
Tremble – Remegés by Jus Accardo

erinarkin20's review against another edition

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Tremble picks up shortly after Toxic leaves off. A lot happens in this book and it was great to get deeper into Denazen and not only how it all began but also what they have been up to. I will attempt this with no spoilers but be warned…it might be tough.

Kale is back with Denazen but Dez has no idea what has happened to him and although she has tried to dig up what she could on Kiernan that could help she has continued to come up empty handed. Because Alex and Jade (yes, her) have made it their mission to get Dez back to her old life, she finds herself at a nix rave. While there, something (or someone) catches her eye. In typical Dez fashion, she follows and happens to find that the person is Kiernan. After a bit of a confrontation, Dez happens to come face to face with Kale…but not the Kale she knows. As Alex joins the party it becomes very clear that something is off. Kale keeps referring to Kiernan as Roz and tells him Dez is Kiernan…the person responsible for his memory loss and accident.

With all of the stuff with Kale going on, Dez is also dealing with the side effects of the Supremacy project. She has begun to show signs of decline and everyone knows they need to find the cure soon. Through an informant Ginger has working at Denazen, they find that Cross has started a third Supremacy trial called Domination. Because of the success, Cross has declared the “old” model obsolete and has assigned Kale and Kiernan the task of eliminating all of the Supremacy subjects. At the same time, Dez and the Underground are hunting them down to try to bring them in to safety.

Again, Dez never changed from being the tough, funny, and sarcastic character despite the fact that her world is falling apart. Kale was different because of the circumstances but underneath it all he was still Kale. Dez’s relationship with Jade and Ginger seem somewhat strained but they all work together for the greater good. I guess that makes her a better person than me because I’m not sure I would be able to be in the same room with either of them after their actions in book two.

I enjoyed the third installment of the Denazen books and found myself unable to put the book down. Accardo does a wonderful job of moving the story forward, revealing some of the secrets, and keeping the characters true to who they are. I am looking forward to the next book to see how things go for Dez and Kale. I am also curious about how Alex’s life will be impacted and knowing how this book ends, am very interested in finding out more about the secret Cross revealed (no spoiler but for the record, I have my own theories on this one).

cancourtneyread's review against another edition

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This book broke my heart.

cupcakegirly's review against another edition

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h0llowhailey's review against another edition

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This book pushed my emotions around so much. I loved it.

xoxotawnydee's review against another edition

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oh my god. this book broke my heart so much. i loved everything about this book. definitely the best book in the series.

peachxox's review against another edition

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I LOVE the characters in this series. I even love Dez, which is unusual for me. But the ending was a bit bla..

slc333's review against another edition

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While I am still interested in seeing where the series goes I like each book a little less. In the first book I loved Kale & Dez together. In the second book Kale's behaviour with Jade annoyed me but after seeing his point of view and his reasoning I could let it go. But what happens in this book really ruined that relationship and was I think unnecessary for the bigger picture. Yes it wasn't really Kale's fault that he
Spoiler slept with Kiernan because he was brainwashed and his feelings for Dez had been directed onto Kiernan but it wasn't needed. They could still have had the brainwash effect in making him believe Dez was Kiernan but instead of having him think Kiernan was his girlfriend they could have made him think she had been killed. This would have been enough to cause the conflict without ruining a great relationship.
Spoiler This whole issue aside I didn't like this Kale as much as the bluntly honest and sweetly clueless version of the first 2 books. And once again we have over the top caricature villain behaviour - this time from Kiernan with her sudden unreasoning ridiculously obsessive hatred of Dez. The book would have been much better had we seen some struggle between wanting to please her father and reluctant interest in her sister given her previous interaction and bonding with Dez in book 2.

reveriesociety's review against another edition

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Dez, as always was amazing, and Kale OH GOD KALE
I wanted to slam some sense into that guy at times, but then other times I just wanted to kiss him LOl. Anyways, the writting was never boring and it kept me awake a whole night. ;D

kylek's review against another edition

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I was a bit worried about reading this book after having tried reading the novella about Brandt and not being able to finish it. I just couldn't get into it. While I had being curious about Brandt's ability it didn't suck me in like the rest of the series. Fortunately there was no need to be worried, cause as soon as I started I was immersed right away.

This book was very reminiscent of Catching Fire/Mockingjay in a way. Can't really say too much cause I'll spoil it. It was just quite depressing. Depressing but still good nonetheless.

Dez is now really showing signs of decline because of the Supremacy Drug, but even with her going loopy every so often she still holds it together. She has to fight to get Kale back, fight to save as many Supremacy kids before they are terminated and fight against the effects of the drug and her own survival. She has her despairing moments, but she soldiers on and keeps going. Nothing is going to keep her from getting Kale back, and I really admire that about Dez.

The plot was it's usual fighting against time and Denazen to keep the rest of the Six's alive before Denazen can get their hands on them. Then we also have the new drug Domination which could save the Supremacy kids but also only has a 50% chance of survival. Then there is the cure for Supremacy that they have been trying to get their hands on and not quite succeeding. It all made for a very action-packed entertaining read, but it is still the same fighting that's been going on for the past 3 books really. Towards the end we do learn a very juicy new tidbit of information about Denazen that will turn everything on it's head, and I can't wait to find out what's going to happen to the rest of the Six's now.

While technically speaking there was only a bit of plot development towards the end, and it was just a segue to the next book, it was still more than entertaining enough to keep me reading the whole way through. To fans of the Denazen series, this is a must read.

jeanz's review against another edition

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Wow what a cover! Dramatically shaded, though disappointing that the shading takes out part of the title. I love the byline of "Everything they know is wrong" I don't like the comments about the book by Cindi Madsen being on the cover . . . I know . . . I know . .you've heard me moan before I really don't need to see peoples/authors comments on the front cover, to me it encroaches onto the beautiful cover too much for my liking. I like the "Best Selling Author Jus Accardo" part that's fine, she is a brrrilliant author isn't she?
Would I pick this one up orm a book store shelf on the strength of the cover alone, . . Heck Yes!
Then to the blurb, OooOoo it sounds really . . no I mean really good again. Where does Jus Accardo get these brilliant plot lines and characters from? The blurb sounds full of drama and action packed too so this one is definitely on my want to read list. In fact it's not a want to read, a MUST read!
The book is action packed as usual it has a main line plot and then little sub plots coming off. The objective the underground have is to get the cure. To get to the cure they have to find a woman and get her back to Ginger, but also they have to bring in all the other subjects that will soon be going into decline. Then add the sub plots of Kane seemingly being changed/brain washed in some way, this gives lots of humor as he mixes things up. If he had strong feelings about something then a kind of inkling will remain. Like when Kane meets up with Alex, they literally hate each other and in his new "brain washed" state he gets an inkling there's something important about Alex and he doesn't like it. Then the book briefly covers aspects of the other subjects lives and the type of home life they have each had.
So who is in this book? Deznee, Kale, Brandt,Alex, Ginger and her gang plus lots of new names of the other experiment subjects.
I loved Brandt being in this book especially after reading Faceless so recently, I love his protectiveness around Dez. Then there's the love that Kale and Dez share can Marshal break their connection? What does Dez find out about Marshal that is like wow! what? and we don't get the answer to the big question in this book either. Maybe there could be a novella all about Deznee's mum coming soon? I'd love to read her story. Another person who's stroy I'd like to read too is Ginger's.
I did like at the end of the book the chapter from Kale's point of view, it sort of filled in the gaps for readers wanting to know what happened immediately after the previous book when Kale returned to Denazen with Marshal. It answered a lot of the questions that arose throughout this book.
So did I enjoy the book? YES of course I did! Would I recommend the book? I recommend the whole series! Would I read another book in this series? Definitely as soon as it's available! I love the books and the novella's. As I said above maybe a novella about Deznee's mum to answer a big question we are left with at the end of this book? And then in the future perhaps a novella on Ginger and how she came to the underground etc etc.
Would I read other books by Jus Accardo? Yes I would definitely give any other books by Jus Accardo a go.