
Boots by Angel Martinez

ctsquirrel's review

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Was going to be a 3.5 or a solid 4/5, but all the snark and a few Shrek references bumped it up.

"Curiosity may have killed the cat, but enforced patience will surely give him a stroke."

cmira2027's review

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Lovely fairy tale romance.

___tamara___'s review

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Fun story. An interesting mix of an old fairy tale and Japanese mythology.

liza5326's review

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A very interesting take on Puss in Boots. Willem's father dies and all he gets is the cat and $300. But it turns out that this cat isn't a normal cat. He's a kasha demon who has been cursed. That's where things got a little screwy. Not a bad story, overall, just strange in some spots. But what else can you expect from Angel Martinez?

the_novel_approach's review

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Reviewed by Cassie for The Novel Approach

I didn’t realize until I was about halfway through this story that the only thing I knew about the story of Puss in Boots was actually from the movie Shrek, so I jumped over to Wikipedia and looked that sucker up. I’m so glad I did, because half the fun of these retellings of fairytales that Angel Martinez is so good at is enjoying how the pieces of the original get their modern update, then enjoying where they get turned on their ear for the M/M update. This was a good one.

Willem’s a nice guy who’s down on his luck, with no real direction or plan for getting his life back under his control. Kasha, like any cat worth his whiskers, comes in to run the show and get Willem back on track. The magic that ensues is interesting and fun, and the pacing of the whole thing is pretty spot on. There’s enough space to give real time to the story and characters, making the whole thing a satisfying read. There was even a bit of suspense at the end that made the finale all the more enjoyable.

This is the second of Angel Martinez’s revamped fairytales I’ve read, and I’ve found them to be truly enjoyable novellas that are perfect for satisfying that modern fantasy itch while providing just a touch of nostalgia. Usually referencing one of the more obscure fairytales, they feel fresh even while sourcing a story you may already be familiar with. There’s no sense of rehashing an overused plot yet again, despite the familiarity. Boots is worth your time. Pick it up and enjoy it on one of these cold weekend afternoons; it’s the perfect excuse to stay in where it’s warm!

serukis's review

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Willem loses his job, lover and apartment in quick succession, so imagine his disappointment when the only thing his father leaves him in his will is the old brewery cat. But this particular cat can talk, and soon Willem finds that his fortunes will change forever.

Boots is a retelling of the old puss in boots fairytale, and, let me just say, it is one of the most adorable books I've ever read! <3

It is a very character driven story, as Willem and Puss/Kasha tread along the well-known plot of the fairytale (with a twist :)). I felt very close to their characters, especially Kasha. Kasha is a, well, kasha. He has been banished to earth in order to help humans. He enters their service when they give him boots, and then is relieved from service once they take the boots away. Most of the time he's in the form of a cat, but he can turn into a human too (oddly, with penile spines and a rough tongue - sort of a leftover from being a cat, haha). He's quite sarcastic and quick-witted, but there is a much more vulnerable and heartbroken side to him that makes you just want to scoop him up and protect him (and I'm allergic to cats!). Willem on the other hand, is tall, strong and dependable, though he really does have a rather impressive temper. However, despite this temper, Willem is gentle and protective and I love him and Pasha together.

With any other book, I'd get annoyed at the all-too-perfect and convenient ending, but, as it's based on a fairytale, I don't mind over much. It suits the fairytale feel of the story. :) If you don't like happily ever afters, however, Boots has one, so be warned!

Something strange about this story, actually. Often I found myself thinking that it was set in the past, even though there was mention of Antonio Banderas and cars. This usually would bother me, but in Boots it didn't really. I guess, again, I'll contribute it to the fairytale feel and the kind of dream-like quality the whole text has.

Boots isn't really that long - it's about a hundred or so pages - but I think that this is just about the right length. Any more, and Kasha and Willem's story would have been stretched out too far, which would have been detrimental to the story as a whole.

I loved how humorous and quirky the story was, as well. I loved the fact that the ogre was a lawyer and an investment banker (as well as, you know, an ogre). I also love the fact that his initials were I M Ogre (esq.). Little things like that just add a whole new level to the book. I also loved the interactions between Willem and Kasha - they were filled with wit and humour as well, and I found myself laughing and quoting bits to my (long suffering) fiancee (even though she's already read the book). :)

And, of course, it wouldn't be a review of erotica if I didn't mention the sex scenes. I found myself much more interested and invested in the sex scenes that I usually get, and they were both kinky and steamy to boot. I'm not sure if it was Willem's commanding bedroom presence, Kasha's adorableness or something else entirely, but I loved them.I even found myself admiring the metaphors that ran through the sex scenes, especially the one based on a storm. I'm a strange person admiring language in a sex scene, I know. Dont' judge me, hahaha.

If you enjoy fairytales, happy endings and hot, sweet man-love, you'll enjoy Boots. It's such a sweet, fulfilling story. <3

mrella's review

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The story is cute and cuddly, just like The Puss :)
Unexpected twists and turns kept me reading through the night and into the wee hours. Nice and easy, sticking to the original story in all the important places, but with several surprises of its own, a dash of yaoi - a few very sexy scenes - and the books is a 5 star read :)

chickwriter's review

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adubrow's review

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A cute and quick re-telling of "Puss in Boots." I definitely enjoyed it and cared about the main characters, but I think parts of just didn't work blend as well as others.