
Temptation by Douglas Kennedy

sadiecass's review against another edition

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Not for me. No stars b/c DNF

cynthiak's review against another edition

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A good page-turner.

mitrusheva's review against another edition

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Чете се лесно и бързо, увлича, но в крайна сметка, когато я завършиш, си задаваш въпроса - имаше ли смисъл? Сякаш ядеш царевични пръчици - уж ти е вкусно, а накрая хем си гладен, хем ти е тежко...

tonijemma2501's review against another edition

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I started off hating the main character, then feeling sorry for him, and then feeling even more sorry for him, and then feeling glad for him, and eventually really liking him. I actually liked this book more than I thought I would, and the message behind it is something everyone could relate to at least one time in their life.

angelerin's review against another edition

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I won this book for free in one of the goodreads giveaways.

I thought "Temptation" was a really good, thought provoking novel. I was not expecting the novel to be so deep. But it actually turned out to be pretty complex. I enjoyed riding the waves of David's highs and lows when it came to his success. I also enjoyed trying to decided if I think David is a jerk or not. He was at least flawed that's for sure. "Temptation" was definitely a roller coaster ride the whole way through and reminds you to stay humble! Overall it was pretty darn good and I really liked it! :)

susannes_pagesofcrime's review against another edition

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I remember where I was whilst reading this book, my husband and I were house sitting for a friend, I was pregnant and kept getting interrupted by my now son doing summersaults when I was in bed trying to read! Other than that I remember thinking that this book was a bit tame, lame, disappointing compared to his earlier works.

epictetsocrate's review against another edition

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Întotdeauna am vrut să fiu bogat. Ştiu că probabil vă sună aiurea, dar ăsta-i adevărul. O mărturisire sinceră.
Cam acum un an, mi s-a împlinit dorinţa. După zece ani de ghinioane – o acumulare toxică de nesfârşite scrisori de respingere şi „o să dăm mai departe asta”, obişnuita serie de cât pe ce („ştii, chiar căutam aşa ceva luna trecută”) şi (bineînţeles) aşteptarea zadarnică de a primi răspuns la telefoanele date – zeii întâmplărilor norocoase au hotărât, în cele din urmă, că merit un zâmbet. Şi am primit un telefon. Rectific: am primit telefonul pe care oricine îşi câştigă existenţa din scris visează mereu să-l primească.
Telefonul a venit de la Alison Eliroy, mult răbdătorul meu agent literar.
— L-am vândut, David.
Inima mi s-a oprit câteva secunde. Nu auzisem cuvintele „l-am vândut” fiindcă… în fine, sincer să fiu, nu mai auzisem vreodată acea propoziţie.
— Pilotul, a spus ea.
— Pilotul de televiziune?
— Da. Am vândut Cum să te vinzi.
— Cui?
— FRT.
— Poftim?
— FRT – adică Front Row Television; adică cel mai isteţ şi interesant producător de programe originale transmise prin cablu…

fbgirl63's review against another edition

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I read this book as part of a package (Douglas Kennedy Collection #2). Of the three books, this was my least favorite. It was a quick read, but I found myself by the end of the book wondering, "what was the point?". Maybe there was no point, but it was a fair read, I enjoyed it, but it is thoroughly forgettable. (Not so with the other two books in the collection, which I have commented on separately - The Woman in the Fifth and Leaving the World.)

tamaraepps's review

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Early into this book I wasn't sure I would like it as it seemed a bit cliched and didn't seem to have much of a plot. Then, it got interesting. I ended up having to read the whole thing simply because I had no idea where the story was going. It twisted and turned all over the place and I didn't see any of the twists coming (I wasn't even prepared for the story to suddenly twist whenever it did).

On the whole, I would recommend this book as it is a really interesting read though I felt the philosophical pondering and questioning at the end was unnecessary as I feel that fiction should allow the reader to question to life, but not spell out the questions for them.

leahmouse's review

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Terrible. Nothing to recommend here.