I knew I had to read more of Kelly Jensen's work and Building Forever caught my attention right away. Even tough normally I avoid stories that have widowers in them, as I find it too sad, everything else in the blurb sounded awesome and I am glad I decided to pick this book up. And luckily it wasn't too sad and the topic of his loss was handled well.

The story is told from dual point of view of both Charlie and Simon. Which worked great for this book as I felt I got a good feel for both Charlie and Simon's personalities and what attracted them to the other. The build-up was one of my favorite parts, I loved every interaction between these two and how they kept trying to think of excuses to visit, it was adorable. These two were so sweet together. And then the part where they finally give a relationship a try was awesome too and I liked how even in the sex scenes there were tender moments and it was just so obvious these to were perfect together. They were caring and attentive to the others wants and needs. And just made for a great couple.

Charlie is a single dad and a widower. But while he might have his struggles and hard times he is a burst of happiness and sunshine most of the time. My favorite parts were how he would ramble on and on and couldn't stop talking at times, it was adorable. But there are also scenes were you see the hurt he still carries with him and the doubts about whether he is doing this whole parenting thing alright. And it's that hurt and doubt that him feel even more real. And that scene where Simon finds him in his garden one day and his hurt shines throughout and Simon is there for him was so touching.

While I liked Charlie instantly it took me only slightly longer to warm up to Simon. Simon moved across a state line to get away from his ex and ex business partner and is ready for his new start. The house next door and his new neighbor catches his attention right away, but he still has his own hurdles to overcome as well. He has his scars as well and at the end of the book when you figure out the real meat of the matter about why he stayed with his ex as long as he had made me so sad for him and so happy he now had Charlie who proved his belief were wrong. I also liked his love for architecture and there are some scenes where he gets all excited about architecture things which was great to read as most of the time he is very quiet. So the scenes where he talks a lot seemed to carry even more weight then.

These two were just perfect together. And I don't mean that in a way that their romance was perfect, as it wasn't. There were some hurdles to overcome and things they had to work out, but it all felt realistically. They were perfect in the scene how well they fit together. They both were so caring and thoughtful. From the gifts, to the sex, to their conversations. It was just awesome to see them together and I completely loved reading about them and their romance. They had obvious chemistry, but it also was so clearly much more than that. I also liked the contradiction between how talkative Charlie was and Simon more quiet.

This book also has a colorful cats of side characters. There is Olivia or Liv, Charlie's daughter who is a very important part of this book. She just has her first boyfriend and Charlie struggles to deal with it. I sometimes felt bad for her as Charlie could be a bit overprotective at times and wanted to shield her from making the mistake he did. But they also had a great father daughter relationship in my opinion. It was obvious Charlie cared for her and there are some great scenes with them, as well as a some funny ones.

Then there is Phil, Charlie's best friend. I liked Phil and I appreciated how he was there for Charlie. They were really close and it was fun to see they bond they had. Simon's best friend Frank I didn't like at first, but that's because of something that happened early in the book, after that I quickly warmed up to him because he was a good friend and cared about Simon. And it seems the second book in this series is about Frank. So I am curious about his story.

To summarize: this was an awesome read. This was such an awesome romance and I loved both Charlie and Simon, but the part I liked most was seeing how they interacted with each other. They were so caring and thoughtful and this book is full with amazing scenes. I loved seeing them grow closer and then take that leap into a relationship. The tone of this book is pretty light and happy most of the time, but it also touches upon some topics like single parenting, loss, moving on and discovering one's sexuality. Both Simon and Charlie were characters I really liked and they came alive with their vibrant personalities, strengths, doubts and flaws. There are some great side characters as well. This is one of the best romances I read in along time and I can't wait for the rest of the series and I am so glad I discovered this author as I really like her writing style so far.

imanewreader's review

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** has sent me an ARC of this book for an honest review **

4 starts out of 5 for this adorable romance.

First of all, big thanks to ANovelTake for the ARC and huge shoutout to Kelly Jensen for this adorable love story.

In this first volume of the This Time Forever, we meet two men in their 30's and 40's. Charlie is a 37yo bisexual sf writer, widower and father of a 17yo independant and strong young woman. Simon is a 46yo gay architect who left his old city to "renew" his life and be far away from his awful and cheating longterm boyfriend.
They are both neighbors and are pretty alone. Therefore they both need someone and.. Well, AMAZING TIMING isn't it ?!

They both meet and are immediatly attracted to each other. And here starts the love story in the small city of Bethlehem.

The story is cute and addicting, and the characters are all (except 2) are absolutely lovable. Simon, Charlie, Olivia, Rosalie, Phil, Cassie, Jen, Frank, Arthur.. Everyone. I really loved them all (except the 2. Again.)
Charlie and Simon both needs someone to be with them, support them when they need it and love and be loved. They take the relationship seriously since the very beginning which makes their relationship pure, sincere and genuine. Moreover they balance each other so well; Charlie talks a lot whereas Simon needs more touches than talking.
There also are a lot of moments I loved in the book such as Charlie's "coming out" moment. He is just someone who loves someone alse, regardless the gender (he is not pan, just bi).

I enjoyed reading it so much and didn't notice time flying by. Maybe because each chapter was really short which actually bothered me a bit. Indeed, their romance is pretty fast paced and built because the book is really short (less than 300 pages, I believe).
Some aspects and moments haven't been developed enough for me which made the end a bit tasteless even though the epilogue was emotional.

dragonflyreads's review

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Alright guys, I've been waiting for a super sweet M/M story and Kelly Jensen gave it to me with Building Forever. I adored this book! I loved Charlie's quirks. I loved his love for his daughter. I loved Simon's broken heart and tentative nature.

Their sweet story was basically everything I wanted when I was looking for a new book to read. With great character development, banter, steam, and story, Building Forever was the perfect blend of contemporary M/M romance. One thing I always look for in stories is secondary characters. Simon and Charlie had a great support system, and the story didn't just focus on their relationship. There were so many different facets to this one and it all came together in a perfect package.

This was my first Kelly Jensen story and certainly won't be my last. I'm looking forward to Frankie's story in Renewing Forever.

josy's review against another edition

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Mistletoe Minx has struck again and gifted this book to me :D

THANK YOU so, so much, very generous elf!!
I've been spoiled this year and I am beyond grateful to each and every one of you awesome elves <3<3

suze_1624's review against another edition

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A lovely warm, all encompassing family read.
Charlie and Simon are not in the first flush of youth and it was good to have an affirming story with slightly older MC’s.
Charlie’s relationships with Liv and Paul are solid - though understandable that he panicked with the Liv situation. He did go a bit extreme there, thank goodness Simon’s commonsense sense kicked back in quickly.

paulalovesbooks's review

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Me encantó esta historia, creo que tuve un ataque cuando los protagonistas se conocieron jajaja porque fue la introducción más linda!!!!! aaaaah quiero releer esto otras mil veces más. Este libro es muy divertido, lindo, con mucho humor, con personajes que son perfectos, personajes secundarios imposible de no amar y una historia de amor que me dejó derretida.

Lo recomiendo mucho, creo que lo leí en menos de un día porque no pare en ningún momento (lo sé, estoy loquita), pero es que no podía para de leer!!! fue adictiva la experiencia, y me encantaría una serie de estos dos. Además, el final!!!!! que cosa más BELLA AAAAAH

amo amo amo amo amo amo este libro. Todo bello, 5 estrellas sin duda alguna, si pudiera le daría más. Bello todo, se que me estoy repitiendo, pero necesito que entiendan que es MUY BELLA LA HISTORIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


pam_h's review against another edition

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Confession: I hated this book an unreasonable amount. 

Objectively, it's a two-star read, even a three-star read with a few tweaks here and there...BUT the Big Plot Development at around 83% made me so angry I started hoping one of the MCs would tell the other to fuck off permanently. I skimmed through the end for closure and two days later I'm still not sure why I feel such seething hatred toward this thing BUT I DO!! 

I have decided this is one of those authors that just doesn't work for me personally, for whatever indefinable reason that happens sometimes, so if you know you like her I wouldn't bother reading the rest of this review! I am clearly in the vast minority on this one, as I was with the other book I've read of hers.

Part of it is probably anger at myself for not DNF-ing at the halfway point like I knew I should, but the worst thing I could say about it at that point was that it was bit boring.
It's shouldn't have been. The MCs are interesting, we get the full details of their surrounding lives, all characters are written with impressive depth, you don't even have to try to visualize because everything is painted so vividly it comes to life right before your eyes... and it was a bit boring. The pieces were all there, but somehow presented in the least interesting way possible. (And I LOVE a good slow-burn, so that was not the problem.)

Then once the MCs have their first kiss, there were niggles and quibbles all over the place. Neither one of them were acting consistent to their characters, and the relationship development was wonky as hell. 

It goes from this sweet slow-burn where they're slowly but surely developing a genuine friendship without realizing they're each crushing on the other, to a
Spoilerhard-core rejection
that was the beginning of my issues with consistent characterization, to treating each other like Grindr hookups without the app (one of their too-accurate observations, not mine), to insta-commitments which happen right before the Big Plot Development that you see coming from a mile away and has NOTHING to do with the relationship but somehow leads to a
Spoilerbreakup instigated by the super sweet one who was talking lifelong commitment five seconds earlier
?? This is where I lost my shit.

All the details surrounding the BPD were problematic for me, too. First, it just wasn't something I wanted to read about, and I absolutely hated the way the MC handled everything about it -- as a parent, as a human, as a boyfriend. Plus the whole thing, including the MC's hella angsty past that builds up to this moment, felt just a little OTT. 

It wasn't unrealistic on its own, but it felt unrealistic for him to be both the person he is at the beginning of the book *despite* his crazy past AND be the person who reacts the way he did at the end *because* of his crazy past. The three pieces just did not mesh for me. 

And for whatever reason it just all added up to a massively unpleasant reading experience -- that no one else seemed to share!! If I were in a reading slump, I'd be worried about my brain right now, but luckily I am not. I am not willing to say it's me and not the book, but I will concede that it's somehow a combination of me AND the book :) 

challonea's review

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I must say while reading this book it was hard to get into at the very beginning but after that little time this book blew me away! I truly enjoyed reading building forever it's set at a sensual steady pace. I loved how Charlie and Simon love for one another came to be. # Building forever #Netgalley

karen_28's review against another edition

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the_novel_approach's review

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4.5 Stars

I am going to just flat out say that I loved this story despite the “twist” at the end, which was pretty predictable. Despite that small niggle this was, hands down, a delightful romantic comedy with a few serious spots here and there, low angst and two main characters that begged the reading audience to fall in love with them. Kelly Jensen is a new author for me, but I have already requested the sequel to Building Forever because I was so impressed with this novel.

Charlie is a worrier with no filter, a running inner dialogue that usually comes to surface at the most inopportune times, and a new neighbor that has shaken up some long-buried feelings. Charlie is also a widower—an in love, happily married, once-upon-a-time, widower with a teenage daughter who is on the cusp of graduating high school and spreading her wings, which has Charlie fairly terrified. When his new, very handsome, very male neighbor drops by, Charlie is flustered, attracted, unhinged, attracted some more, and unsure as to why he is any and all of the aforementioned. But what Charlie is not is scared to admit that his long-buried attraction to males means he is definitely bisexual and ready to embrace that truth with all he’s got.

Simon, is the polar opposite of Charlie in almost every way. Gay, alone after a twelve year relationship had ended, starting fresh as a partner in an architectural firm, and trying his best not to brood over the mistakes he has made in the past. He knows he wasn’t responsible for his ex cheating on him and yet each time it happened, Simon stayed, trying to make it better and failing each time. It didn’t help that his ex was also his business partner at the time. Now Simon is starting over, doing the type of work on historic reclamation projects that he has always wanted to do, and trying to fight off the attraction he feels for his very flustered but undeniably cute neighbor. Surely he’s just not ready to take on a man who has just discovered his bisexuality and all that entails…or is he?

I loved—no, I adored—Charlie. He was just a huge ball of fun, and his decisions to expose his bisexuality to his closest friends and daughter was so brave. I enjoyed his fumbling attempts to woo Simon and how he almost always blurted out exactly what was in his head, no matter how awkward it made a situation. Simon was the perfect foil to rambunctious Charlie. Simon with his quiet, wounded soul that was so much in need of being loved, was just the right man for someone like Charlie, whose heart was big enough for so many to call home.

Building Forever has just the right amount of sexual tension, acts of intimacy, a few moments of real angst, and a beautiful romance between two deserving men. Both Simon and Charlie had lost someone they loved—for Simon that really meant forgiving himself and believing that he was worth any effort Charlie put forth, something that was not easy for Simon to accept. While the twist in the fairly smooth plot was a bit too easy, it did reveal just how much Charlie really struggled after his wife’s death, and that was important to understanding Charlie fully. It also gave Simon’s character a chance to realize that Charlie was worth fighting for, and that made the plot twist worth it in the end.

Building Forever is a really lovely romance that promises hope and love and reminds us that family is more than just those you are born with, but also that which you create and hold most dear.