___tamara___'s review

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The Demon of Jericho by Eric Arvin ★★★✩✩ A Cruel Thing by Abigail Roux ★★★✩✩ Wrong by SJD Peterson ★✩✩✩✩ Anguish by Jason Huffman-Black ★★★✩✩ The Hotel Luz by S.A. McAuley ★★★★★ John & Jackie by TJ Klune ★★★✩✩

teresab78's review

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Over all 3.5

The Demon of Jericho by Eric Arvin 4 stars

Chillingly horrific but with a hopeful ending

A Cruel Thing by Abigail Roux 4 stars

I'm really not a a fan of war stories - or at least I didn't think so... This is the second one I've read that brought me to tears at the bravery and valiance of these men.

Wrong by SJD Peterson 1 star

This was just wrong. I derived no pleasure from it at at all; there was no love, sad or otherwise. I honestly wish I could unread it.

Anguish by Jason Huffman-Black 3 stars

Powerful and sad piece, although I had to read it twice and still didn't completely understand it fully, nor did I get its inclusion in this anthology.

The Hotel Luz by S.A. McAuley 3.5 stars

I thought I knew where this story was going and I was hating it. But then it changed and I loved the ending.

John & Jackie by TJ Klune 5 stars

I... Can't...even...
The simple beauty, the bittersweetness, the love... To have that in my own life would be priceless. I don't know that I could read a full length novel of this. This was perfect.

liza5326's review

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This was an amazing anthology from an exceptional group of authors. Each story was unique and twisted, some happy, some sad, some just seriously fucked. But all great.

Eric Arvin's "The Demon of Jericho" is a classic tale of demons and angels, good versus evil, with his special twist on it. While not my favorite story of the bunch, it was a good read and built a world that was rich in detail for such a short story. ★★★★☆

Abigail Roux's "A Cruel Thing" is a bittersweet reminder that even in a time of war, there is love and that love can hold you and comfort you as bombs are going off around you. There were tears, but it was a moving tribute to the soldiers who have fought and continue to fight for our country, hiding who they truly are. ★★★★★

SJD Peterson's "Wrong" reinforced that, in the end, you reap what you sow. It was a dark and twisted tale that will push the limits for some people. Just when you think you know where the story is going, it changes up and throws a curveball. ★★★★☆

Jason Huffman-Black's "Anguish" is a quick jaunt into the mind of someone lost and in pain. You can feel the anguish in the cryptic words and the abrupt ending leaves you shocked. ★★★★☆

S.A. McAuley's "The Hotel Luz" surprised me. What is you were given a chance to reconnect with that first love? Would you throw away a 14 year relationship? I thought I knew the answer and it went completely the other way, just like any great story does! ★★★★☆

TJ Klune's "John & Jackie" was the star of this book. This is the PERFECT love story that everyone dreams of. Not a perfect life, but that perfect love. I cried like a baby. It is told in flashbacks as John lies dying with Jackie by his side. This could have easily been a full length novel and held my attention. Such a beautiful, emotional story! ★★★★★+

marlobo's review

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All authors are obviously skilled, the general writing style is very good, but the supposed darkness isn't reached for all stories. in my humble opinion. A pair of tales are sad and tear-jerked but I wouldn't describe them as dark

The Demon of Jericho by [a:Eric Arvin|414286|Eric Arvin|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1258328920p2/414286.jpg]- 2 stars
A dark fantasy with which I was unable to connect.

A Cruel Thing by [a:Abigail Roux|1122775|Abigail Roux|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1352338424p2/1122775.jpg] - 3 stars
One of the above-mentioned sad stories. a classic tale about love and heroism during World War II. I cried my eyes out.

Wrong by [a:S.J.D. Peterson|4563849|S.J.D. Peterson|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1341316841p2/4563849.jpg] - 4 stars
The most powerful story. Implacable, far from any complacent cliché. No Redemption Here.

Anguish by [a:Jason Huffman-Black|5041057|Jason Huffman-Black|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1317437894p2/5041057.jpg]- 2 stars
Uh? A metaphorical visión of the End? of one end? I don't know, but it didn't work for me.

The Hotel Luz by [a:S.A. McAuley|5842140|S.A. McAuley|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1593574494p2/5842140.jpg] - 2 stars
This left me indifferent. Additionally I think that's the most alien story regarding the general theme.

John & Jackie by [a:T.J. Klune|5073330|T.J. Klune|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1546275989p2/5073330.jpg] - 2.5 stars
The second sad story. It was a little more than okay; maybe a little bit stagy and a little too sentimental for my tastes.

cseanread's review

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All the stories were quite enjoyable (tho I originally just picked this up for Arvin).

I didn't realize, when I first picked this up, that TJ Klune was another featured author. AND OMG DOES HE GET ME EVERY TIME. UGH. The last short story, John & Jackie, WRECKED ME. I was a blubbering mess while reading that one, in the very best of ways. Klune has this remarkably human quality to his writing, where you just /feel/ so much for his characters, and though John & Jackie was a short story, it packed a wallop. DAMN.

crimson's review

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Magnificent. Heart-wrenching. Heartbreaking. Disturbing. Dark. Beautiful. Read it in one sitting and shed so many tears.

anya_doesntmatter's review

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I Seriously cannot recall the last time I have enjoyed EVERY SINGLE STORY in an anthology. I don't think I ever have come to think of it. As usual TJ Klune of course manages to pull and tap dance on my heart strings. A great collection of awesome stories penned by authors that consistently deliver every time I crack open their books. If you're looking for a great anthology, purchase this one. You won't regret it.

leahkarge's review

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Crack the Darkest Sky Wide Open -- 4.2 stars

"The Demon of Jericho" by Eric Arvin -- 3.5 stars

"A Cruel Thing" by Abigail Roux -- 5 stars
Favorite Quotes:
“I love the sea… and I love you,” Stanley murmured suddenly, settling into the comfort of Holden’s arms. He nuzzled at Holden’s neck and smiled a little. “It’s a cruel thing, what we’re in the middle of. But if it’s what I had to do to know that I could have you for the rest of my life… have this for the rest of my life… well then I’m glad I’m here.” He threaded his fingers into Holden’s.

“I love you too,” Holden whispered in a tight voice. His eyes focused on the furrow in the beach where his plane had buried itself, and he finally closed them to block it out. He had almost left Stanley here alone. Almost died on him before they could ever have a life. “Come here,” he finally said with difficulty, pushing and tugging at Stanley until he had turned and was straddling Holden’s lap and looking down at him bemusedly. “I need you,” Holden told him as he gazed up at him, his demeanor not that of the burly, bellowing Captain, but of an adoring, vulnerable lover.

Stanley took him that night beside the furrow that had almost taken Holden’s life, just as Holden had asked. Slowly. Carefully. Made love to him until both their cries were just barely muffled by the crashing waves.

(46, Stanley & Holden)

"Wrong" by SJD Peterson -- 3.5 stars

"Anguish" by Jason Huffman-Black -- 4 stars

"The Hotel Luz" by S.A. McAuley -- 4 stars

"John & Jackie" by TJ Klune -- 5 stars
Favorite Quotes:
There was fire in his eyes. “I promise you, Jackie. I promise you with my whole heart. Every piece. Every part. I’ll never leave you. Not now. Not ever. I’ve waited for you to do that. I’ve wanted to do it for so long. I just needed you to look at me like you’re looking at me now.”

“How am I looking at you?” I asked as a breeze blew through our hair, as the waves of the lake lapped gently, as a bird chirped somewhere in the trees. I knew, but I needed him to say it. I needed to hear it from his lips.

“Like I’m everything,” he said quietly, his fingers grazing my jaw.

He was looking back at me just the same. Like so much heat. Like so much fire. Like I was all there was to him and all there ever would be.

(108, John & Jackie)

I grabbed his face and forced him to look at me. We were so close our noses touched. “Do you want me?”

“With my whole heart, Jackie,” he whispered. “There’s never been anyone I’ve wanted as much as you.”

He tried to look away but I wouldn’t let him, because I knew that there was more he wasn’t saying. “But?” I asked him, dreading what his next words would be.

“But is that going to be enough for you?” he asked. A single tear dripped from his face onto mine. “Couldn’t stand it if it wasn’t. Don’t want you to hate me somewhere down the road. What if I ain’t enough?”

Somehow, I laughed. “You miserable bastard,” I said as his eyes narrowed again. “Don’t you see? You will always be enough.”

(132, Jackie & John)

I struggle to take a breath and all I can remember is him. The feel of his hand on my elbow as he asks me my name. His lips against mine for the first time. His battered body. The look of betrayal on his face. The way the ring slides over his finger. And everything else. Everything about him. The way he tastes. The way he smiles. The way he says my name. His skin against my fingertips. His laugh. His anger and his beauty. The pictures of our life, shoved into those boxes, into those warehouses, have exploded and all I can see is him, I am engulfed by him. Memories slam together and voices roll over each other and mesh together until all I can hear is Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, and it’s a chant, a loving caress, a joyous scream.
(146, Jackie)

the_novel_approach's review

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I don’t know about you all, but I think it’s kind of rare to run across an anthology that, when I’ve finished, I can say that I honestly loved every story in it. But when a group of authors of this caliber—and one new-to-me author—comes together on a project that shows the bittersweet side of life, the raw and gritty side, and of the giving of one’s heart and soul to another, and in the risks we take in loving someone so completely in spite of all the potential consequences and outcomes, it’s a book that makes you look for the silver lining around what feels like a storm of emotion.

See the entire review at The Novel Approach: http://thenovelapproachreviews.com/2014/01/24/crack-the-darkest-sky-wide-open-may-break-your-heart-wide-open-too/

mearias's review

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There are some I liked more than others, but overall a very good collections of stories.