
Hungry Ghost by Allison Moon

morrigan's review against another edition

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Lunatic Fringe was a novel I struggled with and I had to take a break for a few months to finish it. It focused to heavily on the relationship and there wasn't enough about the werewolves for me to enjoy. Despite this I picked up Hungry Ghost with some trepidation and haven't regretted that from page one.

The lore in this series is original and intriguing. The strong feminist voice is refreshing and something that I love so much about this series as it's so rare to find. The characters and their growth is so believable and satisfying that I want to read the rest of their story right now to see where they go from here.

But most of all this book has finally made me fall in love with Lexie. In Lunatic Fringe I found her frustrating and kept hoping that the next chapter would bring a fresh POV to give a change of pace. In Hungry Ghost I enjoyed seeing the story from her perspective and seeing her growth directly.

I wish there had been more character development of the three male werewolves and Lexie's dad, especially as without them the fight with the Rare's would have turned out quite differently. With such little appearance in the narrative I didn't feel emotionally invested and the moments that should have been so emotional and meaningful felt flat and out of place.

There were also characters that really played no role at all and could have been left out, such as Lexie's aunt whose impact on the story is so little she could have been replaced with a journal or proper father development.

Overall this is an enjoyable story that is well written, thought out and ultimately satisfying.