
A Lady's Secret Weapon by Tracey Devlyn

jaclynder's review

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I didn’t have particularly high expectations for this one. When I requested an advance copy I thought the plot was interesting and thought it would probably would be an enjoyable read. I have to say that A Lady’s Secret Weapon went completely above and beyond my expectations. We’ve got spies, mystery, romance all wrapped up into one great historical romance.

Ethan deBeau is a boudoir spy; he discovers all kinds of information in ladies beds, all in the name of serving his country. At long last it seems that his unseemly work has finally paid off and he will be made the chief of the spy network, Nexus. Unfortunately, he receives the bad news that it will be his best friend that will get the position. Ethan feels rather shattered what he gets the news from his mentor. He’s very much aware that what he has done for Nexus is unsavory and he was ready to leave that life behind. But, since Ethan does not want to cause trouble for his friend he carries on with his current mission; investigating a boys home that has been tipped off as being connected to a person of interest to Nexus. Further complicating Ethan’s life is Sydney Hunt, who appears to also be involved in her own investigation of the same home.

Sydney Hunt is more than she appears. On the surface she is a successful business woman that provides servants to the upper classes; however, there is more to her operation than meets the eye. Like Ethan, Sydney is investigating the boys home, yet she is more concerned about finding out what’s really going on behind closed does and fixing whatever is going on there.

Like I said, I was really pleased with A Lady’s Secret Weapon and I flew through the book in one evening. Both Ethan and Sydney were fantastic characters. They were both strong in their own right, yet so vulnerable because of their respected pasts. Ethan had no idea how to handle his growing feelings towards Sydney since he’d never allowed himself to enter into a relationship before, and he wasn’t sure that he really deserved a chance with Sydney because of his past. You gotta love an indecisive hero. As for Sydney, it wasn’t so much her past, as her mother’s that made her guard her heart. Syndey’s mother was seduced by the master of the house when she was a housekeeper, which eventually led Sydney to her vocation where she protects the serving class from the aristocracy. I loved the fact that both characters slowly changed through the course of the novel until they were able to trust one another – it was super romantic.

What I also liked were the exceptional secondary characters, the twins Mac and Mick, and Sydney’s assistant, Amelia. I am of pins and needles for Mac and Amelia’s story, since there was a pretty big loose end left there, which I hope will be tied up sooner rather than later.

One thing that did bother me in the book was Ethan’s admiration for his mentor, Somerton. Somerton shepherded Ethan, his sister and his friend into the spy life, and essentially sold Ethan in a form of prostitution. I didn’t get how Ethan could forgive his mentor this. At this point, I should disclaim that I hadn’t read the two previous books in the series, one of which features Somerton as the main character. Presumably, reading the previous two books in the series would have shed some light on Somerton, but not having that back story, I was a little put off by his character.

I would also recommend that readers start at the beginning of the series with A Lady’s Revenge since a lot of the mystery plot is built on mystery and revelations revealed in the first two books in the series. I wasn’t lost when reading A Lady’s Secret Weapon without reading the two prior books, but I think it would have enhanced the reading had I done so.

And lastly, if you’re a fan of the spy trope in historical romance, I would recommend Anna Randol’s Sinners Trilogy, which has a similar premise and is also very good.

Review copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley. Review with read-alikes available here.

nickieandremus's review

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This is a great historical romance by author Tracey Devlyn. There is a sizzling attraction between Ethan de Beau and the heroine of the story, Miss Sydney Hunt. Add to that a lot of intrigue and suspense and you have a great read. You will definitely get lost in the pages of this story!

kelspe's review

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I had gotten away from romance novels for a bit and branched out to other genres but I couldn't stay away for long. This book is my introduction to author Tracey Devlyn and she is definitely an author I will be revisiting.

A Lady's Secret Weapon is the third book in a series. I have not read the other two but hope to do that soon.

This story follows Ethan deBeau, a British spy and Sydney Hunt who is hard at work on a mystery of her own. They are well matched. I love when the woman is as strong as the man and isn't just sitting around waiting for him to notice her.

There is mystery, intrigue and suspense all wrapped up nicely in this book. I also loved the secondary characters and they were just as interesting as the main characters.

While I do love romance novels I often judge them on how often I rolled my eyes (ridiculous dialogue, plots too contrived, etc., can do it) however, this book did not have any of those. There was an almost eye roll when I got to one of the undercover personas the hero took on. I had to do some real crafty envisioning in my head to make myself believe he got away with it and no one knew he was a man. :)

I highly recommend the book and will be getting the other books in the series!