
As Cartas Secretas Do Monge Que Vendeu O Seu Ferrari by Robin S. Sharma

sarahthereadingaddict's review against another edition

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This was a recommendation from one of my friends and I'm really glad I dived in. It's an interesting book about living life in the now. It's about casting aside the what-ifs and living in the moment.

It was a really insightful book and there are lots of interesting things I will be taking away from reading it.

I am a procrastinator that's a certainty but having read this book I want to aim to be less of a procrastinator and more of a motivated person.

It is possible to alter your way of thinking and doing, not easy but possible.

This was a really interesting book, it discusses a lot of hard to talk about things, things that we push to the back of our minds quite often.

The theme of living in the now and changing your lifestyle is something that really resonated with me. Becoming a better you, not for anyone else but for yourself. Surround yourself with positive people and positive things and ridding yourself of as much negativity as possible was what I took from this book amongst other things.

I will definitely read another book by this author.

kritikanarula's review against another edition

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For someone who is already a Robin Sharma follower, it is a refreshingly different story narrative that the author presents. For those of us who have read The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, and other sequels and prequels to his chef d oeuvre, we certainly expected to have something different if we are to read more of him, and to our exultation, the author treats us to the most creative, fresh and stimulating read. Right from the beginning, it has a rebellious tangent to it which was never seen before in his books.Here the protagonist is resistant to undertake the journey of self-exploration, unlike his other protagonists who were rather keen, and till the end he doesn't realize that he is on a life-altering journey.
I personally read the book at a time when I was dealing with multiple sources of stress and disappointments. So, I would say this was precisely what I had needed. The book emphasizes more on the journey rather than the sermon. As you may have surmised already, the secret letters are pearls of wisdom, and that is all I can say without giving away too much.
For the uninitiated, this is what I have to say: While reading The Monk who sold his Ferrari is a fierce recommendation from yours truly, you SHOULD read this one, because it is a rare book that teaches you pearls of wisdom and life lessons, and an even rarer fable that can do this without sounding didactic.
And a common message to all:
Read here

ellycrazy's review

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emotional hopeful informative inspiring lighthearted reflective medium-paced


mini_mochi's review against another edition

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rubal_mittal's review against another edition

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I loved his journey and the way the keepers lived their lives. But what really bored me is those messages. They were over stretched and unnecessarily detailed. Also, the end was very predictable.

destinugrainy's review against another edition

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Sebelumnya, saya mau mengucapkan terima kasih kepada mbak Selviya Hanna (editor buku ini) yang sudah memberikan kesempatan kepada saya membaca buku penuh inspirasi ini. Awalnya saya berpikir buku ini adalah non fiksi. Tapi, setelah membaca habis isi bukunya, sepertinya fiksi. Hanya saja, buku ini memang memuat banyak pelajaran hidup bagi pembaca.

Jonathan, seorang pria dengan karir yang bisa dikatakan sukses. Sayangnya kehidupan rumah tangganya tidak demikian. Istrinya Annisha memilih untuk tinggal terpisah dengannya, dengan membawa putra tunggal mereka, Adam. Jonathan tinggal di sebuah apartemen. Pekerjaannya membuat dia nyaris kehabisan waktu, bahkan pertemuan mingguan dengan Adam pun mulai kehilangan kualitasnya.

Suatu kali, seorang sepupu Jonathan bernama Julian menghubunginya lewat ibunya. Sebenarnya Jonathan tidak akrab dengan Julian. Terakhir dia mengetahui Julian meninggalkan karirnya sebagai seorang pengacara demi menjadi seorang biksu. Semua hartanya dijual demi mencari kebahagiaan di Himalaya sana. Pada saat bertemu dengan Julian, Jonathan sangat terkejut melihat penampilannya yang berbeda. Julian memberinya tugas mengumpulkan sembilan azimat yang pernah diperolehnya ketika belajar menjadi biksu. Masalahnya azimat itu tersebar di seluruh penjuru dunia, dimana azimat itu dijaga oleh sahabat-sahabat Julian. Menurut Julian, setelah azimat itu terkumpul maka akan digunakan untuk mengobati seseorang yang hidupnya dalam bahaya. Jonathan bimbang. Dia tidak pernah meninggalkan pekerjaannya, dan kali ini dia harus pergi selama kurang lebih tiga minggu. Tapi Jonathan tidak bisa menolak permintaan Julian. Mungkin saja orang yang hidupnya dalam bahaya itu adalah ibunya.

Jonathan dibekali sebuah buku jurnal dimana Julian memintanya menuliskan pengalamannya di jurnal itu. Semua biaya perjalanan ditanggung oleh Julian. Petunjuk demi petunjuk akan diberikan selama perjalanan itu. Jonathan mengunjungi banyak negara mulai dari Istanbul, Barcelona, Shanghai, Tokyo, hingga ke Taj Mahal. Satu per satu azimat dikumpulkan, demikian juga surat-surat singkat yang ditulis Julian saat memberikan azimat itu kepada masing-masing penjaganya. Ternyata perjalanan mengumpulkan azimat ini membuka mata batin Jonathan dalam mengevaluasi hidupnya sendiri.

Mungkin kamu penasaran apa azimat-azimat yang harus dikumpulkan Jonathan. Semuanya berupa benda-benda kecil. Tapi pesan yang mendampingi setiap azimat itulah yang penting. Berikut ini adalah ke-sembilan pesan yang bisa saya rangkumkan: (1) kekuatan autensitas; (2) rangkullah ketakutanmu; (3) hiduplah dengan kebaikan hati; (4) buatlah kemajuan kecil setiap hari; (5) lakukan usaha terbaikmu; (6) pilihlah pengaruhmu baik-baik; (7) kebahagiaan hidup paling sederhana; (8) tujuan hidup adalah mencintai; dan (9) dukunglah sesuatu yang lebih besar dari dirimu sendiri.

Bingung dengan pesan azimat itu? Heheā€¦ memang harus baca bukunya biar mengerti. Sembilan pelajaran tadi tidak terasa membingungkan ketika diselingi dengan perjalanan Jonathan yang menakjubkan dan pertemuannya dengan orang-orang yang hebat. Saya jadi tertarik ingin mengetahui siapa Robin Sharma, penulis buku ini. Silahkan kalian cari tahu di sini. Saya menemukan kesamaan karakter Robin dengan Julian. Hal yang membuat saya kembali bingung apakah buku ini fiksi atau non fiksi. Apapun itu, buku ini tepat sekali saya baca untuk mengawali tahun 2014.

phenaia's review against another edition

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A nice meaningful story and great for the arm chair traveller.

xinyuj's review against another edition

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Maybe one day when I am stuck in the rat race and having my life fall apart, this book might touch me. But for now, I find it preachy and hardly inspirational.

tejaswi2091's review against another edition

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A must read!!

thebelljar33's review against another edition

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I have always believed in people coming into your life for a reason. This book did not get into my hands accidentally; I didn't buy it in a bookstore. It was lent to me by a Lebanese friend who I consider "the cure to all my pains" here in KSA.

The secret letters mentioned in the title are the Talisman letters which Jonathan Landry, a career-oriented engineer whose personal life was in disarray, had to collect (primarily, the talismans were the ones he had to collect) from different people in different countries as instructed by Julian, a wealthy lawyer turned monk who sold his Ferrari when he decided to give up his lucrative way of life.

Each talisman represented a wise outlook in life which is explained further through short letters/notes. Jonathan had to travel from West to East and back just to collect the talismans and in each of his trip, he realized something which made a significant change in his life.

What I liked most about this book is the idea of traveling. He went to some of the cities I plan to visit too someday - Paris, Barcelona, Buenos Aires!. But the important message it furnished me was to live a simple and happy life through facing your fears and doing what you love best which eventually benefit not only you, but the people around you as well.

My Lebanese friend came exactly at the time when I needed some harmony in my life here in Saudi Arabia. And for that, I am most grateful.