
Betting On The Wrong Brother by Cathryn Fox

mel_reviews_in_a_pinch's review

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Full Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from Netgalley as part of the Tasty Book Tours blog tour, in exchange for an honest review.

My Thoughts: I really have been on a contemporary romance kick, but it’s getting easier to figure out what I might actually enjoy by the synopsis alone. It can be hard to judge a book on just that basis, which is why reading reviews help. However, with contemporary romance it’s much harder because everyone has a very different threshold for what they think is corny or over the top.

At first, I was a little skeptical of the story because I just imagined it going a different way, based on the synopsis. I didn’t see how that would work, at all. How the author wove things together was interesting and definitely kept me reading to see how on earth this would work. Ultimately it’s one of those things that can be solved with a very simple solution, but the book would be about 2-3 pages if that happened.

Ryan and Andi definitely had chemistry right from the start. They were also full of funny little moments that are sometimes left out of contemporary romances because they aren’t steamy enough or whatever. I personally love those moments because they make it feel like more of a relationship and a little less contrived. Having said that, the book does take place over 1 week, so it had a little bit of an insta-love feeling.

I really liked Ryan. He’s a horror writer (I love reading horror) and goes out to haunted place as research for his books. That’s awesome. That addition brought the book up in my opinion. It added an extra little quirk that made Betting on the Wrong Brother more interesting. There was one part that I have to mention. Ryan was supposed to be doing a sexy dance and everyone thought it was sexy, but for some reason this is what I imagined (and laughed at) was more in line with Hugh Grant dancing in Music & Lyrics or Love Actually.

Andi was kind of meh for me. I suppose I liked her because I did want her to end up with Ryan, but I thought she was kind of boring. She never really jumped off the page for me, which was disappointing because I actually have quite a few things in common with her. I did love that she was afraid of ghosts because that was hilarious paired with Ryan’s “haunting” research.

In the end, I really did enjoy reading Betting on the Wrong Brother. It did have me rolling my eyes a few times, but mostly it kept me hooked and reading until the end. If you’re looking for a smile-worthy, adult contemporary romance, I would recommend Betting on the Wrong Brother.

For more reviews, check out Reviews In A Pinch today!

jaime_fiction_fangirl's review against another edition

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4.5 Stars
I think that this may be my favorite book in the What Happens in Vegas series so far.

I'm a big fan of the whole mistaken identity trope and this one was written so well. This story was sweet, sexy and fun all wrapped in the pretty package of a romance writers convention. Does it get any better than that?

If you're looking for a quick, easy read with very low angst and a prefect amount of steam, you should definitely pick this up.

*I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

See more of my reviews at

storieswithsoul's review

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It's a lighthearted romantic novel. It's a story of a romance writer and a horror writer, both are at romance readers' convention but not for the same reasons. I loved both Ryan and Andi. Book is well-written and story flows smoothly which makes it a quick and fun read. A must read for romance lovers!

jaimereadsromance's review against another edition

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4.5 Stars
I think that this may be my favorite book in the What Happens in Vegas series so far.

I'm a big fan of the whole mistaken identity trope and this one was written so well. This story was sweet, sexy and fun all wrapped in the pretty package of a romance writers convention. Does it get any better than that?

If you're looking for a quick, easy read with very low angst and a prefect amount of steam, you should definitely pick this up.

*I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

See more of my reviews at

cheryls's review

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4.5 Stars
Andi Palmer, romance writer, was in Vegas for a book convention. On her way to a meeting she got stuck in an elevator with the only man she ever loved and never wanted to see again. Ryan Grayson, horror writer, knew she was familiar but never would have thought she'd mistake him for his younger brother Nolan. Every time he tried to tell her who he was she would stop him. He didn't believe in happily ever after...did he?

This is another great story by Catherine Fox. I'm sure glad it didn't stay in Vegas. I can't wait to read more!

Received a copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
I was not compensated for my review.
I was not required to write a positive review.
The opinion expressed is my own.

becxreadz's review

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justmekendra's review

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Haha, revenge gone wrong!

I loved this laugh-out-loud, flirty romantic story. It was the perfect addition to my week.

Andi was super cute, and I loved her idea for revenge. Except it went horribly wrong, in all the right ways... Mmm. Ryan was so adorable, and I would have loved to be on his bad side...

The plot was spectacular, and I felt myself falling deeper into the story. I had to find out what happened next. Once I actually sat down to read it, the pages just flew by and before I knew it, the book was ending. Both of the characters were well developed, and I could see how Andi got herself in that certain predicament. She literally bet on the wrong brother. ;-) While it was a little on the short side, I enjoyed every moment of it.

It was my first book by Cathryn, and it won't be the last! Yesss. This is part of a series, but from what I read, it's ok not to read the books that come before this one. <3

*I received a copy from NetGalley.