
Summoned by Mckayla Eaton

popthebutterfly's review

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I didn't mean to 1 star this read and the Goodreads app is trash, but I did mean to put it on my problematic books or authors list. This author refuses to listen to POC authors about her hurtful words and plays victim on Twitter.

books_over_everything's review

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Initial Thoughts

I listen to a ton of audiobooks. Before COVID, I had quite a lengthy commute to work so they were a huge lifesaver. Since I work from home now, I wasn’t sure how audiobooks would fit into my life. Turns out, I listen to them even more now. So, I am always looking for new audiobooks to listen to.

Some Things I Liked

Length. This was a really quick listen for me. I easily finished the book in one sitting. I have found that when an audiobook is too long, I sometimes lose interest in the story but because of the length. Here, I did not find that to be the case at all. The story was fast paced and kept me engaged.
Magic school in a modern setting. I really enjoyed the elements of magic woven into every day tasks as well as the way the magic system was explained to the reader. It wasn’t overly complex (to the point of being contradictory or convoluted) but rather, gave me enough context, that I felt I understood it and not bogged down by it.
Subtle romance. I enjoyed the lite romance in this story. I’d be eager to see it expanded on in future sequels, but, I found the amount of romance to be just right for the length of the story.

Series Value

I would definitely continue with this series. I really enjoyed the audiobook but I am so captivated by the story, I would definitely consider reading the next installment just to find out what happens to the characters.

Audiobook Value

I listened to this book at 2.5x speed. I listen to most audiobooks at a minimum of 2x speed so that’s a huge factor for me when listening. That being said, the narration was easy to follow and clear to understand even at that speed.

Similarly, the distinction of voices was excellent. Another issue I’ve seen with audiobooks is that conversations between characters are nearly impossible to decipher as the narrator sounds the same for all characters involved. Not the case here at all. Becci Martin’s voice acting is superb and I had no issues following any conversations. Not once while listening did I find myself needing to rewind because I missed or misunderstood something.

Because of the third person narration, the audiobook read as though someone was telling me a story. Therefore, I believe the audiobook would be the best way to receive this story. Please note, I have not read the physical book to directly compare, but, from what I heard, I am very happy that I listened to this one.

Final Thoughts

I’m so glad I was able to listen to this book. It was not on my radar before seeing the tour opportunity and it’s definitely a book that I’d have been bummed to miss out on. I thought the world building was unique, I am eager to know more about the characters, and the audiobook narration was bright and engaging. This is definitely a series I plan to stick with.


Recommendations for Further Reading

Scythe by Neal Shusterman – if you’re looking an engaging audiobook with a similar structure (two students and one teacher in a semi-modern world with a twist), look no further than this series. Please note, Scythe is sci-fi where Summoned is fantasy.
Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine – if you enjoyed the idea of students training to become teachers as well as traveling all over the world mixed with magic, try this series about a magical library and library apprentices. Please note, I read this series and can’t speak to the audiobook format.

sbennett94's review

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WOW! I LOVED this book. It grabbed my attention from the first page and held it until the end. Her writing was fluid and made for a quick and easy read, yet it wasn’t a plain or simple story. The character building wasn’t super in-depth yet, but the reality of Alton and Reagan are very relatable. I appreciated how magic was enter-twinned with everyday tasks. The magic wasn’t over done or simplistic. It was very well thought out.

The book was highly enjoyable!

That ending...Orvius

sweet_dee_reads's review

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First I want to say thank you to The Parliament House Press for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review. This book was an overall fun read! I was slightly confused in the very beginning but it was quickly cleared up. The storyline was enjoyable and I enjoyed getting to know the characters. All in all this was a fun and easy read and I will definitely be looking forward to future releases in his series.

energyrae's review

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We start off with a demon being summoned which can never be a good thing. But Eaton lets that sit as she introduces Alton, who has been trying to learn everything he can to become a wizard before his exams. He's sought after and then left many tutors in search of the best one, only now, one has come to him.

Orvius promises Alton a better way of tutoring, and there in his home, Alton learns he will be training with a girl named Regan. He's never trained with a girl before as it was against the rules. But it sounds like the duo will be doing plenty of things normally frowned upon. Now they're practicing magic and summoning forbidden by The Chamber, the body that governs the magical people in the world. What does this all have to do with the demon being summoned in the beginning?

So I really liked Alton and Regan, I liked it even better once they started getting along. There were a lot of fun magical elements in the story which kept things interesting. Eaton introduced various demons that ranged from very mild to straight out scary, and I liked the unique approaches they took to get rid of them. Summoned is the first book in a series that is definitely going to go places, I'm looking forward to seeing what more is in store for this duo, well done!

a_potter_nerd's review

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I received this as an eARC to read for free in exchange for my honest review. Thank you to The Parliament House for giving me access.

Mckayla Eaton created a modern day world with magic and I want to be a part of it.

If you are a fan of Harry Potter, then you will probably enjoy this. As The Parliament House describes it as a “more mature than Harry Potter”, I definitely agree. I find it to be a more fast paced, condensed version but entirely different at the same time.

Summoned is a fast paced read that left me wanting more. Seriously. This better not be a standalone. I. Need. More.