
Dishwasher: One Man's Quest to Wash Dishes in All Fifty States by Pete Jordan

x0pherl's review

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Easily the best (okay, also the only) book I've read about a dishwasher. It was good enough to keep me reading when I should have been going to sleep.
Sidenote: When I told River (my five year old daughter) that I was reading a book about a dishwasher that wanted to wash dishes in all fifty states, she thought I meant a machine. She was pretty fascinated to learn that some people wash dishes for a living.

wicked_sassy's review

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Entertaining and intriguing; well worth the read.

kalahcakes's review

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It's tough to enjoy a book when the protagonist is a terrible person. But it was interesting. Love me some nonfiction!

darastar's review

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An enjoyable book. I was disappointed at how the author chose to close it out, but it was very good up until that point.

lannthacker's review

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Man, this guy is an asshole. He takes irresponsible to its absurd extreme, but he writes well.

meghan111's review

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Made me feel better about my own lack of ambition. He quits a lot of jobs, and it feels good to read about it. Imagine a supervisor trying to take advantage of you somehow, or just generally being a jerk. Then imagine having the freedom to never show up to your job again, without explanation.

greenogal's review

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A really good read...totally entertaining and fun!

cradman's review

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I loved this lowly but lovely travelogue about an unbelievable ne'er do well.

erinmp's review

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I wanted to like this, but it just didn't do it for me. The writing wasn't very good--I read a review in which it was described as "flat" and I think that's an apt description. The other thing that really bothered me was Jordan's attitude about...well, everything. He is quite possibly the laziest person ever. I consider myself quite lazy, but he makes me feel damn productive in comparison. That's why he washes dishes--because he can get jobs quickly and leave whenever he feels the urge. I can appreciate his lust for travel, but that can't overcome his other issues. He also does quite a bit of historical research into the history of dishwashers and that breaks up the monotony of "Found a job. Washed dishes. Got bored. Hit the road." The section on the communes was pretty interesting. The book and his story had potential, but he didn't live up to it. Although based on his attitude, I guess that shouldn't be surprising.

jenniferdenslow's review

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One guy's quest to wash dishes in all 50 states. A slow and dreamy sort of On the Road...but Pete the dishwasher is a lot more likable and less mysoginistic than Kerouac and his buddies. He is still a slacker, though, and willing to walk out on a job at any whim.